Pricing Carbon Emissions in China

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The purpose of the paper is to provide a clear mechanism for determining carbon emissions pricing in China as a guide to how carbon emissions might be mitigated to reduce fossil fuel pollution. The Chinese Government has promoted the development of clean energy, including hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar energy generation. In order to involve companies in carbon emissions control, a series of regional and provincial carbon markets have been established since 2013. Since China's carbon market was established in 2013 and mainly run domestically, and not necessarily using market principles, there has been almost no research on China's carbon price and volatility. This paper provides an introduction to China's regional and provincial carbon markets, proposes how to establish a national market for pricing carbon emissions, discusses how and when these markets might be established, how they might perform, and the subsequent prices for China's regional and national carbon markets. Power generation in manufacturing consumes more than other industries, with more than 40% of total coal consumption. Apart from manufacturing, the northern China heating system also relies on fossil fuels, mainly coal, which causes serious pollution. In order to understand the regional markets well, it is necessary to analyze the energy structure in these regions. Coal is the primary energy source in China, so that provinces that rely heavily on coal receive a greater number of carbon emissions permits from the Chinese Government. In order to establish a national carbon market for China, a detailed analysis of eight important regional markets will be presented. The four largest energy markets, namely Guangdong, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hubei, traded around 82% of the total volume and 85% of the total value of the seven markets in 2017, as the industry structure of the western area is different from that of the eastern area. The China National Development and Reform Commission has proposed a national carbon market, which can attract investors and companies to participate in carbon emissions trading. This important issue will be investigated in the paper.

Energy Economics: CO2 Emissions in China

Book Description

"Energy Economics: CO2 Emissions in China" presents a collection of the researches on China's CO2 emissions as studied by the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research (CEEP). Based on the analysis of factors related to global climate change and CO2 emissions, it discusses China's CO2 emissions originating from various sectors, diverse impact factors, as well as proposed policies for reducing carbon emissions. Featuring empirical research and policy analysis on focused and critical issues involving different stages of CO2 emissions in China, the book provides scientific supports for researchers and policy makers in dealing with global climate change.

OECD Series on Carbon Pricing and Energy Taxation Effective Carbon Rates 2021 Pricing Carbon Emissions through Taxes and Emissions Trading

Book Description

Carbon pricing very effectively encourages the shift of production and consumption choices towards low and zero carbon options that is required to limit climate change. Are countries using this tool to its full potential? This report measures the pricing of CO2-emissions from energy use in 44 OECD and G20 countries, covering around 80% of world emissions.

The Economics of Climate Change in China

Book Description

China faces many modernization challenges, but perhaps none is more pressing than that posed by climate change. China must find a new economic growth model that is simultaneously environmentally sustainable, can free it from its dependency on fossil fuels, and lift living standards for the majority of its population. But what does such a model look like? And how can China best make the transition from its present macro-economic structure to a low-carbon future? This ground-breaking economic study, led by the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Chinese Economists 50 Forum, brings together leading international thinkers in economics, climate change, and development, to tackle some of the most challenging issues relating to China's low-carbon development. This study maps out a deep carbon reduction scenario and analyzes economic policies that shift carbon use, and shows how China can take strong and decisive action to make deep reductions in carbon emission over the next forty years while maintaining high economic growth and minimizing adverse effects of a low-carbon transition. Moreover, these reductions can be achieved within the finite global carbon budget for greenhouse gas emissions, as determined by the hard constraints of climate science. The authors make the compelling case that a transition to a low-carbon economy is an essential part of China's development and modernization. Such a transformation would also present opportunities for China to improve its energy security and move its economy higher up the international value chain. They argue that even in these difficult economic times, climate change action may present more opportunities than costs. Such a transformation, for China and the rest of the world, will not be easy. But it is possible, necessary and worthwhile to pursue.

Assessing China's Unconventional Carbon Pricing System

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Currently, China is the world's largest emitter of CO2, accounting for about 28 percent of global emissions. At the time of this writing, China just announced that it aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Achieving this target requires dramatically reducing the reliance on fossil fuel. One of the biggest efforts China is planning is the nationwide carbon emissions trading system that has been piloted in several provinces since 2013. Once implemented, this system will become the world's largest emissions trading system. This dissertation assesses the economic impacts of China's forthcoming nationwide carbon emissions trading system. China's emissions trading system differs from a conventional cap and trade (C&T) system and a carbon tax, the carbon pricing instruments used elsewhere. This nation will employ a tradable performance standard (TPS). A key property of TPS is its rate-based allowance allocation approach. The rate-based approach makes TPS implicitly subsidize output as an implicit output subsidy, which has significant consequences for cost-effectiveness and distributional impacts. This dissertation aims at assessing the economic impacts of this unconventional emissions trading system. It considers the first phase of the system that covers only electricity sector and the second phase that covers electricity, cement and aluminum sectors, offering theoretical analysis and numerical simulations. In Chapter 2, with matching analytically and numerically solved models, we assess the cost-effectiveness and distributional impacts of China's forthcoming TPS for reducing CO2 emissions from the power sector. In Chapter 3, I extend the single-sector partial equilibrium model employed in Chapter 2 to a multi-sector general equilibrium model to examine the impacts of China's TPS across the whole economy. A general equilibrium model is also necessary for the assessments of China's TPS that potentially will be implemented in multiple sectors. In Chapter 4, I examine the impacts of market power on the cost-effectiveness of TPS and C&T. To the best of my knowledge, this chapter is the first study that focuses on the impacts of market power on a rate-based allowance trading system. I consider two types of market power: the market power in the carbon allowance market and the market power in the electricity market. I show how the two types of market power affect TPS and C&T differently.

