Environmental Impact Analysis Process. Volume 1. Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement Construction and Operation of Space Launch Complex 7, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

Book Description

This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been prepared as part of the United States Air force (USAF) Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP) for evaluation of proposed major projects, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the regulations of the President's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) for NEPA compliance. The Draft EIS presents an analysis of the purpose and need for the proposed action and its alternatives. The SLC-7 facility would be a fenced area of about 50 acres, within which the major preparation and launch activities would occur. Some related activities, including launch control and core vehicle and satellite processing, would occur at existing facilities on VAFB that currently operate in support of Scout, Titan II, and other Titan IV programs. The primary elements of the SLC-7 project, to be constructed and operated onsite, would be the vehicle launch support structure/flame duct, launch mount, umbilical tower, and mobile service tower. There also would be an operations support building, access roads and parking, fuel storage, security systems, and fire protection. Offsite facilities include water storage tank(s), sewage treatment plant, evaporation/ percolation ponds, electrical substation, and communications and utility corridors.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Book Description

Draft Environmental Impact Statement, U.S Mission to the United Nations, 799 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017

Book Description

This statement presents the local environmental impact of the proposed action involving the demolition of the Federal building currently housing the U.S Mission to the United Nations (located on the corner of First Avenue and 45th Street, directly across from the U.N.) and the subsequent construction of a new facility on the same site.