Therapeutic Exercise

Book Description

The premier text for therapeutic exercise Here is all the guidance you need to customize interventions for individuals with movement dysfunction. You’ll find the perfect balance of theory and clinical technique—in-depth discussions of the principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy and the most up-to-date exercise and management guidelines.

Clinical Reasoning for Manual Therapists E-Book

Book Description

A practical text covering the theory and the practice of clinical reasoning skills for all physical therapists. Provides readers with activities to improve their own clinical reasoning within their own clinical setting. With a range of very high-caliber international contributors in the field of physiotherapy practice, this book gives the answers to the practitioner's question of how does one apply the theoretical knowledge involved in clinical reasoning to practice and how can one become a better practitioner as a result.* This book will provide readers with activities to improve their own clinical reasoning within their own clinical setting* Increase clinicians' awareness of the clinical reasoning process* Encourage clinicians' reflection of their own reasoning including factors that influence their reasoning, typical errors they may be making and how to promote skilled reasoning

Patients with subacromial pain in primary care

Book Description

Background: Shoulder pain is a common musculoskeletal disorder and 40-74% of the patients attending primary healthcare with a shoulder disorder are diagnosed with subacromial pain. Subacromial pain is characterized by restricted and painful movement of the arm that leads to difficulties in performing arm-related activities and often affects the quality of life profoundly, with respect to everyday function, work capacity, sleep quality and mental health. It is crucial that the measurements used to evaluate shoulder function and treatment response have acceptable psychometric properties and also that they are patients-specific and time-efficient to administer. For patients with subacromial pain, exercises are recommended as first-line treatment but consensus about which exercises and dosage to recommend has not been reached. The lack of evidence for one specific exercise model may be partly due to heterogeneity among this group of patients. The overall aim of this thesis were to evaluate the efficacy of a previously tested exercise strategy for patients with subacromial pain in a primary care setting, to describe the heterogeneity with possible subcategories among patients with subacromial pain, and finally to validate and adjust the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire for more diagnosis-specific clinical assessment. Methods: The four papers in this thesis are based on two clinical studies, one randomized controlled trial (RCT) and one clinical cohort. The participants in both studies were patients with subacromial pain attending physiotherapist (PT) in a primary care setting. Two of the papers are based on psychometric analyses, with evaluation of construct validity and responsiveness for the DASH when used to evaluate shoulder function in patients with subacromial pain, and also calculation of minimal important change (MIC) for a diagnosis-specific short version of DASH (DASH 7). A third paper describe clinical presentation in patients with subacromial pain, based on the components active range of motion (AROM), rotator cuff function and scapular kinematics and the fourth paper evaluated the efficacy of a 3-month specific exercise strategy in comparison to an active control strategy. Results: Seven items from the original DASH were identified as being the most important in evaluating patients with subacromial pain (resulting in the DASH 7 questionnaire). The DASH 7 shows good responsiveness, can discriminate between patients who perceive themselves as improved and those who do not, and maintain a high level of internal consistency for the assessment of shoulder function in patients with subacromial pain, using only a quarter of the items of the original DASH. Based on clinical presentation, patients with subacromial pain in the primary care setting comprise a heterogeneous group. Rotator cuff dysfunction, defined as pain during resisted isometric muscle-testing, is very frequently present while limitation in active range of motion and scapular dyskinesia are less common. After three months of exercise, both groups in the RCT had significantly improved with no between group difference as measured with the primary CM-score. However, as measured with the DASH and the DASH 7, the patients in the specific exercise group was significantly more improved compared to those in the active control group. Conclusions: The DASH 7 questionnaire is a short patient-reported outcome measurement (PROM) with good responsiveness, specific for patients with subacromial pain. Heterogeneity was confirmed with identified variability in AROM, rotator cuff function and scapular kinematics in clinical presentation which confirms that these components are important in the clinical examination of patients with