Porn Free Bibles

Book Description

Q: What is Porn Free Bibles? A: Porn Free Bibles is a comedy of biblical proportions. Every letter of this book is given special care and attention to make sure it has the highest humor content guaranteed to make you laugh. In fact if any letter at any point in time during the course of reading this book is not particularly funny you can black them out with a permanent marker. The book then can be used as your very own classified government document replica that is safe, fun, and easy to use! So sit back, relax, grab an icy cold , and enjoy this book of humor essays. Q: What does this book have to offer? A: Well for starters it has many uses around the house such as the paper at the bottom of a birdcage, fire fuel, origami, and you can even read it too! In fact the essays in this book are all about the humor of everyday life. Each essay was given special attention... oh look at the pretty kitty! Here kitty... kitty... kitty... Now what was I saying? Oh yes this book is pretty nifty. Q: What exactly are the humor essays about? A: Well they are about tons of things. For example there is the one about how to predict the apocalypse, how to put on an ideal face at a party, and even one about how to fix your car. Q: How to fix my car? Are you serious? A: Yes indeed for example did you know that the black stuff coming from your car is oil. Q: You don't say. A: No really, I'm serious it's oil! And the car needs it for something or other. Q: Right... well according to your title you imply that there is actually bibles with porn out there. Is that true? A: I'm sure the bible in some hotels that charge by the hour have porn in them. Q: Good point. Do you have anything else to say? A: Nope other then Porn Free Bibles is hysterical humor essay book and that it is carefully... oh look at the kitty!

Biblical Porn

Book Description

Between 1996 and 2014, Mark Driscoll's Mars Hill Church multiplied from its base in Seattle into fifteen facilities spread across five states with 13,000 attendees. When it closed, the church was beset by scandal, with former attendees testifying to spiritual abuse, emotional manipulation, and financial exploitation. In Biblical Porn Jessica Johnson examines how Mars Hill's congregants became entangled in processes of religious conviction. Johnson shows how they were affectively recruited into sexualized and militarized dynamics of power through the mobilization of what she calls "biblical porn"—the affective labor of communicating, promoting, and embodying Driscoll's teaching on biblical masculinity, femininity, and sexuality, which simultaneously worked as a marketing strategy, social imaginary, and biopolitical instrument. Johnson theorizes religious conviction as a social process through which Mars Hill's congregants circulated and amplified feelings of hope, joy, shame, and paranoia as affective value that the church capitalized on to grow at all costs.

The Sex Spiral

Book Description

Every Sunday, in Bible-believing churches across the world, pews are filled with men and women who have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. However, millions of people walk away from the worship service confused as to why they are not experiencing the freedom that the Scriptures proclaim. There is a direct correlation between the confusion and apathy within our churches and the pandemic of pornography in our pews. Unfortunately, the statistics are too big to quote and we don’t believe them when we do. How is it possible that so many Christians are addicted to pornography? Isn’t Jesus enough? Why are we still being tempted with lust? What’s wrong? What’s missing? The Sex Spiral: Forgiven and Free From Pornography is a plan to experience not only the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, but also the freedom He promises— specifically from lust. The Sex Spiral will teach you God’s design for sexuality, the triggers that lead to porn addiction, and most importantly how to exit the Sex Spiral itself with a purity plan for your life.

Finally Free

Book Description

Eight gospel-centered strategies for overcoming the lure of pornography and finally breaking free. This book is not about pornography. You won't find graphic depictions about the porn industry, the catastrophic effects it has on individuals and relationships, or how to think differently about porn. If you're reading this book, you probably have some understanding of those things already—the last thing you need is to be subjected to that kind of detail...again. Finally Free is about hope. It's about discovering the freeing power available to those who trust in Jesus Christ, who can, will, and does set people free from the power of pornography. Dr. Heath Lambert, a leader in the biblical counseling movement, has organized this book around eight clear and practical tactics you can wield to make it easier to flee lust and temptation and shelter in the protection of God's grace. Each chapter: Clearly demonstrates how the gospel applies to the fight against sexual temptation. Lays out relevant methods for leaning on Christ's strength—both in advance of and in moments of temptation. Explains how Jesus can move readers from a life of struggle to a life of purity. If you've struggled personally against the powerful draw of pornography, or if you've ever tried to help someone fighting this battle, you know how hard it is to break its bonds. But there is good news: no matter how intense or long-standing the struggle, Jesus Christ has the power to free people from the enslaving power of pornography. The Gospel has a power that works practically in the lives of those who seek to imitate Christ—and you can learn how to live into that power.

