Practical Mental Influence

Book Description

Your Thoughts Have Powers Beyond Your Imagination William Walker Atkinson talks about the different "feelings" we get at different places and he says these feelings are the result of influence, mental influence, we get from the vibrations that are stored in these places. Now, this and many topics in the book are simply unbelievable to a man or woman with a closed-mind. But, the essence of the book is that thought messages can be sent and received by two or more persons. So, he says that we can influence others through our thoughts and vice versa. One good lady used it for a good cause. She was insulted by her relative. Instead of responding in kind, she used the methods from this book. She said from her mind to her relative (to paraphrase her): "You cannot insult me anymore and I tell you, whatever you say or do to insult me will only make matters worse for you. Now you are going to stop all those comments directed at me." The person immediately stopped the comments! And that person never insulted her again. This is an instance of using the methods from this book for a good purpose, because using it for evil deeds could make it happen as well (but it may also prove to be destructive eventually). Be warned, only use them for good. Some Insights From the Book: 1. There are two general forms of the direct use of Mental Influence, which, although somewhat resembling each other, may still be separated into two classes. The first we shall call "Fascination" and the second "Hypnotism." By Fascination we mean the manifestation of Mental Influence when the two persons are together, without passes or the usual hypnotic methods. By Hypnotism we mean the uses of the power, also when the two parties are together, but accompanied by passes or hypnotic methods. 2. Some masters of this art of influencing the public create a mental picture of themselves sending out great volumes of Thought Waves for a time, and then afterward mentally imparting a rotary motion to the waves, until at last they form a mental whirlpool rushing round and round and always sucking in toward the centre. An effort of this kind acts on the mental plane just as a physical whirlpool acts on the physical plane, that is, it draws into Us power all that comes in contact with its force. 3. With this consciousness held in mind, your mental command to another "Let me alone - I cast off your influence by the power of my Spirit," will act so strongly that you will be able to actually see the effect at once. If the other person be stubborn and determined to influence you by words of suggestion, coaxing, threatening, or similar methods, look him or her straight in the eyes, saying mentally "I defy you - my inner power casts off your influence." Try this the next time that any one attempts to influence you either verbally or by Thought-Waves and see how strong and positive you will feel, and how the efforts of the other person will fail. This sounds simple, but the little secret is worth thousands of dollars to every individual who will put it into practice. Scroll Up and Get Your Copy!

The Law Of Attraction & Practical Mental Influence

Book Description

About the book In this new thought classic, Atkinson looks at the law of attraction in the thought world. He points out the similarities between the law of Gravitation and the mental law of attraction. He explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, Magnetism and electricity. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our 5 senses. This is a really inspiring book. It gets you focused on your dreams and goals with very simple to understand directions. Everyone who reads and applies the information with a spirit of enthusiasm can feel the transformation in his life. THE LAW OF ATTRACTION & PRACTICAL MENTAL INFLUENCE by William Walker Atkinson: This book explores the principles of the law of attraction, and offers readers practical strategies for tapping into this powerful force to achieve their goals. Atkinson's writing is clear and accessible, making this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in personal development and self-improvement. Key Aspects of the Book "THE LAW OF ATTRACTION & PRACTICAL MENTAL INFLUENCE": Practical Advice: The book offers readers practical strategies for harnessing the power of the law of attraction, providing them with concrete steps they can take to achieve their goals. Clarity: Atkinson's writing is clear and accessible, making the book easy to understand and apply. Relevance: The book is relevant and engaging, with its exploration of the law of attraction continuing to resonate with readers today. William Walker Atkinson was an American writer and publisher. Born in 1862, he wrote extensively on topics like personal development, self-improvement, and the occult. His work continues to inspire and influence readers today.

Mental Fascination

Book Description

This book is accompanying Atkinson's main work entitled "The Secret of Mental Magic," and being in the nature of a sequel, supplement, or "side-light" thereto. It is designed to bring out the details, and special features of several of the "lessons" of which "The Secret of Mental Magic" is composed; and to give something in the nature of Special Instruction regarding the actual operation or workings of the principles referred to in the lessons of my main work. The present manual bears the above mentioned relation to that lesson in my main work entitled "Personal Influence."

Practical Mental Influence

Book Description

William Walker Atkinson's book "Practical Mental Influence" is a comprehensive investigation of the inner workings of the human mind and its extraordinary power for persuasion. Atkinson reveals the complex rules of mind control, persuasion, and the transformational power of thought in creating our world in this engrossing study. Atkinson encourages readers to understand and cooperate with the underlying principles of the mind by demonstrating that genuine mental influence goes beyond the scope of compulsion and manipulation. He carefully explains how to unleash the power of suggestion and affirmation as well as the secrets of thought vibrations, as well as the critical functions of attention and visualization. Atkinson bestows priceless knowledge onto readers of "Practical Mental Influence," urging the development of a resolve and concentrated mind, the growth of rapport and empathy, and the ethical use of mental influence. Readers are given the tools they need to increase their mental influence prowess, changing their own ideas and behaviors as well as those of individuals around them and having a positive effect on their futures and that of those they come into contact with. William Walker Atkinson contributes to the field of personal development and self-improvement with this masterpiece by providing readers with insightful knowledge and useful tools to harness the tremendous power of their minds.

Practical Mental Magic

Book Description

Outstanding collection of nearly 200 crowd-pleasing mental magic feats requiring no special equipment. Author offers insider's tips and expert advice on techniques, presentation, diversions, patter, staging, more.

Practical Mental Influence

Book Description

Influence others while resisting their attempts to influence you. In this seminal work, Atkinson details practical techniques you can use to achieve influence over others' minds while at the same time using the same methods to identify and resist attempts by others to influence you.

The Influential Mind

Book Description

A cutting-edge, research-based inquiry into how we influence those around us and how understanding the brain can help us change minds for the better. In The Influential Mind, neuroscientist Tali Sharot takes us on a thrilling exploration of the nature of influence. We all have a duty to affect others—from the classroom to the boardroom to social media. But how skilled are we at this role, and can we become better? It turns out that many of our instincts—from relying on facts and figures to shape opinions, to insisting others are wrong or attempting to exert control—are ineffective, because they are incompatible with how people’s minds operate. Sharot shows us how to avoid these pitfalls, and how an attempt to change beliefs and actions is successful when it is well-matched with the core elements that govern the human brain. Sharot reveals the critical role of emotion in influence, the weakness of data and the power of curiosity. Relying on the latest research in neuroscience, behavioral economics and psychology, the book provides fascinating insight into the complex power of influence, good and bad.