Nueva historia general de México

Book Description

Esta obra sigue los pasos de la Historia general de México, publicada por vez primera en 1976 bajo la dirección de Daniel Cosío Villegas, pero es a la vez una renovación completa de aquel proyecto original como resultado de los cambios sustanciales que ha sufrido el panorama historiográfico en los 35 años transcurridos desde la aparición de la Historia general. Los 24 autores que participan en la obra aportan, en 16 capítulos, una mirada equilibrada pero puesta al día para interpretar la historia mexicana.

Historia general de México.

Book Description

La presente Versión 2000 es una nueva edición de la Historia general de México, preparada por el Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de México. En esta ocasión se incorporan, por primera vez desde la aparición original de la obra en 1976, varios cambios importantes, entre los que destacan la sustitución de algunos capítulos y la revisión y actualización de otros. Los capítulos sustituidos o renovados profundamente incluyen una amplia variedad de temas: las regiones de México, la prehistoria, el mundo mexica, el siglo XVI, el siglo XVIII, las primeras décadas del México independiente, la cultura mexicana del siglo XIX y la política y economía del México contemporáneo. Los capitulos correspondientes a estas temáticas han sido reescritos o modificados por autores que figuraban ya en la edición original: Bernardo García Martínez, José Luis Lorenzo, Pedro Carrasco, Enrique Florescano, Josefina Z. Vázquez, José Luis Martínez y Lorenzo Meyer.

Idea of a New General History of North America

Book Description

A Spaniard originally from Italy, the polymath Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci (1702–1753), known as Boturini, traveled to New Spain in 1736. Becoming fascinated by the Mesoamerican cultures of the New World, he collected and copied native writings—and learned Nahuatl, the language in which most of these documents were written. Boturini’s incomparable collection—confiscated, neglected, and dispersed after the Spanish crown condemned his intellectual pursuits—became the basis of his Idea of a New General History of North America. The volume, completed in 1746 and written almost entirely from memory, is presented here in English for the first time, along with the Catálogo, Boturini’s annotated enumeration of the works he had gathered in New Spain. Stafford Poole’s lucid and nuanced translation of the Idea and Catálogo allows Anglophone readers to fully appreciate Boturini’s unique accomplishment and his unparalleled and sympathetic knowledge of the native peoples of eighteenth-century Mexico. Poole’s introduction puts Boturini’s feat of memory and scholarship into historical context: Boturini was documenting the knowledge and skills of native Americans whom most Europeans were doing their utmost to denigrate. Through extensive, thoughtful annotations, Poole clarifies Boturini’s references to Greco-Roman mythology, authors from classical antiquity, humanist works, ecclesiastical and legal sources, and terms in Nahuatl, Spanish, Latin, and Italian. In his notes to the Catálogo, he points readers to transcriptions and translations of the original materials in Boturini’s archive that exist today. Invaluable for the new light they shed on Mesoamerican language, knowledge, culture, and religious practices, the Idea of a New General History of North America and the Catálogo also offer a rare perspective on the intellectual practices and prejudices of the Bourbon era—and on one of the most curious and singular minds of the time.

A new Compact History of Mexico.

Book Description

In 1973, El Colegio de México published the first version of Historia mínima de México (followed in 1974 by the English translation A Compact History of Mexico) for the purpose of providing Mexicans living at that time with basic historical knowledge of their country. While preserving the aim of synthesis and simplicity that served as a basic guideline for the earlier Historia mínima de México, this new work constitutes a completely novel and original manuscript. Thus, A New Compact History of México is not only a “new history,” but also an innovative one. In its pages, readers will find accounts and perspectives enabling them to gain a fundamental understanding of Mexican history in an enjoyable way.