Photobiology, Ionizing Radiations

Book Description

Comprehensive Biochemisty, Volume 27: Photobiology, Ionizing Radiations deals with the aspects of bioenergetics, immunochemistry, photobiology, and molecular phenomena that underlie the evolution of organisms. This book discusses the types of phototropic response, action spectra in the further ultraviolet, and structure and light-absorbing properties of the photoreceptor cells. The preliminary remarks on visual pigment structure, synopsis of extracted systems, oxidation of proteins, and effects of ultraviolet radiation and photoreactivation are also elaborated. This text likewise covers the chemical nature of photoreactivable damage, reversibility of potentiated flowering response, and primary reactions in algae and higher plants. This volume is beneficial to biochemists and specialists researching on ionizing radiations.


Book Description

It is not always the case that the subject of a scientific book and its relevance to everyday li fe are so timely. Photobiology and its si ster subject Radiobiology are now a must for understanding the environment we live in and the impact light, ultraviolet light, and radiation have on all aspects of our life. Photobiology is a true interdisciplinary field. Photobiology research plays a direct role in diverse fields, and a glance at the topics of the symposia covered in this book by over 100 articles shows the breadth and depth of knowledge acquired in fundamental research and its impact on the major issues and applied problems the world is facing. Half a century of photobiology research brought about an understanding of the importance of light to life, both as a necessary source of energy and growth as weIl as its possible dangers. Research in photochemistry and photobiology led to the discoveries of ceIlular repair mechanisms of UV induced damages to DNA and this led to understanding of the effects of hazardous environmental chemieals and mutagenecity , and to the development of genetic engineering. This topic was given due emphasis in several symposia and chapters in this book.

Molecular Photobiology

Book Description

Molecular Photobiology: Inactivation and Recovery describes the deleterious photochemical reactions occurring in biological systems. This book is composed of 10 chapters that specifically tackle light interactions in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum resulting to damaged proteins and nucleic acids in living systems. This book deals first with the kinds of photochemical reactions that can occur and the possible effects of photochemistry on molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. The succeeding chapters highlight the principle of recovery mechanisms, wherein evidence shows that cells can repair their damaged genetic material, and thus recover from the otherwise inactivating effects of light. The remaining chapters are devoted to the comparison and contrast of some biological effects of ionizing radiation and those of ultraviolet radiation. This book is of value to molecular photobiologists, photochemists, biochemists, and radiation scientists and researchers.

Photochemistry and Photobiology of Nucleic Acids

Book Description

Photochemistry and Photobiology of Nucleic Acids: Volume II, Biology is a collection of papers that deals with the biological effects due to stable UV induced alterations in critical cellular macromolecules, including cell death, growth delay, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis. The papers assume that DNA is the macromolecule most relevant to cell pathology, as well as to the photochemical and photobiological properties of RNA which are essential in cellular functions. One paper investigates the UV-induced cross-linkings of proteins with nucleic acids as a possible cause of biological effects other than just in terms of the damage done to nucleic acids. Other papers discuss the mechanisms of protection against, and in the repair of damage caused by UV photons and by ionizing radiation (also chemical mutagens) in many organisms from viruses to mammalian cells. The repair processes appear to play a role in monitoring and preserving the structural integrity of DNA during physiological processes such as replication and transcription. One paper notes that in experiments on human embryonic lung fibroblasts WI-38 at very high radiation doses, radiation products of Thy in acid-soluble form appear while products from the DNA (acid-precipitable fraction) disappear. The paper suggests that the excision process is therefore selective. The collection is suitable for biochemists, microbiologists, or academicians whose works involve genetics, cancer, and cellular research.

Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews

Book Description

The goals of the science of photobiology can be divided into four cate gories: to develop (1) ways to optimize the beneficial effects of light on man and his environment, (2) methods to protect organisms, including man, from the detrimental effects of light, (3) photochemical tools for use in studies of life processes, and (4) photochemical therapies in medicine. To achieve these goals will require the knowledgeable collaboration of biologists, chemists, engineers, mathematicians, physicians, and phys icists, because photobiology is a truly multidisciplinary science. While a multidisciplinary science is more intellectually demanding, it also has a greater potential for unexpected breakthroughs that can occur when data from several areas of science are integrated into new concepts for the oretical or practical use. Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews continues to provide in-depth coverage of the many specialty areas of photobiology. It is hoped that these reviews will provide an important service to the younger sci entists in the field and to senior scientists in related fields, because they provide a ready access to the recent literature in the field, and more importantly, they frequently offer a critical evaluation of the direction that the field is taking, or suggest a redirection when appropriate.

Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews

Book Description

The goals of the science of photobiology can be divided into four categories: to develop (I) ways to optimize the beneficial effects of light on man and his environment, (2) methods to protect organisms, including man, from the detrimental effects of light, (3) photochemical tools for use in studies of life processes, and (4) photochemical therapies in medicine. To achieve these goals will require the knowledgeable collaboration of biologists, chemists, engineers, mathematicians, physicians, and physicists; because photobiology is a truly multidisciplinary science. While a multi disciplinary science is more intellectually demanding, it also has a greater potential for unexpected breakthroughs that can occur when data from several areas of science are integrated into new concepts for theoretical or practical use. Photochemical and Photobiological Reviews continues to provide in depth coverage of the many specialty areas of photobiology. It is hoped that these reviews will provide an important service to the younger scientists in the field and to senior scientists in related fields, because they provide a ready access to the recent literature in the field, and more importantly, they frequently offer a critical evaluation of the direction that the field is taking, or suggest a redirection when appropriate. Kendric C. Smith Editor vii Contents v Contents of Earlier Volumes ...................................... . Preface ............................................... . vii Chapter 1. The Activation of Enzymes with Light ................... .

The Science of Photobiology

Book Description

The first edition of The Science of Photobiology was published in 1977, and was the first textbook to cover all of the major areas of photobiology. The science of photobiology is currently divided into 14 subspecialty areas by the American Society for Photobiology. In this edition, however, the topics of phototechnology and spectroscopy have been com bined in a new chapter entitled "Photophysics." The other subspecialty areas remain the same, i.e., Photochemistry, Photosensitization, UV Radiation Effects, Environmental Photobiology, Photomedicine, Circadian Rhythms, Extraretinal Photoreception, Vision, Photomorphogenesis, Photomovement, Photosynthesis, and Bioluminescence. This book has been written as a textbook to introduce the science of photobiology to advanced undergraduate and graduate students. The chapters are written to provide a broad overview of each topic. They are designed to contain the amount of information that might be presented in a one-to two-hour general lecture. The references are not meant to be exhaustive, but key references are included to give students an entry into the literature. Frequently a more recent reference that reviews the literature will be cited rather than the first paper by the author making the original discovery. The chapters are not meant to be a repository of facts for research workers in the field, but rather are concerned with demon strating the importance of each specialty area of photobiology, and documenting its relevance to current and/or future problems of man.

Comparative Effects of Radiation

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