Political Science for Kids - Presidential vs Parliamentary Systems of Government | Politics for Kids | 6th Grade Social Studies

Book Description

In this book, your child will learn about the presidential and parliamentary systems of government. Aside from the most basic, straightforward definitions, this learning resource will also discuss examples to further your child’s knowledge. Encourage your child to learn more about politics. Read this educational tool beginning today.

Political Science for Kids - Democracy, Communism & Socialism | Politics for Kids | 6th Grade Social Studies

Book Description

What are the differences between democracy, communism and socialism? This book on politics will provide wonderful, easy-to-remember definitions for your elementary student. It will also include examples of societies using these ideologies for even better understanding. There’s much to learn from this good book on political science. Grab a copy today.

History of the Two-Party System | American Political Party System Grade 6 | Children's Government Books

Book Description

Use this book to learn about the two-party system that is practiced in the United States. You will also read about the political party and what it takes to be a member of one. Further, examine the functions of political parties as well as how they are organized. Delve deeper into how the US government works. Grab a copy today.

Parliamentary Versus Presidential Government

Book Description

Parliamentary and presidential governments--exemplified by most European countries for the former and the United States and Latin America for the latter--are the two principal forms of democracy in the modern world. Their respective advantages and disadvantages have been long debated, at first mainly by British and American political observers but with increasing frequency in other parts of the world, not only in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, but in Latin America and Asia as well. The recent world-wide wave of democratization has intensified both the debate and its significance. This volume brings together the most important statement on the subject by advocates and analysts--from Montesquieu and Madison to Lipset and Linz. It also treats the merits of less frequently used democratic types, such as French-style semi-presidentialism, that may be regarded as intermediate forms between parliamentarism and presidentialism.

How Are Presidents Chosen? The Presidential System of Government | The America Government and Politics Grade 6 | Children's Government Books

Book Description

At the end of this book, you should be able to explain the process of the presidential election in the USA. Discuss how presidential candidates are selected and how they go through the process of nominating conventions to general elections. How often are presidential elections held? Know everything about choosing presidents in America by reading this book. Begin today.

Structure and Function of Government | Creation of U.S. Government | Social Studies 5th Grade | Children's Government Books

Book Description

How was the US government created? This book on social studies discusses the structure and function of government. Give your child the knowledge that will allow him/her to internalize how governments use their powers to unify a nation. Also written in this book are the many terms of office - what they are, who they are, how do they do what they do. Get a copy today.

World Electoral Processes: Presidential System of Government Gr. 5-8

Book Description

**This is the chapter slice "Presidential System of Government Gr. 5-8" from the full lesson plan "World Electoral Processes"** Become a voting expert with a clear understanding of the election process. Our resource breaks down the differences between a presidential, parliamentary and dictatorship government. Travel back to ancient times to experience the first voting system. Explore the concept of a democratic government and whether it truly represents the people. Discover how the president has to share powers with the legislature in a presidential system. Explain why it is easier to pass laws in the parliamentary system than in the presidential system. Roleplay as a member of Parliament and deliver a 90-second statement about an important issue. Find out why most dictators were military leaders, and how the role of dictator has changed over time. Learn about suffrage and what the requirements are for a citizen to be allowed to vote. Hold your own election to decide on a policy for running your classroom. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional writing tasks, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.

Living Two Lives : Differentiating Your Private and Civic Life | Political Science for Grade 6 | Children's Reference Books

Book Description

Use this book to understand your duties as a private person and a citizen of your country. What is the difference between your private and civic life? What can you do to help your community and contribute to the development of your town and region? How can you perform your duties as a citizen while keeping your private life? Read this book to come up with a plan soon.

How Do Governments Resolve Civil and International Conflicts? | Politics Books for Kids Grade 5 | Children's Government Books

Book Description

In this book, you will learn how America has resolved civil and international conflicts in the past. Remember that the country’s history is riddled with wars inside and outside its borders as it worked on establishing itself as a free and independent nation. Read about the techniques the US employed to resolve conflicts. Learn from reading. Begin today.