Practical WebGPU Graphics

Book Description

WebGPU is the next-generation graphics API and future web standard for graphics and compute, aiming to provide modern 3D graphics and computation capabilities with the GPU acceleration. This book provides all the tools you need to help you create advanced 3D graphics and GPU computing on the web with this new WebGPU API. The book starts by taking you through the WebPack-TypeScript template for building the WebGPU apps and then shows you the WebGPU basics, shader program, GPU buffer, and rendering pipeline. Next, you will learn how to create primitives and simple objects in WebGPU. As you progress through the chapters, you will get to grips with advanced WebGPU topics, including 3D transformation, lighting calculation, colormaps, and textures. At the same time, you will learn how to create advanced 3D WebGPU objects, including various 3D wireframes, 3D shapes, simple and parametric 3D surfaces with colormaps and textures, as well as 3D surface plots and fractal graphics described by complex functions. In addition, you will explore new WebGPU features, such as compute shader and storage buffer, and how to use them to simulate large particle systems. By the end of this book, you will have the skill you need to build your own GPU-accelerated graphics and computing on the web with the WebGPU API. The book includes: - Template based on WebPack and TypeScript for developing WebGPU apps. - WebGPU basics, GLSL and WGSL shaders, and rendering pipeline. - Create primitives and simple shapes in WebGPU. - 3D transformations, model, viewing, projection, and various coordinate systems. - GPU buffers, uniform buffer objects, animation, and camera controls. - Normal vectors, lighting model, ambient, diffuse, and specular light calculations. - UV coordinates, texture mapping.- Color model, colormaps, and color interpolation. - Create 3D shapes, wireframes, surfaces, and 3D charts. - Create 3D plots and fractal graphics using complex functions. - Compute shaders, storage buffers, and large particle system simulation.

Practical GPU Graphics with wgpu and Rust

Book Description

wgpu is the next-generation graphics API and future standard in Rust for both native devices and the web, aiming to provide modern 3D graphics and computation capabilities using GPU acceleration. This book provides all the tools you need to create advanced 3D graphics and GPU computing in Rust using this new wgpu API. First, this book will take you through the development environment for building wgpu applications in Rust, and then introduce Rust and wgpu basics, shader programs, GPU buffers, and rendering pipelines. Next, you will learn how to create primitives and simple objects in wgpu. As you progress through the chapters, you will get to grips with advanced wgpu topics, including 3D transformations, lighting calculations, colormaps, and textures. At the same time, you will learn how to create advanced 3D wgpu objects, including various 3D wireframes, 3D shapes, and simple and parametric 3D surfaces with colormaps and textures, as well as beautiful 2D and 3D fractal images described by complex functions. In addition, you will explore new wgpu features such as the compute shader and storage buffers, and use them to simulate large particle systems. By the end of this book, you will have the solid skills you need to build your own GPU-accelerated graphics and computing applications on both native devices and the web in Rust with the wgpu API. This book includes: - Development environment and tools for building wgpu apps in Rust. - Rust and wgpu basics, WGSL shaders, and rendering pipeline. - Primitives and simple shapes in wgpu. - 3D transformations, model, viewing, projection, and various coordinate systems. - GPU buffers, uniform buffer objects, animation, and camera controls. - Normal vectors, lighting model, ambient, diffuse, and specular light calculations. - UV coordinates, texture mapping. - Color model, colormaps, and color interpolation. - 3D shapes, wireframes, surfaces, and 3D charts. - 2D and 3D fractal images created in the fragment shader. - Compute shaders, storage buffers, and large particle system simulation.

WebGPU for 3D Surfaces

Book Description

Are you ready to take your web graphics to the next level? Look no further than "WebGPU for 3D Surfaces". This comprehensive guide equips you with all the tools you need to create stunning 3D graphics in your web applications with the help of GPU acceleration. With this eBook, you will discover how to design 3D graphics like wireframes, simple and parametric surfaces. The author has simplified the learning process by breaking down the concepts of WebGPU, the cutting-edge graphics API for the Web, so even those with minimal experience can grasp the fundamentals of advanced graphics development. This book includes: - Design intricate 3D surface graphics such as wireframes, simple and parametric 3D surfaces. - Simulate light using different models, including Blinn-Phong and directional light models. - Apply colormap to 3D surfaces. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book is the ideal resource to help you design a wide range of graphics applications in WebGPU. So, are you ready to explore next-generation web graphics and compute API? Start your journey with "3D Graphics with WebGPU: A Practical Guide" today!