Global Carbon Pricing

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Why the traditional “pledge and review” climate agreements have failed, and how carbon pricing, based on trust and reciprocity, could succeed. After twenty-five years of failure, climate negotiations continue to use a “pledge and review” approach: countries pledge (almost anything), subject to (unenforced) review. This approach ignores everything we know about human cooperation. In this book, leading economists describe an alternate model for climate agreements, drawing on the work of the late Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom and others. They show that a “common commitment” scheme is more effective than an “individual commitment” scheme; the latter depends on altruism while the former involves reciprocity (“we will if you will”). The contributors propose that global carbon pricing is the best candidate for a reciprocal common commitment in climate negotiations. Each country would commit to placing charges on carbon emissions sufficient to match an agreed global price formula. The contributors show that carbon pricing would facilitate negotiations and enforcement, improve efficiency and flexibility, and make other climate policies more effective. Additionally, they analyze the failings of the 2015 Paris climate conference. Contributors Richard N. Cooper, Peter Cramton, Ottmar Edenhofer, Christian Gollier, Éloi Laurent, David JC MacKay, William Nordhaus, Axel Ockenfels, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Steven Stoft, Jean Tirole, Martin L. Weitzman

Price Dynamics in China

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Chinese inflation, particularly non-food inflation, has been surprisingly modest in recent years. We find that supply factors, including those captured through upstream foreign commodity and producer prices, have been important drivers of non-food inflation, as has foreign demand for Chinese goods. Domestic demand and monetary conditions seem less important, possibly reflecting a large domestic output gap generated by many years of high investment. Inflation varies systemically within China, with richer (and urban) provinces having lower, more stable, inflation, but this urban inflation also influence that in lower-income provinces. Higher Mainland food inflation also raises inflation in non-Mainland China.

Guidebook to Carbon Neutrality in China

Book Description

This Open Access publication focuses on China’s goal of achieving peak carbon emissions in 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. The book is the first to systematically build a framework combining a top-down and bottom-up analysis of this acute topic. What does carbon neutrality mean for economics in China? Might it imply stagflation or is it an opportunity to maximize the potential of green manufacturing? The book offers a comprehensive analysis of how the pursuit of carbon neutrality may influence the development of China's economy, and the country's biggest industries, while foreseeing the likely changes in people's lifestyles. In total, the book constructs a comprehensive path for China's carbon neutrality drive from the perspective of the green premium. This effort lays the foundation for a discussion of the country's emissions reduction plan. The book goes further, calculating the investment required for different sectors to achieve carbon neutrality, and illustrating the roles of carbon pricing and green finance in this undertaking. The book’s information comes from a network of primary sources, including experts in the field and noted academics, to depict potential low-carbon roadmaps and green transitions in major industries. Emphasized is green development in sectors that will be critical to civilization, including in technology, energy, manufacturing, transportation, and urban planning, which are backed by in-depth discussions and analyses. Accessible and academically rigorous, the work is anchored in the economics of carbon neutrality, extends to potential policy implications and identifies investment opportunities. This valuable reference will attract readers interested in public policy, economics, finance, and investors who seek to better understand China's prospects in the low-carbon economy of the near future.

Price Analysis of China's Carbon Emissions

Book Description

This book explores the determination of China’s carbon emission targets, especially with regard to the allocation of responsibility of China’s import and export carbon emissions, and carbon emission quota allocations across different time periods, industries, and regions. Research outside of China tends to focus on methods and approaches of carbon emission reduction policies and the impact of their implementation. Instead, within China, the focus has been on discussion of the necessity and conditions for China's development of a low-carbon economy as well as its introduction as a concept in the light of overseas comparisons. This book utilizes game theory, mechanism design, input-output theory, econometric theory and other methods to scrutinize China's carbon emissions and carbon emissions targets across different periods, industries, and regions. The result is a detailed theoretical and empirical investigation of carbon emission issues in the Chinese context. The book will be essential reading for students and scholars of economics, especially those with a focus on Chinese economic development and policymakers in the low-carbon economy sphere.

Elements of Financial Risk Management

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The Second Edition of this best-selling book expands its advanced approach to financial risk models by covering market, credit, and integrated risk. With new data that cover the recent financial crisis, it combines Excel-based empirical exercises at the end of each chapter with online exercises so readers can use their own data. Its unified GARCH modeling approach, empirically sophisticated and relevant yet easy to implement, sets this book apart from others. Five new chapters and updated end-of-chapter questions and exercises, as well as Excel-solutions manual, support its step-by-step approach to choosing tools and solving problems. Examines market risk, credit risk, and operational risk Provides exceptional coverage of GARCH models Features online Excel-based empirical exercises