Poems for Life Peace, Love, Bliss, Enlightenment and Happiness

Book Description

Do you want to read poems that can transform your Life? Poems that can lead you to everlasting peace and bliss? Poems that can light up your life and eradicate the darkness of ignorance that most of us live in? These beautiful poems can help you Realize the Truth about life, about God, about your true self. They can motivate you to remain positive and strong, eliminate all negativity in life. You can read a poem every day and be inspired to move closer to the ultimate goal of life. A true treasure, these poems will see you through the hardest of times as they will help you Realize what life is all about.

How to Live with Eternal Peace, Divine Love and Everlasting Bliss

Book Description

What does every human being in this world want? We want Happiness and Happiness comes from Peace and Love and this creates Bliss. What is Peace? Peace is within. Peace, we don’t have to find. We just have to still our mind. What is True Love? True Love is Bliss, not just a kiss. When we discover the Secret of Life, we will also discover Peace, Love and Bliss and live a life of Eternal Happiness. This book will reveal the Secret!

Enlightened Ego!

Book Description

Our Ego makes us suffer. It creates anger, hate, jealousy and vengeance. It screams, ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘mine’. People often say, 'Kill your Ego!' While we cannot annihilate the Ego, we can transcend it and have an Enlightened Ego. And an Enlightened Ego is free from all misery, agony and anguish. This book will help you understand what an Enlightened Ego is and show you how to Enlighten your Ego.

From Yoga to Moksha

Book Description

What is the journey from Yoga to Moksha? Yoga is Yuj or union with the Divine. And Moksha is the ultimate goal of life. It is liberation from all suffering on earth and from the cycle of death and rebirth. It is unification with the Divine. Only a true Yogi is qualified to embark on the journey to Nirvana or Moksha. So, how can we be in Yoga? And what after that? This book will take you from Yoga to Moksha, on a life-transforming journey as you discover, ‘Who am I and why am I here?’

How to Overcome Fear, Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Book Description

We all struggle with these five monsters and suffer because of them. Is there a way to overcome them? There is. All we have to do is to still the Mind and be in the state of Consciousness. This book will show you how to flip over from Mind to Consciousness and eliminate Fear, Worry, Stress, Anxiety and Depression from your life.

3 Peaks of Happiness - 2nd Edition

Book Description

The whole world is seeking Happiness. But not many of us know that there are 3 Peaks of Happiness. The first peak is Achievement which promises us only pleasure, which is fleeting. The second peak is Fulfillment where we live a life of Peace and Bliss. But on these two peaks, we still suffer. The third peak of Happiness is Enlightenment and it is on this peak that we are truly Happy. This book will lead us to the third and ultimate peak of Happiness, Enlightenment. It will show us how to discover our life's Purpose and how to live blissfully, moment by moment, in Divine Consciousness, with Eternal Happiness, Divine Love and Everlasting Peace! Don't miss to read the second edition of the book.

The A to Z of Happiness

Book Description

Who doesn’t want to be happy? We all enjoy pleasure but we think that it is bliss. Pleasure is only momentary. It is ephemeral. Little do we realize that we can be eternally happy and there’s a way to it. ‘The A to Z of Happiness’ is a collection of happiness secrets that is guaranteed to take us to the ultimate peak of happiness, where there is no suffering, no misery, no sorrow. There is a way, a way to eternal bliss and joy that comes from Truth Consciousness. And this book will lead you to it. Get ready to smile all the while, as you discover the A to Z of Happiness!

Discover The Mantra Of Happiness

Book Description

How often have you felt that you have been stupid, and you could not stop the stupidity! If you want to put an end to your stupidity, this book is just the book for you. In this book, AiR shares a simple tool that will help you stop being a fool, a Mantra, we never learned in school! All you have to say is, ‘Stop it, Stupid!’ to yourself when you feel like a fool, and you will see the magic. We human beings are the only ones blessed with the power of the Intellect. We can discriminate, and we can choose. We have been gifted with the willpower to change. However, as long as we are slaves to the Mind and Ego, ME, we will continue to do stupid things. This Mantra is a result of AiR’s own personal experience, an outcome of his journey of self-realization.

Discover The AiR Happpiness Secret

Book Description

Do you know the spelling of Happiness? According to AiR-Atman in Ravi, Happpiness has 3 Ps — Pleasure, Peace and Purpose. As the happpiest man on earth, AiR has discovered the Happpiness Secret, a way to live in Eternal Bliss in Truth Consciousness. His HAPPPINESS SECRET is a combination of the 19 letters of the acronym, AiR HAPPPINESS SECRET. Those who adopt this in their lives can live a life of Eternal Bliss without any suffering or sorrow. Yes, it’s possible but only if we Discover the AiR Happpiness Secret that is in this book!

Enlightenment! The Myth and the Truth!

Book Description

Are you seeking Enlightenment? Can you be Enlightened? Is Enlightenment a gift for a select few - for intellectual saints and sages? No, we have been gifted with a human birth so that we all can attain Enlightenment. Unfortunately we are not able to be enlightened because we are living with the myth and we do not Realize the Truth. To Realize the Truth, to be Enlightened, we have to unlearn the lies and bust the myth that we have lived with. This book will help you be enlightened with the Truth as it discriminates the Truth from the Myth associated with life, religion, God and spirituality.