OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in the United States 1999

Book Description

This report presents an integrated assessment of regulatory reform in framework areas such as the macroeconomic context, the quality of the public sector, competition policy and enforcement, and integration of market openness principles in regulatory processes.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in the Netherlands 1999

Book Description

This book presents an integrated assessment of regulatory reform in the Netherlands in areas such as the macroeconomic context, the quality of the public sector, competition policy and enforcement, and integration of market openness, and in sectors such as electricity and telecommunications.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Reform in Korea 2000

Book Description

This Review presents an integrated assessment of regulatory reform in framework areas such as the quality of the public sector, competition policy and enforcement, and market openness in Korea.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Norway 2003 Preparing for the Future Now

Book Description

This OECD Review of Regulatory Reform of Norway presents an overall picture, set within a macro-economic context, of regulatory achievements and challenges including regulatory quality, competition policy, and market openness.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Russia 2005 Building Rules for the Market

Book Description

This review of regulatory reform in Russia covers the overall economic context, the government’s capacity to manage regulatory reform, competition policy and enforcement, and market openness. It also examines the electricity and railroad sectors.