Predictability of LNG [liquefied Natural Gas] Vapor Dispersion from Catastrophic Spills Onto Water

Book Description

The purpose of this study is: (1) To provide a detailed description of the mathematical models upon which published predictions of LNG vapor travel downwind of catastrophic LNG spills onto water have been based; (2) Using these models, to estimate the maximum downwind travel of flammable LNG vapor/air mixtures for a 'standard' spill scenario, so that valid comparison can be made of the results obtained when different models are used to describe the same event; (3) To identify the reason for differences in predictions which occur when the models are used to describe the same event, and to assess the technical credibility of the methods which results in such differences; and (4) To define the present state of the art in predictability of LNG vapor dispersion from catastrophic spills onto water, with emphasis on the extent to which the present state of the art justifies reliance on existing published predictions in formulating LNG safety management programs.

Safety of Thermal Water Reactors

Book Description

The European Community's Indirect Action Research Programme on the Safety of Thermal Water Reactors had as main obj ectives to execute useful fundamental research, complementary and confirmatory to on-going work in national programmes, and to improve collaboration and exchange of inform ation between laboratories in the Member States. The Seminar was aimed to report on work performed during the last five years and to identify useful further research areas with a tentative assessment of the state of the art for future work in certain issues of LWR-safety. The results obtained in 33 research projects executed in different national laboratories of the European Community were presented, evaluated and discussed, together with a number of invited papers on topics related to the research programme. Topics covered mainly within 3 distinct research areas or sub-programmes: Research Area A: The loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and the func tioning and performance of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). Fundamental work on thermalhydraulics and heat transfer during refill and reflood of an uncovered core after a LOCA. Research Area B: The protection of nuclear power plants against external gas cloud explosions. Study of the impact on plant structure and systems of external explosions of dense combustible gas clouds due to accidental releases of hydro carbons in the vicinity of the plant. Research Area C: The release and distribution of radioactive fission products in the atmosphere following a reactor accident.

Lees' Process Safety Essentials

Book Description

Lees' Process Safety Essentials is a single-volume digest presenting the critical, practical content from Lees' Loss Prevention for day-to-day use and reference. It is portable, authoritative, affordable, and accessible — ideal for those on the move, students, and individuals without access to the full three volumes of Lees'. This book provides a convenient summary of the main content of Lees', primarily drawn from the hazard identification, assessment, and control content of volumes one and two. Users can access Essentials for day-to-day reference on topics including plant location and layout; human factors and human error; fire, explosion and toxic release; engineering for sustainable development; and much more. This handy volume is a valuable reference, both for students or early-career professionals who may not need the full scope of Lees', and for more experienced professionals needing quick, convenient access to information. Boils down the essence of Lees'—the process safety encyclopedia trusted worldwide for over 30 years Provides safety professionals with the core information they need to understand the most common safety and loss prevention challenges Covers the latest standards and presents information, including recent incidents such as Texas City and Buncefield

Integrated Regional Risk Assessment, Vol. II

Book Description

Over recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the risks of locating hazardous industries near heavily populated, environmentally sensitive areas. This new awareness demands a novel approach to safety planning for hazardous industries; one that looks at the problem from the point of view of integrated regional risk assessment which, besides the risks arising from natural events, should also include the risks arising from the processing plants, storage and the transportation of dangerous goods. Volume I of Integrated Regional Risk Assessment highlights the main procedures for the assessment of risks to health and environmental impacts from continuous emissions of pollutants into air, water and soil under normal operating conditions. Volume II deals with the assessment of consequences of accidental releases, helping to answer such questions as: What can go wrong? What are the effects and consequences? How often will it happen? £/LIST£ The main procedural steps are supported by relevant, internationally recognised methods of risk assessment. The book also reviews criteria and guidelines for the implementation of risk assessment and management at different stages. Audience: Students, engineers, and scientists in charge of developing new methodologies for hazard analysis and risk assessment; practitioners of environmental protection; local and governmental authorities charged with implementing environmental risk impact procedures and guidelines.

Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application I

Book Description

This is the first in a new series of publications arlslng out of the work of the Committee on Challenges of Modern Society of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The CCMS was established in 1969 with a mandate to examine practical ways of improving the exchange of experience among mem ber nations of the Alliance in the task of creating a better envir onment for their societies. It was charged with considering "spe cific problems of the human environment with the deliberate objec tive of stimulating action by member governments". It may come as a surprise to some that NATO - generally thought of as being an organization devoted solely to matters of defence - should concern itself with the environment at all. But this is to overlook Article 2 of the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949, which expressly provides that member count ries should contribute towards the furt her development of peaceful and friendly internat ional relations by promoting conditions of stability and well being. This concern is reflected in many non-military areas, in addition to the environmental one. I wish the present volume, which has been edited by the Bel gian Prime Minister's Office for Science Policy Programming, every success.

Western LNG Project

Book Description