OECD Territorial Reviews: Slovenia 2011

Book Description

This review finds that, despite its relatively small size, Slovenia is a good illustration of the potential of regional development policy. Its internal diversity, openness and experience of rapid structural change all reinforce the need for efficient reallocation of resources.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Ukraine 2013

Book Description

This review addresses the territorial dimension of a range of policy challenges in the Ukraine, including governance, innovation, urban development and rural policy.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Peru 2016

Book Description

This report sets out how regional policies in Peru can help it to improve productivity and maintain its growth trajectory. It also includes recommendations for how Peru can develop a comprehensive approach to urban policy, including enhancing linkages with rural areas.

OECD Territorial Reviews: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa 2011

Book Description

Against the backdrop of South Africa’s achievements since the fall of apartheid, this Review evaluates measures to position economic development policy and to confront economic inequality in the Johannesburg/Pretoria region.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Switzerland 2011

Book Description

OECD's 2011 Territorial Review of Switzerland. It finds that overall, regions in Switzerland are faring well but finds room for improvement in regional labour productivity growth.

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Slovenia 2012

Book Description

This review of innovation policy in Slovenia offers a comprehensive assessment of Slovenia's innovation system, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations and identifies good practices.