subacromial pain. Shoulder function evaluated with the CM score did not improve to a significantly different degree between the two groups studied. The specific exercises might not be necessary for all patients in the primary care setting to achieve a clinically relevant improvement. However, the specific exercise strategy was significantly better when improvement was assessed by DASH and DASH 7, and this leads us to recommend this strategy, with its progressive loading of the rotator cuff muscles and scapula stabilizers, as first choice, provided that it is tolerated by the patient. Bakgrund: Axelsmärta är ett vanligt problem i befolkningen och bland de som söker hjälp för sin axelsmärta inom primärvården är subacromial smärta den vanligaste diagnosen. Subacromial smärta karaktäriseras av smärta vid armaktivitet, främst vid aktivitet i och över axelhöjd samt bakom ryggen. Det är vanligt att denna smärta ger störd sömn och svårighet att utföra fritidsaktiviteter och dagligt arbete vilket kan bidra till försämrad psykisk hälsa och livskvalitet. Det är viktigt att kunna mäta och utvärdera skulderfunktion samt effekt av behandling på ett tillförlitligt sätt och att de instrument som används känns relevanta för patienten samt är tids-effektiva att administrera. Träning är den behandling som i första hand rekommenderas för patienter med subacromial smärta men det saknas fortfarande tydliga riktlinjer gällande vilka övningar och vilken dosering som är den bästa. En diskuterad anledning till att det är svårt att påvisa sådana riktlinjer kan vara att patientgruppen är heterogen. Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen var att utvärdera effekten av en specifik träningsstrategi för patienter med subacromial smärta i primärvård, att identifiera och beskriva variationen i klinisk presentation hos patienter med subacromial smärta samt att validera och justera självskattningsformuläret DASH för dignosspecifik bedömning. Metoder: De fyra delarbeten som ingår i den här avhandlingen baseras på två kliniska studier. Samtliga studiedeltagare var patienter med subacromial smärta som sökte vård hos fysioterapeut inom primärvården i Östergötland. I två delarbeten analyseras mätegenskaper för självskattningsformulär, gällande validitet och responsiveness (förmåga att mäta förändring över tid) hos DASH för patienter med subacromial smärta samt gällande kliniskt relevant förändring hos den diagnosspecifika kortversionen, DASH 7. Ett tredje delarbete beskriver klinisk presentation hos patienterna utifrån komponenterna aktiv rörlighet, muskelfunktion i rotatorkuff samt skulderbladets rörelsemönster och det fjärde delarbetet utvärderar effekten av en specifik träningsstrategi jämfört med en aktiv kontrollstrategi för patienter med subacromial smärta i primärvård. Resultat: Sju av de ursprungliga 30 frågorna i DASH identifierades som de viktigaste för att utvärdera skulderfunktion hos patienter med subacromial smärta (vilket resulterade i ett nytt självskattningsformulär, DASH 7). DASH 7 uppvisar god responsiveness och kan skilja mellan de patienter som upplever sig förbättrade och de som inte gör det, samt bibehåller hög intern konsistens för bedömning av skulderfunktion hos patienter med subacromial smärta, med endast en fjärdedel av frågorna från DASH. Baserat på klinisk presentation, konstateras att patienter med subacromial smärta i primärvård är en heterogen grupp. Störd funktion i rotatorcuffens muskulatur, definierat som smärta vid isometriska muskeltester, är vanligt förekommande medan inskränkt aktiv rörlighet och stört rörelsemönster i skulderbladet förekommer mer sällan. Efter tre månaders träning uppvisar patienterna i båda träningsgrupperna en signifikant förbättring i skulderfunktion. Gällande funktion mätt med utvärderingsinstrumentet CM ses ingen skillnad i effekt mellan träningsgrupperna. Däremot, när skulderfunktion utvärderas med DASH och DASH 7, ses att patienterna i den specifika träningsgruppen förbättrats signifikant mer jämfört med patienterna i den aktiva kontrollgruppen. Konklusioner: DASH 7 är ett kort självskattningsformulär med god förmåga att mäta förändring över tid, specifikt utformat för patienter med subacromial smärta. Heterogenitet konstateras baserat på variationen i klinisk presentation gällande de tre komponenterna: aktiv rörlighet, muskelfunktion i rotatorkuff samt skulderbladets rörelsemönster, vilket visar på att dessa komponenter är viktiga i bedömningen av patienter med subacromial smärta. Förändrad skulderfunktion, utvärderat med CM, visar ingen skillnad i effekt mellan de två träningsgrupperna som testats. Den specifika träningen verkar därmed inte behövas för alla patienter med subacromial smärta i primärvård för att uppnå en kliniskt relevant förbättring. Utvärdering av skulderfunktion med DASH och DASH 7 däremot visar att patienterna i den specifika träningsgruppen blivit signifikant bättre jämfört med de i den aktiva kontrollgruppen. Baserat på dessa resultat rekommenderar vi den specifika träningsstrategin som förstahandsval vid behandling av subacromial smärta, förutsatt att patienten tolererar den belastade träningen för rotatorkuff- och skulderbladsmuskulatur.