Closing the Window

Book Description

Pornography is everywhere, and many Christians have fallen prey to its snare. Tim Chester believes we can be captured by a better vision—a liberating confidence that God offers more than pornography does. Moving beyond pat answers or mere willpower, Chester offers spiritual, practical and corporate resources for living porn free.

Overcoming Pornography Addiction

Book Description

Pornography addiction is a real and very serious problem for people of all types and backgrounds. It may even be a serious problem for you. If you or someone to know is struggling with the sexual sin of porn addiction, this study aid can help break the chains of slavery to sin. Inside this booklet: - Pornography Addiction - It's a problem... - What is Pornography Addiction? - Internet Pornography Affects Christians - Coming Out of Slavery to Sexual Sin - The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Adapted for Sexual Addicts - From Slavery to Freedom - 3 Bible Tips on Avoiding Pornography and Lust - Breaking Free from Sexual Addictions - Tools of Recovery

Captured by a Better Vision

Book Description

You long to be free but ... Pornography has reached epidemic proportions. And in God's eyes porn is ugly. 'Unbearably ugly,' says Tim Chester, 'but for the grace of God.' In the New Testament Paul warns, 'Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them.' Tim Chester points the reader to something infinitely better, something that captivates without causing shame, remorse or embarrassment: the glory and beauty of Christ. We are made to be satisfied with God alone, and told to avoid the sin that hinders our relationship with him. Tim exposes the lies and deceptions of porn, inviting us to be fully free, and showing positively and practically how this can be possible in daily life. We can be captured by a better vision. 'Fantastic practical and realistic help... I highly commend this timely book.' Carl Beech 'A lifeline for those who feel trapped... A message of grace, strength and hope.' Ian Coffey 'Will rescue many a marriage and restore many a man to a place where purity and passion coexist in biblical relationship.' Steve Gaukroger

Live Pure and Free

Book Description

Live Pure and Free is a 90-day devotional for men who want to win in their battle for purity. Dave Howe shares practical insights gained over 10 years of work with both single and married men who are committed to living the way God intended: pure and free. Dave writes for men from a unique vantage point. As someone who, by God's grace, has overcome the battle for sexual purity, it is his mission to help others do the same. Each daily reading in Live Pure and Free challenged men to get in the game and take action. Live Pure and Free is real. It's gritty. But most of all, it gives hope. Live Pure and Free is an essential resource for pastors and counselors. It's a vital tool for men's small groups and an effective one-on-one resource for accountability partners.

Five Steps to Breaking Free from Porn

Book Description

Porn has become so commonplace, even among Christians, that its use has woven itself into the daily lives of countless men and women, disrupting marriages and short-circuiting believers’ effectiveness for God. Users of pornography know their habit is wrong, but they ask, “What can I do to stop? How do I say no when porn tempts me?” Author Joe Dallas has worked for more than 25 years with Christian men caught in the porn trap and has developed a five-step plan for breaking the cycle and developing a practical structure anyone can implement to keep himself from the destructiveness of pornography. This concise and user-friendly manual is a must-have for the modern Christian man wanting to make a clean break from porn. With an emphasis on biblically-based principles, Five Steps to Breaking Free from Porn points the way to freedom and gives readers the tools they need to put the porn habit behind them forever.

The Gospel & Pornography

Book Description

The problem isn’t sex. God designed sex; and sex is good. Sex is a powerful union that brings men and women together. But when sex is distorted by sin, the misuse of our sexuality can alienate us from one another, causing immense harm and pain. Enter pornography—the most prevalent distortion of sexual sin in America. Pornography is not only a problem in terms of personal morality, but a social epidemic that is making the possibility of sexually-fulfilled marriages harder to achieve. It is rewiring our brains to think about sexuality in destructive ways. We have a very serious problem, and it’s not isolated to any one segment of culture. So, what now? Editors Russell Moore and Andrew T. Walker of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) assemble leading voices to frame the issue with a gospel-centered perspective. The Gospel for Life series gives every believer a biblically-saturated understanding of the most urgent issues facing our culture today, because the gospel is for all of life.