WebGPU and Compute Shaders for Real-Time Graphics

Book Description

WebGPU and Compute Shaders for Real-Time Graphics – A Practical Guide to Web-Based GPU Acceleration Unleash the limitless potential of next-generation web graphics development with WebGPU and compute shaders. WebGPU, a cutting-edge graphics API, is transforming the web landscape. It offers an array of features that surpass WebGL, including compute shaders and storage buffers. These innovations unlock new horizons for crafting ultra-responsive, high-performance web experiences, ideal for real-time data visualization, scientific simulations, machine learning, web games, and more. This eBook is your definitive guide to mastering WebGPU and compute shaders. It starts by covering the basics of WebGPU, including shaders, buffers, and pipelines. Then, it dives into the more advanced topics of compute shaders and storage buffers. Finally, it provides real-world examples of how to use WebGPU and compute shaders to create stunning real-time web graphics. What you'll learn: · The basics of WebGPU and Compute Shaders. · How to use compute shaders to render simple 3D surfaces. · How to use compute shaders to render Parametric 3D surfaces. · How to use compute shaders to render 3D super shapes. · How to use storage buffers to store large amounts of data on the GPU. Who this book is for: · Web developers eager to elevate their proficiency in crafting high-performance web graphics. · Graphics enthusiasts keen to explore the latest real-time graphics technologies. · Tech explorers who want to be at the forefront of web development innovation. Empower your journey in web graphics: WebGPU and Compute Shaders for Real-Time Graphics is your passport to shaping the future of web-based 3D graphics. Whether you're a web developer, a graphics enthusiast, a game developer, or a tech explorer, this eBook is the perfect resource for you. Order your copy today and start creating stunning real-time web graphics like never before!

WebGPU Fundamentals

Book Description

WebGPU Fundamentals: A Beginner's Guide to Web Graphics Programming Are you ready to take your web graphics to the next level? Look no further than WebGPU Fundamentals, a step-by-step tutorial that will equip you with all the tools you need to create basic 2D and 3D graphics in your web applications. With this eBook, you will discover how to: · Set up the WebGPU development environment. · Design an array of basic graphics objects, from simple primitives to complex 3D shapes with wireframes and MSAA, including cubes, spheres, cylinders, and tori. · Use the cutting-edge WebGPU graphics API, even if you have minimal experience in advanced graphics development. The author has simplified the learning process by breaking down the concepts of WebGPU into easy-to-understand steps. This book is ideal for beginners who want to learn the basics of WebGPU graphics programming and experienced developers seeking to expand their knowledge of this powerful API. What you will learn: · The fundamentals of WebGPU, including setting up the development environment and creating basic graphics objects · How to use the included npm package, webgpu-simplified, to streamline your coding experience · Different aspects of WebGPU graphics programming, such as WGSL shaders, GPU buffers, render pipelines, render passes, and 3D transformations · Creating basic primitives with topologies like triangle-list and triangle-strip · Crafting basic 3D shapes like cubes, spheres, cylinders, and tori Who this book is for: · Beginners looking to grasp the basics of WebGPU graphics programming. · Experienced developers egger to expand their WebGPU knowledge. · Anyone interested in creating 3D graphics in web applications. Get started today and learn how to create stunning web graphics with WebGPU!

WebGPU (Graphics and Compute) API in 20 Minutes

Book Description

WebGPU is a powerful JavaScript API for performing operations, such as rendering and compute computations, on a Graphics Processing Unit. This incredible API is a new standard being integrated into the latest browsers - allowing GPU accelerated graphics, image processing effects, physical simulations and more. WebGPU is so powerful and light on its feet that it's easy to forget it's a web-based API. WebGPU is a must-learn for its flexibility, power and beauty. It works in a bold and poignant way, providing you the kind of results that will leave you amazed. As you learn the WebGPU API, you'll find it difficult to believe the amazing things the WebGPU API can do. You'll adjust your expectations - from interested to impressed and eventually awe of what is possible using the WebGPU API. The WebGPU in 20 Minutes is an ambitious guide that helps you get started on the road to WebGPU development. Simplified examples with no-nonsense explanations, this book guides you through a series of chapters, progressively introducing you to the concepts and applications of WebGPU (including tips, code listings and visual illustrations). This introductory text is a practical resource to finding your way to getting started with WebGPU in a world where we never have enough time. The book explains simple yet important concepts and practicals that you can incorporate into your own programs.

