Chemical Sensors in Oceanography

Book Description

Oceanographic chemical sensing is a new and expanding field which has seen rapid recent development, and the increasing demand to make these types of measurements will ensure continuing technological advances. Chemical Sensors in Oceanography details the state-of-the-art of oceanographic chemical sensor research. It identifies the novel areas where chemical sensors are being used and developed, and indicates their usefulness to marine science. Leading researchers in the field introduce some of the most important techniques under development today, including their detecting principles, the monitored parameters, their theory, technology, and application to the marine environment. Chemical Sensors in Oceanography then goes on to consider the nature of future sensor development. This book will be an invaluable reference source for oceanographers, marine scientists and analytical chemists, particularly those involved in the development of chemical sensors. It is also recommended as a supplementary text for students studying chemical sensors.

The Use of Fiber Optic Sensors for In-Situ Chemical Measurements in the Ocean

Book Description

New chemical measurement techniques are continually being developed to improve detection limits, accuracy, reliability, and to obtain data in situ or in real time. Recent work has been done in the development and application of fiber optics and fiber optic sensors (FOS) for the measurement of specific chemical parameters in saltwater systems. To date, FOS have shown great promise and seem destined to become an important contribution to our ability to predict water quality trends in marine and estuarine waters. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is supporting the development of FOS for measuring pH, carbon dioxide, and dissolved oxygen in marine waters. These and other FOS will be discussed with emphasis on sensor design, current research, ocean applications, and future direction.

Challenges and Innovations in Ocean In Situ Sensors

Book Description

Challenges and Innovations in Ocean In-Situ Sensors: Measuring Inner Ocean Processes and Health in the Digital Age highlights collaborations of industry and academia in identifying the key challenges and solutions related to ocean observations. A new generation of sensors is presented that addresses the need for higher reliability (e.g. against biofouling), better integration on platforms in terms of size and communication, and data flow across domains (in-situ, space, etc.). Several developments are showcased using a broad diversity of measuring techniques and technologies. Chapters address different sensors and approaches for measurements, including applications, quality monitoring and initiatives that will guide the need for monitoring. Integrates information across key marine and maritime sectors and supports regional policy requirements on monitoring programs Offers tactics for enabling early detection and more effective monitoring of the marine environment and implementation of appropriate management actions Presents new technologies driving the next generation of sensors, allowing readers to understand new capabilities for monitoring and opportunities for another generation of sensors Includes a global vision for ocean monitoring that fosters a new perspective on the direction of ocean measurements

Chemical Sensor Development in Oceanography

Book Description

In situ autonomous chemical sensors, combined with the right deployment platforms provide novel, powerful tools for oceanographers to observe biogeochemical processes on unprecedented spatial and temporal scales. However, many aspects of chemical sensor technology have not yet reached full maturity, preventing routine use by the community at large. This dissertation aims to fill this critical need in ocean observing technology, with a focus on Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor (ISFET) pH sensors for profiling float applications. Following a brief introduction to the current status of marine chemical sensor technology, the four chapters address the various steps involved in sensor development: sensor characterization, calibration, data quality control (QC), and a modeling effort using sensor data. Chapter 2 introduces a simple QC protocol for profiling float oxygen data by comparison to a monthly climatology. This protocol can constrain O2 at the surface to better than 3%, and detect sensor drift with high confidence. Similar approaches can be taken to QC other chemical sensors data from profiling floats. Chapter 3 characterizes the response of the ISFET pH sensor and the Chloride-Ion Selective Electrode by comparison to the hydrogen electrode and the silver-silver chloride electrode, respectively. Both electrodes showed near-Nernstian response, thus the error in pH due to non-theoretical behavior of the electrodes is negligible over the oceanic range of pH and salinity. Chapter 4 quantifies the effect of pressure on the pH of certified tris buffer prepared in synthetic seawater. Assignment of pH values to certified buffer solutions is essential for sensor calibration. As the number of pH sensors deployed under high pressures is expected to increase, this chapter will fill a critical need in sensor validation and traceability. Chapter 5 presents habitat-specific ocean acidification projections between 2012 and 2100 for 4 habitats in the upper 100 m of the Southern California Bight. The projections were generated by combining high frequency pH sensor data, a regional empirical relationship of the CO2 system, and hydrographic data to characterize the properties of upwelled waters. Habitat specific acidification signals were predicted, and implications for future ocean acidification research are discussed.

Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Algal Blooms

Book Description

The proliferation of harmful phytoplankton in marine ecosystems can cause massive fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, impact local and regional economies and dramatically affect ecological balance. Real-time observations are essential for effective short-term operational forecasting, but observation and modelling systems are still being developed. This volume provides guidance for developing real-time and near real-time sensing systems for observing and predicting plankton dynamics, including harmful algal blooms, in coastal waters. The underlying theory is explained and current trends in research and monitoring are discussed.Topics covered include: coastal ecosystems and dynamics of harmful algal blooms; theory and practical applications of in situ and remotely sensed optical detection of microalgal distributions and composition; theory and practical applications of in situ biological and chemical sensors for targeted species and toxin detection; integrated observing systems and platforms for detection; diagnostic and predictive modelling of ecosystems and harmful algal blooms, including data assimilation techniques; observational needs for the public and government; and future directions for research and operations.

Chemical Marine Monitoring

Book Description

Wide- scale chemical monitoring programmes are required by international conventions and European Union policies such as the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the new EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This entails all waters, including transitional and coastal waters, sediments and biota. The final volume in the Water Quality Measurement Serieshighlights policy frameworks and analytical trends with an emphasis on laboratory methods and quality control. Within this comprehensive text, the following sections are included: Setting the Scene; monitoring of pollutants Policy Settings; international conventions and EU marine strategy Marine monitored parameters; trace elements, chemical species, organic micropollutants, and nutrients Types of monitoring; classical chemical monitoring, biomonitoring and in-situ methods Quality assurance; certified reference materials for marine monitoring Research and developments; the role of sediments in coastal monitoring, and passive sampling technologies Chemical Marine Monitoring: Policy Framework and Analytical Trends is intended for postgraduates and researchers working in analytical chemistry and its application to environmental and health analyses. Those interested in developing new methods and materials in relation to drinking water regulations with also find this book beneficial.

In-situ Chemical Sensors for Detecting and Exploring Ocean Floor Hydrothermal Vents

Book Description

Researchers and engineers, from academia, government, and industry, met and discussed the feasibility of using state-of-the-art laboratory technology for in-situ chemical measurements in the deep ocean, in and around active submarine hydrothermal systems. The concept of an autonomous benthic explorer (SENTRY) was presented to illustrate some of the constraints which must be kept in mind when adapting laboratory analytical tools to the deep ocean. A concensus was reached that some existing technologies either are being, or can be, adapted for in-situ measurement, in the near future, at reasonable cost . For many analytical techniques, minimal basic research will be required, and laboratory and in-situ testing represent the bulk of the work to be performed. A selection of analytical techniques appear particularly ready to undergo testing and transformations for in-situ measurements, including: electroplating, vol tame try, potentiometric glass electrodes, and fiber optic technologies. Other techniques, such as in-situ Mass Spectrometry, do not appear to meet the criterias of technological readiness for in-situ deployment . Some technologies already being utilized or under development for use in the deep ocean include, for example: CO2, O2, H2, H2S, CH4 sensors, voltametry for the determination of sulfur chemical speciation, fiber optic sensors for pH determination, and automated chemical microlaboratories for a wide variety of applications. These techniques, however, require further research for long-term deployment and their ability to perform at high temperature, as encountered around submarine active hydrothermal systems.