La Danza de Las Musas

Book Description

Clemente, nacido en un pueblo de la profunda meseta castellana, alcanzó la cima de sus pensamientos y el cariño de cuantos le rodeaban, a través de una gran sinceridad, y lealtad, en la vida y en el trabajo. Pensaba, que el mejor negocio era ser serio y honrado, que la mayor desgracia era ser pobre, y que, para progresar, había que estar, culturalmente, preparado. Estaba seguro de la meta, pero no del camino. La esperanza, el sacrificio y la sensata ambición, encaminaron el rumbo de su vida. Y unos ojos verdes, que le orientaron continuamente.

Píldoras para Pensar

Book Description

Compendio de los refranes que escucho en su hogar y la ampliacion de otros muchos que nunca oyo y que siguen vigentes en la cultura popular hispana.

Moving Otherwise

Book Description

Moving Otherwise examines how contemporary dance practices in Buenos Aires, Argentina enacted politics within climates of political and economic violence from the mid-1960s to the mid-2010s. From the repression of military dictatorships to the precarity of economic crises, contemporary dancers and audiences consistently responded to and reimagined the everyday choreographies that have accompanied Argentina's volatile political history. The titular concept, "moving otherwise" names how both concert dance and its off-stage practice and consumption offer alternatives to and modes to critique the patterns of movement and bodily comportment that shape everyday life in contexts marked by violence. Drawing on archival research based in institutional and private collections, over fifty interviews with dancers and choreographers, and the author's embodied experiences as a collaborator and performer with active groups, the book analyzes how a wide range of practices moved otherwise, including concert works, community dance initiatives, and the everyday labor that animates dance. It demonstrates how these diverse practices represent, resist, and remember violence and engender new forms of social mobilization on and off the theatrical stage. As the first book length critical study of Argentine contemporary dance, it introduces a breadth of choreographers to an English speaking audience, including Ana Kamien, Susana Zimmermann, Estela Maris, Alejandro Cervera, Renate Schottelius, Susana Tambutti, Silvia Hodgers, and Silvia Vladimivsky. It also considers previously undocumented aspects of Argentine dance history, including crossings between contemporary dancers and 1970s leftist political militancy, Argentine dance labor movements, political protest, and the prominence of tango themes in contemporary dance works that address the memory of political violence. Contemporary dance, the book demonstrates, has a rich and diverse history of political engagement in Argentina.

forum for inter-american research Vol 4

Book Description

Volume 4 of 6 of the complete premium print version of journal forum for inter-american research (fiar), which is the official electronic journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS). fiar was established by the American Studies Program at Bielefeld University in 2008. We foster a dialogic and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Americas. fiar is a peer-reviewed online journal. Articles in this journal undergo a double-blind review process and are published in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

La Mujer Que Enloqueció Por Un Pata De Camello

Book Description

La Mujer Que Enloqueció Por Un Pata De Camello, es la emotiva historia de Najya, una mujer como tú y como yo que se caso con un hombre que le destruyo la vida. Esta experiencia la convirtió en una maquina programada para cuidar a sus hijos y se olvido de ser mujer. Pero, un día descubre que es una mujer, un ser humano que tiene derecho amar. Este libro está escrito de una manera sencilla pero llena de pasión. Te transportara al Lejano Oriente y te enseñara a vivir a plenitud y ver lo hermosa que es la vida aun cuando estés pasando por momentos difíciles. ¿Que hiere a una mujer? ¿Que deseamos las mujeres? ¿Que necesitamos para ser felices? ¿Cómo piensan los hombres? ¿Que sienten?¿ Vale la pena todo por amor? Un libro ideal para mujeres y hombres que van en búsqueda del amor.

Outdoor Domesticity

Book Description

Trees have been deliberately connected with houses since they were introduced as a prominent part of architectural design. The relationships of contiguity between houses and trees have existed since ancient times. However, at the end of the 19th century those links became explicit in the design process, as the house emerged as one of the fundamental architectural programs, and as the result of an increasing sensibility towards environmental aspects and the landscape. The first part of this publication is to present a collection of exemplary five houses that evinced explicit relationships with pre-existing trees. The five twentieth century projects are: La Casa (B. Rudofsky, 1969), Cottage Caesar (M. Breuer, 1951), Ville La Roche (Le Corbusier & P. Jeanneret, 1923), Villa Pepa (J. Navarro Baldeweg, 1994) and Hexenhaus (A. & P. Smithson, 1984-2002). The second part of the book contributes three theoretical concerns for the contemporary project, those ones which are established in the process, with respect to time, place and outdoor domesticity in modern western housing. One of these theoretical contributions establishes that any house located on a site finds a significant place in conjunction with the preexisting trees. The second contribution describes the effects in terms of time, in addition to spatial considerations, which trees can contribute to the architectural project. Finally, the establishment of these connections between architecture and trees enlarges the idea of the house: the tree serves to draw the surrounding environment into the house and, as a result, becomes an intrinsic part of the house itself.

Inc›gnito sobre la tierra

Book Description

La operacion de rescate de la tierra realizada por el senor, necesita una mision unica, irrepetibe e inimaginable. Estremecedora narracion del acontecimiento mas impactante que tuvo lugar sobre la tierra.

The Bloomsbury Companion to Dance Studies

Book Description

The Bloomsbury Companion to Dance Studies brings together leading international dance scholars in this single collection to provide a vivid picture of the state of contemporary dance research. The book commences with an introduction that privileges dancing as both a site of knowledge formation and a methodological approach, followed by a provocative overview of the methods and problems that dance studies currently faces as an established disciplinary field. The volume contains eleven core chapters that each map out a specific area of inquiry: Dance Pedagogy, Practice-As-Research, Dance and Politics, Dance and Identity, Dance Science, Screendance, Dance Ethnography, Popular Dance, Dance History, Dance and Philosophy, and Digital Dance. Although these sub-disciplinary domains do not fully capture the dynamic ways in which dance scholars work across multiple positions and perspectives, they reflect the major interests and innovations around which dance studies has organized its teaching and research. Therefore each author speaks to the labels, methods, issues and histories of each given category, while also exemplifying this scholarship in action. The dances under investigation range from experimental conceptual concert dance through to underground street dance practices, and the geographic reach encompasses dance-making from Europe, North and South America, the Caribbean and Asia. The book ends with a chapter that looks ahead to new directions in dance scholarship, in addition to an annotated bibliography and list of key concepts. The volume is an essential guide for students and scholars interested in the creative and critical approaches that dance studies can offer.

La música en la naturaleza y en el hombre

Book Description

Presentamos lo que podríamos considerar como una filosofía darwiniana de la música, que comprende, entre otros temas, la teoría de la evolución musical y sus causas, la influencia del ambiente musical y del principio de selección natural, la diversidad de las especies musicales de lso distintos pueblos...

Belated Declaration of Love to Séraphine Louis

Book Description

Belated Declaration of Love to SZraphine Louis brings together a panoramic survey of Venezuelan narrative, the original Spanish text of eight short stories by the late writer, with full English translation, and a focused commentary of the stories and the work of Denzil Romero. This bilingual critical text is an invaluable addition to available resources in Latin American literature for advanced courses taught through either Spanish or English. (TEXT IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH)