OECD Economic Surveys: Germany 2018

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Germany has been enjoying strong economic performance. Exports have benefited from an innovative manufacturing sector. Record-low unemployment has underpinned private household demand. On aggregate, the population enjoys a high standard of living. The share of population in relative income ...

OECD Economic Surveys

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OECD Economic Surveys: Brazil 2018

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Strong growth and remarkable social progress over the past two decades have made Brazil one of the world's leading economies, despite the deep recession that the economy is now emerging from. However, inequality remains high and fiscal accounts have deteriorated substantially, calling for wide-ranging reforms to sustain progress on inclusive growth. A better focus of social expenditures towards the poor would reduce inequality and ensure sustainability of public debt at the same time. This will require difficult political choices, particularly in pensions and social transfers. Reducing economic transfers to the corporate sector, in conjunction with more systematic evaluations of public expenditure programmes, will strengthen growth, improve economic governance and limit the future scope for rent seeking and political kick-backs. Maintaining the growth potential of the economy requires stronger investment, which could also raise productivity and concomitantly, the scope for future wage increases. Simplifying taxes, reducing administrative burdens and streamlining licensing would raise investment returns, while stronger competition could generate new investment opportunities in thriving, high-performing enterprises. At the same time, trade barriers shield enterprises from global opportunities and foreign competition. Fostering a stronger integration into global trade would allow firms to become more competitive and generate new export opportunities. SPECIAL FEATURES: STRENGTHENING INVESTMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE; FOSTERING INTEGRATION INTO THE WORLD ECONOMY

OECD Economic Surveys: Germany 2010

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This 2010 edition of OECD's periodic survey of the German economy includes chapters covering emerging from the crisis, facilitating structural change and preventing long-term unemployment, bringing public finances back to a sustainable path, lessons ...

OECD Economic Surveys: Germany 2010

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This 2010 edition of OECD's periodic survey of the German economy includes chapters covering emerging from the crisis, facilitating structural change and preventing long-term unemployment, bringing public finances back to a sustainable path, lessons ...

OECD Economic Surveys

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OECD Economic Surveys: Korea 2018

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Economic growth picked up in 2017, but reforms are needed to sustain Korea's convergence toward the income levels in the most advanced countries. Its labour productivity is 46% below the top half of OECD countries, reflecting problems in the service sector. In addition, productivity in small ...

OECD Economic Surveys: Australia 2018

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Australia's long span of positive output growth continues, demonstrating the economy's resilience. In the absence of negative shocks, policy rates should start to rise soon, as wage growth and price-inflation pick up. Fiscal discipline will nevertheless still be required to bring balances to ...

OECD Economic Surveys: Germany 2010

Book Description

This 2010 edition of OECD's periodic survey of the German economy includes chapters covering emerging from the crisis, facilitating structural change and preventing long-term unemployment, bringing public finances back to a sustainable path, lessons ...

OECD Economic Surveys: Germany 2020

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The German economy entered a deep recession in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. A strong government response has reinforced health system capacity while protecting jobs and firms. The response to the crisis has included increases in investment to meet structural challenges from the energy transition and digital transformation.