Shoulder Surgery Rehabilitation

Book Description

This book aims to equip physiotherapists rehabilitation specialists and orthopedics to provide the best possible care for patients who have undergone surgery for a range of the more common shoulder pathologies, including fractures of the proximal third of the humerus, arthritis and prosthesis of glenohumeral joint, glenohumeral instability, rotator cuff lesions, other athletic injuries of the shoulder. It does so by presenting information on various aspects of the conditions and their surgical treatment and explaining clearly how these are directly relevant to rehabilitation. Among the topics covered are functional anatomy, imaging, treatment indications, surgical techniques and materials, peri- and postoperative complications, and communication with the patient. The book will promote effective teamwork, conducted using the same language, between the surgeon and the rehabilitator, and will facilitate the development and implementation of a rehabilitation program that has the best chance of effecting a speedy and complete recovery in each individual case.

Rehabilitation for Persistent Pain Across the Lifespan

Book Description

The area of rehabilitation research for patients having persistent pain is on the move. The rapid growth in pain science has inspired rehabilitation clinicians and researchers around the globe. This has led to breakthrough research and implementation of modern pain science in rehabilitation settings around the world. Still, our understanding of persistent pain continues to grow, not in the least because of fascinating discoveries from areas such as psychoneuroimmunology, exercise physiology, clinical psychology and nutritional (neuro)biology. This offers unique opportunities to further improve rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain across the lifespan. Also, the diversity of health care disciplines involved in the rehabilitation of chronic pain (e.g. physicians, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, coaches) provides a framework for upgrading rehabilitation for chronic pain towards comprehensive lifestyle approaches.

Shoulder Arthroplasty

Book Description

This book describes and evaluates techniques and devices used in shoulder arthroplasty with a view to enabling readers to improve their surgical practice. After an opening section on basic knowledge, including surgical anatomy, key issues in total shoulder arthroplasty and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) are considered in detail. Among the topics covered are biomechanics, cemented versus cementless humeral fixation, the comparative merits of humeral components featuring short stem and stemless designs and of pegged and keeled glenoid components, the influence of humeral inclination in RTSA, and the avoidance and management of unstable RTSA. An entire section is then devoted to the description and illustration of valuable surgical tips and tricks. Arthroplasty for acute proximal humerus fractures is considered separately, again addressing important aspects of technique and current controversies. The book is an outcome of a workshop held by the international Shoulder Club, formed at Hacettepe University in Ankara in 2015 with the aim of bringing together leading authorities in the field and young orthopedic surgeons and students from across the world in order to disseminate expertise and exchange ideas.

Pre-surgery physiotherapy and pain thresholds in patients with degenerative lumbar spine disorders

