Prayers to the Great Creator

Book Description

From the author of the international bestseller "The Artist's Way" comes this elegant hardcover volume of all four of Cameron's enlightening and inspiring Prayer Books: "Heart Steps, Blessings, Transitions," and "Answered Prayers."

Prayers to the Great Creator

Book Description

A must for all fans of The Artist's Way: all four of Julia Cameron's bestselling prayer books in one volume. This beautiful volume features hundreds of prayers, declarations, and affirmations for a peaceful and harmonious life. Intended for daily use as a guiding and comforting reminder of the divine presence in all of our lives, Prayers to the Great Creator includes Cameron's four classic prayer books in one volume: Heart Steps, Blessings, Transitions, and Answered Prayers. Prayers to the Great Creator is the ideal gift for anyone seeking spiritual fulfillment.

The Secret Power of Prayer

Book Description

God speaks to us in many ways and in many situations, and whether we are experiencing blessings or hardships, the voice of God is always there to uplift us, comfort us, or guide us towards whatever we need. But in order to truly connect with God, we must also speak to him and commune in his presenceand we do so through the power of prayer. In The Secret Power of Prayer, authors and sisters Ana Marie Autar and Carolyn Field share a heartfelt collection of personal prayers and divine reflections that have their origins in the angelic realm. Both sisters believe that now is the time for us all to connect with God through the simple and natural experience of prayer and bring unity, joy, prosperity, and awareness into our lives, regardless of beliefs, experiences, or opinions. The prayers and reflections they share are imbued with divine energy, peace, and restoration, which is Gods intention for all of us. It is vital at this time on the earth for each one of us to connect to the divine within and create the divine outside of ourselves, knowing that we are never alone and that we are deeply loved. And by visiting God in prayer, the seemingly impossible will become possible as we relish in our blessings and overcome all obstacles on our way.

I Am Creative

Book Description

Do you feel like you were born to be an entertainer, writer or influencer but struggle to achieve any significant results? Imagine letting go of the pressure of comparing yourself to others and trying to keep up with the grind. What would life be like if you were performing at your peak, releasing your best art into the world and receiving appreciation and abundance in return? What if you had access to a blueprint that set you up for success and gave you some tips for maintaining life at the top? - Learn how to download the best ideas into your consciousness. - Avoid burnout by learning balance and leveraging spiritual tools. - Understand why God wants you to succeed in your industry. - Eliminate the “starving artist” mentality and open yourself up to abundance. - Disrupt patterns of failure and become the best at your craft.

The Great Creator, the Creation and His Creatures

Book Description

If life is a school, Book is the teacher If book is the teacher, Education must be the goal If Education is the goal, Religion further Spirituality is the super goal So Book has a very important role in one's life Book can help you cutting anything like a knife Using a book properly and practically can make your life easier It is even more advantageous when you find poetry and pictures which make it prettier "The Great Creator, The Creation and His Creatures" is all concerning us, as a human being. Through several topics, it guides the reader to the divine plan of humanity's wellbeing To name a few: As one cannot bite more than he can chew Love, Truth, Peace, Purity, Chastity, Money, the taxes, the adoption, Adam and Eve, Mary, Joseph, Saint Roch, Jesus' ascension Prayers, Silence, Selfless Service, Sathya Sai Baba's and Bible's quotations Their unique purpose is only to bring you closer to Your Creator It is only Him who can be your Curator As we are living in a dual world, this is the parallel we draw here: Obedience or Disobedience to the Lord to which one do we adhere?

Prayers for the Soul

Book Description

Anton Styger lives in the Ägerital. He is the author of the book series "Experiences with other Dimensions" and concerns himself with surveying houses and stables, where people or animals are suffering due to geomantic or electromagnetic disturbances. As a clairvoyant since childhood, these were already familiar to him. For decades he has developed numerous procedures and prayers to clear away invisible foreign energy sources, and to liberate oneself from often very old restrictive behavior patterns and recurring injuries. Due to the great response to his three books, the author has summarized the instructions and rituals from volume 1 to 3, and bought the together to form this manual. It is filled with the collected prayers of the author who reads the like love-dialogues with the Creator. His experiences and invocations have already been successfully applied by countless readers with joy and dedication.

Collection of Prayers

Book Description

THE BEGINNING Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The universe had a beginning. Before God spoke it into creation, there was no universe, no planet earth. The sense of how small we are, how fragile the earth is shows me the creator in all his power and glory. Looking at the stars and galaxies and the order throughout the universe makes us realize that there is a designer. There is a God holding it all together. As we search for meaning, we can know that there is a God in control. We are alive, a speck, in this huge universe, but we are not alone. Prayer # 1 One clear night I looked up and really saw the stars, the galaxies. the huge universe and I felt awe. Then I read in the Bible: “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; the Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands.” Psalm 19:1 I look at our small planet. It is the size of a grain of sand compared to our universe. How can I not believe that there is a God holding it all together? Let me never forget, Lord, to stay in awe, to say WOW! At the beauty of nature, when a baby is born, how we are suspended in this vast universe. The human spirit longs to experience awe. The ability to awe is the first step of faith. Thank you, Lord, for giving us a life full of awes. Give me the ability to recognize beauty and truth when I see it. Holy Spirit, let me always be open to your promptings---convict me when I am blind and deaf to your guidance. Give me discernment to know evil; if I go the wrong way, help me to quickly turn and repent. Don't let me become spiritually deaf, keep me aware and sensitive so that I will always obey and follow your leading. When I believed and received by your grace my salvation, that was the beginning of my spiritual journey. My soul awoke as from a deep slumber. I felt your love and I loved you in return. Now I cannot live without it.

The Prayer That Changes Everything® Book of Prayers

Book Description

Heartfelt prayers from Stormie's The Prayer That Changes Everything now come in a beautiful edition. This little book will help unlock the power of prayer in readers' lives. They'll come away understanding as never before how God's great love for them makes their lives complete how lifting up praise unlocks God's delivering power in their circumstances how right it is to offer adoration to the One so worthy of worship Millions have loved the power and insight of Stormie's books on prayer. With the same care and insight she addresses the subject of praise and touches readers' lives with the hope to be found in a heart that worships God.

Uplifting Prayers to Light Your Way

Book Description

I cannot imagine my life without prayer. It would be like trying to survive without oxygen. Prayer sustains my soul and comforts my anxious mind. And like oxygen, I can’t live without it. — Sonia In the course of our lives, there are occasions when we’re all asked to grow on a soul level. These transitions can be very challenging, even frightening. We might encounter sudden and unexpected changes, or life may feel overwhelming and unsatisfying in a way we can no longer ignore. During these times, we can use all the divine assistance possible to illuminate our next steps. In this book, New York Times best-selling author and spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette shares uplifting prayers especially designed to be used during these periods of soul growth and challenge. These heartfelt invocations will help you stay connected to your intuitive spirit so that you may receive support from your ever-present, loving Divine Creator and all your unseen spiritual helpers who are here to guide you through difficult times. Each beautiful and intimate prayer will give you the strength and good humor to keep flowing with life—even when it flows in turbulent and confusing ways—and enable you to face whatever the universe may put in your path with renewed courage and confidence, and a deep sense of peace and optimism.

Dear Creator

Book Description

This anthology is a compilation of select invocations and songs created by Lynn Rose Curtin while Chaplain of the Jacksonville, Florida, Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, Inc., who have added their own expressions of art, poetry, literature and photographic images to this volume. The group hopes that these gifts will lift the hearts of all those who read these pages, and pray that they will inspire all those who need comfort and healing.