WebGPU Texture Mapping

Book Description

WebGPU Texture Mapping: A Practical Guide to Creating Stunning Web Applications WebGPU Texture Mapping is the essential guide for mastering texture mapping with WebGPU. Learn how to use texture mapping to create stunning web graphics, from the basics to advanced techniques. This book covers everything from the fundamentals of texture mapping to advanced techniques like multi-texturing, normal mapping, parallax mapping, and procedural texturing. With step-by-step real-world examples, you'll learn how to use WebGPU to create realistic and immersive visuals. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, WebGPU Texture Mapping is the perfect resource for learning how to use texture mapping to create stunning web graphics. What you'll learn: The basics of texture mapping. Multi-texturing. Normal mapping. Parallax mapping. Procedural textures. How to use WebGPU to create realistic and immersive visuals. By the end of this book, you'll be able to: Create stunning web graphics using texture mapping. Use WebGPU to harness the power of the GPU. Implement advanced texture mapping techniques. Understand the core concepts of computer graphics. Order your copy today and start creating awe-inspiring visuals that will leave your audience spellbound!

WebGPU by Examples - Learn and Explore Next-Generation Web Graphics and Compute API

Book Description

Are you ready to take your web graphics to the next level? Look no further than "WebGPU by Examples". This comprehensive guide equips you with all the tools you need to create stunning 3D graphics in your web applications with the help of GPU acceleration. With this book, you will discover how to design an array of 3D graphics, from basic shapes like cubes, spheres, cylinders, and tori to intricate 3D graphics like wireframes, simple and parametric surfaces, supershapes, implicit surfaces, procedural terrains, volcanoes, Minecraft, voxel terrains, text rendering, and complex function visualization, as well as particle systems made using compute shaders. The author has simplified the learning process by breaking down the concepts of WebGPU, the cutting-edge graphics API for the Web, so even those with minimal experience can grasp the fundamentals of advanced graphics development. This book includes: - Introduce a starter template for graphics programming with WebGPU. - Create basic 3D shapes like cube, sphere, cylinder, torus, etc. - Design intricate 3D surface graphics such as wireframes, simple and parametric 3D surfaces, and procedural terrains. - Simulate light and shadow using different models, including point, directional, and spot light. - Implement physical-based rendering lighting methods to create realistic graphics. - Apply colormap and texture techniques to 3D surfaces. - Generate 3D surfaces and super shapes using compute shaders for improving performance. - Construct marching cubes for generating 3D implicit surfaces, metaballs, and voxel terrains. - Visualize complex functions using 3D plots and domain coloring. - Create particle systems for 3D graphics applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book is the ideal resource to help you design a wide range of graphics applications in WebGPU. So, are you ready to explore next-generation web graphics and compute API? Start your journey with "WebGPU by Examples" today!

Practical C# Charts and Graphics (Second Edition)

Book Description

The book "Practical C# Charts and Graphics (Second Edition) - Advanced Chart and Graphics Programming for Real-World .NET Applications" provides all the tools you need to create professional C# chart and graphics applications for .NET developers. The book "Practical C# Charts and Graphics " is a perfect guide to learning all the basics for creating your advanced chart and graphics applications in C#. The book clearly explains practical chart and graphics methods and their underlying algorithms. The book contains: - Overview of GDI+ graphics capabilities and mathematical basics of computer charting and graphics - Step-by-step procedures to create a variety of 2D and 3D charts and graphics with complete ready-to-run C# code for each application. - Powerful 2D and 3D chart packages and user controls that can be directly used in your C# applications or can be easily modified to create your own sophisticated chart and graphics packages. - Detailed procedures to embed JavaScript charting library into your WIndows Forms applications. - Introductions to embed Gincker Graphics into your C# applications and demonstration how to use Gincker Graphics to create a variety charts and graphics without the need to write a single line of code.

Practical WPF Charts and Graphics

Book Description

Creating 2D and 3D charts is one of the most common uses of computer graphics. Such charts can have wide applications in representing mathematical, physical, and economic functions in your daily life. Whether you are an engineer, a quantitative analyst, a teacher, or a student, you will end up dealing with charting applications to some degree. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a next-generation graphics platform that enables you to build advanced user interfaces incorporating documents, media, 2D and 3D graphics, and animations. It is an ideal development tool that allows you to not only generate data, but also easily represent data graphically. Practical WPF Charts and Graphics provides all the tools you will need to develop professional chart and graphics applications in WPF and C#. This book will be useful for WPF and C# programmers of all skill levels, providing a complete and comprehensive explanation of WPF's graphics capability and the creation of various charts, and paying special attention to the details of code implementation.