Book Description

Background: Patients scheduled for spinal surgery often experience long duration of pain, which may influence the pain-regulation system, function and health and have an impact on post-surgery outcome. Prehabilitation potentially augments functional capacity before surgery, which may have beneficial effects after surgery. Aim: The overall aim of the thesis is to study pre-surgery physiotherapy and somatosensory function in patients with degenerative lumbar spine disorders and to explore the patients’ experiences of pre-surgery physiotherapy. Methods: Somatosensory function was measured with quantitative sensory testing (QST). Pre-surgery physiotherapy was evaluated with patient-reported outcome measures (n = 197). Patients’ experiences of how symptoms are explained and their experiences of the influences on back-related health after pre-surgery physiotherapy were explored. Results: Half of the patients reported back or leg pain for more than 2 years. On a group level, the somatosensory profiles were within the reference range. On an individual level, an altered somatosensory profile was found in 23/105 patients, these were older, more often women, and reported higher pain, larger pain distribution and worse SF-36 MCS (mental health component summary). Patients with disc herniation, more sensitive to pressure pain in the hand presurgery, was associated with poorer function, self-efficacy, anxiety and depression score pre-surgery, worse function, self-efficacy and leg pain 3 months post-surgery and worse health related quality of life, self-efficacy, depression score 1 year postsurgery. The results for sensitivity for cold pain were similar, except that it even was associated with poorer function and pain 1 year post-surgery. The pre-surgery physiotherapy group had less back pain, better function, health, self-efficacy, fear avoidance score, depression score and physical activity level than the waiting-list group after the pre-surgery intervention. The effects were small. Both groups improved significantly after surgery, with no differences between groups, except that the higher physical activity level in the physiotherapy group remained at the 1-year follow-up. Only 58% of the patients reported a minimum of one visit for rehabilitation during the 1 year preceding the decision to undergo surgery. Patients experienced that pre-surgery physiotherapy had influenced symptoms, physical function, coping, well-being and social functioning to various degrees. Pre-surgery physiotherapy was experienced as a tool for reassurance and an opportunity to reflect about treatment and lifestyle. The patients mainly used biomedical explanatory models based on image reports to explain their backrelated symptoms. Both broader and more narrow, as well as lack of explanations of symptoms emerged. Further, wanting and sometimes struggling to be wellinformed about symptoms and interventions were described. Conclusions: Being more sensitive to pressure- and cold pain in the hand, as a sign of widespread pain pre-surgery, was associated with poorer function, pain and health at post-surgery in patients with disc herniation. Pre-surgery physiotherapy decreased pain, fear avoidance, improved health related quality of life; and it decreased the risk of a worsening in psychological well-being before surgery. The improvements were small, and improvements after surgery were similar for both groups. At the 1-year follow-up, the physiotherapy group still had a higher activity level than the waiting list group. The pre-surgery physiotherapy was well tolerated. Patients’ reported experiences also illustrates the influence on function, pain and health. Patients experienced that pre-surgery physiotherapy provided reassurance and gave time to reflect on treatments and lifestyle. Symptoms were mainly described in line with a biomedical explanatory model. Those using a broader explanation were confident that physiotherapy and self-management could influence their back-related symptoms.

Cognitive Interviewing Practice

Book Description

The use of the cognitive interviewing method for survey question testing has proliferated and evolved over the past 30 years. In more recent years the method has been applied to the evaluation of information letters and leaflets and to research consent forms. This book provides a practical handbook for implementing cognitive interviewing methods in the context of applied social policy research, based on the approach used by the authors at the NatCen Social Research (NatCen) where cognitive interviewing methods have been used for well over a decade. The book provides a justification for the importance of question testing and evaluation and discusses the position of cognitive interviewing in relation to other questionnaire development and evaluation techniques. Throughout the book, the focus is on providing practical and hands-on guidance around elements such as sampling and recruitment, designing probes, interviewing skills, data management and analysis and how to interpret the findings and use them to improve survey questions and other documents. The book also covers cognitive interviewing in different survey modes, in cross national, cross cultural and multilingual settings and discusses some other potential uses of the method.


Book Description

It is with great pleasure and ,much interest that I accepted to write the foreword to this book by Paul Doury, Yves Dirheimer, and Serge Pattin on the subject of "algodystrophy." First, because I know the extent of their personal experience, from which they have selected the best for this book. Second, because it seemed to me that their detailed analysis of the numerous works on the subject, works which have been published all over the world and which provide diverse physiopathologic interpretations, would provide a comprehensive study meeting a real need. Algodystrophy, to adopt the term used by the authors, merits rheumatolog ists' careful attention. It is indeed a frequent condition and, as is now well known, occurs in the most varied etiologic circumstances; it is not solely posttraumatic, a notion on which diagnosis had long been based. This variable etiology suggests the complexity of algodystrophy's pathogenic mechanism.

Shoulder Pain?

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