Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development

Book Description

Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development is the result of a project carried out by the European Union and the OECD Development Centre in ten partner countries.

Latin American Extractivism

Book Description

This cutting-edge book presents a broad picture of global capitalism and extractivism in contemporary Latin America. Leading scholars examine the cultural patterns involving gender, ethnicity, and class that lie behind protests in opposition to extractivist projects and the contrast in responses from state actors to those movements.

La investigación en la Universidad del Valle de México

Book Description

La investigación es una de las actividades más gratificantes que existen para todas aquellas personas que se dedican a la educación en sus diferentes niveles, primero porque es un reto intelectual para el académico que decide enfrentarse a los procesos epistemológicos y metodológicos, lo cual no es fácil porque implica una solida formación en las formas de pensamiento que la humanidad ha desarrollado y en segundo lugar porque el investigador se encuentra en la disyuntiva de asumir una postura ante la realidad que se le presenta y tratar de explicarla para mejorarla. El presente libro se compone de una serie de ensayos de profesores-investigadores que nos cuentan sus experiencias de cómo desde la Universidad del Valle de México, Región Estado de México y Morelos, abordaron el difícil camino de hacer investigación y despertar la curiosidad científica en sus alumnos.

OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Colombia 2015

Book Description

This review assesses the performance of Colombian agriculture over the last two decades, evaluates Colombian agricultural policy reforms and provides recommendations to address key challenges in the future.

The Emergence of the Ethically-Engaged University

Book Description

This edited volume examines the role of the modern university as a public good institution ethically engaged in social transformation. Featuring contributions from internationally recognized scholars across both the Global North and South, this collection contexualizes issues in higher education such as community engagement, service learning, citizenship and civic responsibility both locally and globally (e.g., local, regional, national, and global engagement). Each chapter addresses the intangible, multifaceted dimensions of the relationships, community impact, and knowledge generation associated with community collaborations. In this way, the volume contributes towards the possibility of re-imagining the role of the modern university beyond a market-oriented, passive, and de-solidarized practices towards a more ethically engaged paradigm based on principles of mutuality, reciprocity and social responsibility.

Book Description