Pinky Promise

Book Description

Pinky Promise is a short, sweet, compelling story with an inspirational touch. This story displays a childs love for their parents and the knowledge of prayer to God. Penny is a nine-year-old girl that knew to pray to God for her father. This book also makes one think of the scripture Train up a child in the way they should go, so when they get old, they wont depart. Pinky Promise also shows the seriousness of prayer and that a child prayer is powerful and meaningful to God. God still answers. It also showcases family life. The story deals with issues common in most households. Families deal with critical events, love, care, support, and how they make it through problems. Pinky Promise captures the heartfelt love between child and parent. Family values are very important.

Pinky Promise

Book Description

Ages 4 to 8 years. Your heart and soul will take flight on the wings of a butterfly, as you are carried away with this touching Lepidoptery tale of the external agreement between Pearl and Ruth. After all, a promise is a promise, especially a pinky promise.

Pinkie Promises

Book Description

Polly knows she's strong and capable. But whenever she offers to help her uncle or brother or neighbor, they tell her: "That's not what girls do." Then one day, Polly goes to a rally to meet a woman who's running for president, and they make a pinkie promise to remember all the things that girls do. Polly carries that promise with her at school, onto the soccer field, and even into an election for Class President! This inspiring story will encourage young readers to dream big. Godwin Books

Daddy's Pinky Promise

Book Description

While on a field trip at school, Kayla and her best friends figured out one of the best gifts a child can give their parent while doing time in prison. This will take Kayla and her best friends through the city docks of Annapolis, and a ferryboat ride across the bay that will land them at the Inner Harbor of Baltimore.

Pinky Promise

Book Description

When Ally Davenport finds herself in the unfortunate circumstance of burying a father who's never supported her and reunited with her childhood crush, Jeremy White, she thinks she's finally able to set bygones straight. There's no better time than the present to make everyone see that she doesn't need anybody to believe in her, but herself. Ally finds herself back in a place she never thought she'd be following the death of her father. Her one-night stand with Jeremy was supposed to make her feel vindicated and able to forget the past pain. Now, staring into the eyes of their son Zach, she finds that all she ever truly desired was to be needed, and there's no way she's letting anyone take that way. Vowing to keep the existence of their son a secret, discovering that Jeremy is back around and more persistent than ever evokes all types of feelings and emotions. Together, they experience a roller-coaster ride of passion, rekindled love and the hope to building a family that they both have wanted from the beginning, unbeknownst to each other.

Pinky Promise

Book Description

Pinky Promise

Book Description

A promise between a child and a responsible adult. The child promises to tell the responsible adult anything that make them uncomfortable, and the responsible adult promises to listen, believe, and protect the child.

Pinky Promise

Book Description

A promise between a child and a responsible adult. The child promises to tell the responsible adult anything that makes them uncomfortable, and the responsible adult promises to listen, believe, and keep the child safe.

Pinky Promise Annotated

Book Description

Pinky Promise: The most sacred, serious, vowel anyone can ever swear to. If broken, you must suffer some serious consequences. These promises come straight from the heart and are sworn to value.

Pinky Promise

Book Description

Throughout the Bible, we see so many instances when God promises to help His beloved children through difficult times. Too often we forget these promises and allow the pressures of the world get in the way of living fully for Christ. In this study, we will explore 31 promises God makes to us and allow these promises to bring us encouragement on life's journey.