Novel Materials and Processes for Advanced CMOS: Volume 745

Book Description

Progress in MOS integrated-circuit technology is largely driven by the ability to dimensionally scale the constituent components of individual devices and their associated interconnections. Given a set of materials with fixed properties, this scaling is finite and its predicted limits are rapidly approaching. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors establishes the pace at which this scaling occurs and identifies many of the technological challenges ahead. This volume assembles representatives from the fields of materials science, physics, electrical and chemical engineering to provide an insightful review of current technology and understanding. Specifically, the intent is to discuss materials issues stemming from device scaling to sub-100nm technology nodes. Topics include: high-k characterization; atomic layer deposition; gate metal materials and integration; contacts and ultrashallow junction formation; theory and modeling and crystalline oxides for gate dielectrics.

CMOS Front-End Materials and Process Technology: Volume 765

Book Description

In the future, because fundamental materials and process limits are being approached, continued transistor scaling will not be as straightforward. Future complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) transistors will require high-permittivity (high-k) gate dielectrics and metal gate electrodes, as well as low-resistance ultrashallow junctions, in order to meet the stringent specifications of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. Techniques to improve transconductance and drive current may also be required. Process integration issues must be solved, and reliability must be assured, before any new material or processing technique can be used in IC manufacture. A further complication is that the key challenges will differ according to application. This book reports research results from industry, government labs and academia covering a wide scope of front-end process issues for future CMOS technologies. Topics include: advanced materials and structures; high-k dielectrics; advanced gate stack materials; heterogeneous integration and strained Si technologies; ultrashallow junction technology; strained Si and source/drain technology; and laser annealing and silicide processes.

Magnetoelectronics and Magnetic Materials - Novel Phenomena and Advanced Characterization: Volume 746

Book Description

This book combines the proceedings of Symposium Q, Magnetoelectronics-Novel Magnetic Phenomena in Nanostructures, and Symposium R, Advanced Characterization of Artificially Structured Magnetic Materials, both from the 2002 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston. The common focus is on artificially engineered nanostructured magnetic systems. The two symposia address new phenomena in magnetoelectronic applications, their preparation, and advanced methodology for characterization. Interest in nanomagnetism has been catalyzed by advances in two fields of research. 1) Advances in materials synthesis of structures whose length scales transcend magnetic length scales and open the possibility for creating materials with new magnetic properties. Such structures include interfaces, superlattices, tunneling devices, nanostructures, and single-molecule magnets. 2) Advances in sample characterization techniques for nano-magnetism which allow detailed exploration of structure-property relationships in nanostructured magnetic systems. The volume highlights current trends in both fields and offers an outlook for further advances and new capabilities.

Crystalline Oxide: Volume 747

Book Description

This book contains the proceedings of two symposia held at the 2002 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston. Papers from Symposium T, Crystalline Oxides on Semiconductors, bring together experts from different technology areas - high-k gate dielectrics, novel memories, and ferroelectrics, for example - to examine commonality among the fields. These papers offer an overview of the field, highlight interesting experimental results and device ideas, and feature innovative theoretical approaches to understanding these systems. Symposium V, Interfacial Issues for Oxide-Based Electronics, covers a wide range of topics involving the interfaces between electro-optical oxide layers and other materials. Overall, it is clear that a new generation of materials and heterostructures has been enabled by the increasing control of interfacial phenomena. Topics include: epitaxial oxide-silicon heterostructures; ferroelectric thin films on silicon; theory and modeling; crystalline oxides for gate dielectrics; transparent conducting oxides; transparent conducting oxides and oxide growth and properties; field effect devices and gate dielectrics; ferroelectrics, capacitors and sensors; organic devices and interfacial growth issues.

Advanced Optical Processing of Materials

Book Description

Since the inauguration of the MRS symposium series on advanced optical processing of materials back in 1990, the number of optical-based techniques applied to process materials and the capabilities of optical systems has continued to expand and improve beyond simple pulsed-laser deposition of thin films. In turn, the scope of materials being investigated has also increased from oxide ceramics to include alloys, polymers and bio-materials. Many of the most exciting areas presented in this interdisciplinary forum include current and future applications in engineering materials at the mesoscopic-to-nanometer scale, optoelectronics, biomaterials, sensors and electronics. Advanced optical processing of materials now includes laser interactions with materials that are specially designed to optimize the beneficial qualities of laser modification. However, femtosecond processing of materials emerged as the dominant theme this year and several papers on this topic are featured. Another hot topic is one connected with biomedical applications--the controlled delivery of drugs to increase their efficacy by coating a fluidized bed of drug powders with biodegradable polymers was realized by conventional pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) and matrix assisted pulsed-laser evaporation (MAPLE) or by microencapsulation.

Physics and Technology of High-k Gate Dielectrics 5

Book Description

This issue covers in detail all aspects of the physics and the technology of high dielectric constant gate stacks, including high mobility substrates, high dielectric constant materials, processing, metals for gate electrodes, interfaces, physical, chemical, and electrical characterization, gate stack reliability, and DRAM and non-volatile memories.

Solid-State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials IV: Volume 755

Book Description

Since its inception in the mid-twentieth century, solid-state chemistry has matured within the chemical sciences. In the same way that chemistry itself is considered a central science, solid-state chemistry is central in its many relations to physics, in particular to solid-state physics and also to materials science and engineering. There are few problems in materials science or engineering in which the preparation of the material itself is not a central issue and, more often than not, this will be a solid-state chemical problem. For these reasons, it is not surprising that in the technological development of the last century, solid-state chemistry has grown in importance. It is not only a synthesis science, it is also the science of structures, defects, stoichiometry, and physical chemical properties. Most of these are explored in the book. Topics include: metal-to-insulator transition; porous materials; dielectric materials; nanomaterials; synthesis of materials; films and catalytic materials; CMR materials; thermoelectric materials; dielectrics, catalysts, phosphors, films and properties and synthesis and crystal growth.