OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Germany 2023

Book Description

Germany has continued to improve its environmental performance over the past decade. It has ambitious climate targets with the aim to reach climate neutrality by 2045 and achieve negative emissions after 2050.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Germany 2001

Book Description

This review of Germany's environmental conditions and policies evaluates progress in reducing the pollution burden, improving natural resource management, integrating environmental and economic policies, and strengthening international co-operation.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews, Germany

Book Description

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Portugal 2023

Book Description

Portugal managed to decouple several environmental pressures from economic growth over 2013-19. It played a leading role in the approval of the European Climate Law and adopted the Portuguese Framework Climate Law in 2021.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Israel 2023

Book Description

Israel’s rapid economic and population growth along with a high degree of urbanisation continue to exert significant pressure on the environment. Israel has raised its climate ambitions in recent years, though is not on track to reach greenhouse gas reduction targets.