Principles of Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

A comprehensive, self-contained treatment presenting general results of the theory. Establishes a geometric intuition and a working facility with specific geometric practices. Emphasizes applications through the study of interesting examples and the development of computational tools. Coverage ranges from analytic to geometric. Treats basic techniques and results of complex manifold theory, focusing on results applicable to projective varieties, and includes discussion of the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and the quadric line complex as well as special topics in complex manifolds.


Book Description


Complex Geometry

Book Description

Easily accessible Includes recent developments Assumes very little knowledge of differentiable manifolds and functional analysis Particular emphasis on topics related to mirror symmetry (SUSY, Kaehler-Einstein metrics, Tian-Todorov lemma)

Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra

Book Description

Algebraic Geometry is a fascinating branch of Mathematics that combines methods from both Algebra and Geometry. It transcends the limited scope of pure Algebra by means of geometric construction principles. Putting forward this idea, Grothendieck revolutionized Algebraic Geometry in the late 1950s by inventing schemes. Schemes now also play an important role in Algebraic Number Theory, a field that used to be far away from Geometry. The new point of view paved the way for spectacular progress, such as the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by Wiles and Taylor. This book explains the scheme-theoretic approach to Algebraic Geometry for non-experts, while more advanced readers can use it to broaden their view on the subject. A separate part presents the necessary prerequisites from Commutative Algebra, thereby providing an accessible and self-contained introduction to advanced Algebraic Geometry. Every chapter of the book is preceded by a motivating introduction with an informal discussion of its contents and background. Typical examples, and an abundance of exercises illustrate each section. Therefore the book is an excellent companion for self-studying or for complementing skills that have already been acquired. It can just as well serve as a convenient source for (reading) course material and, in any case, as supplementary literature. The present edition is a critical revision of the earlier text.

History Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This book contains several fundamental ideas that are revived time after time in different guises, providing a better understanding of algebraic geometric phenomena. It shows how the field is enriched with loans from analysis and topology and from commutative algebra and homological algebra.

Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves

Book Description

This book is a general introduction to the theory of schemes, followed by applications to arithmetic surfaces and to the theory of reduction of algebraic curves. The first part introduces basic objects such as schemes, morphisms, base change, local properties (normality, regularity, Zariski's Main Theorem). This is followed by the more global aspect: coherent sheaves and a finiteness theorem for their cohomology groups. Then follows a chapter on sheaves of differentials, dualizing sheaves, and Grothendieck's duality theory. The first part ends with the theorem of Riemann-Roch and its application to the study of smooth projective curves over a field. Singular curves are treated through a detailed study of the Picard group. The second part starts with blowing-ups and desingularisation (embedded or not) of fibered surfaces over a Dedekind ring that leads on to intersection theory on arithmetic surfaces. Castelnuovo's criterion is proved and also the existence of the minimal regular model. This leads to the study of reduction of algebraic curves. The case of elliptic curves is studied in detail. The book concludes with the funadmental theorem of stable reduction of Deligne-Mumford. The book is essentially self-contained, including the necessary material on commutative algebra. The prerequisites are therefore few, and the book should suit a graduate student. It contains many examples and nearly 600 exercises.

An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This is a description of the underlying principles of algebraic geometry, some of its important developments in the twentieth century, and some of the problems that occupy its practitioners today. It is intended for the working or the aspiring mathematician who is unfamiliar with algebraic geometry but wishes to gain an appreciation of its foundations and its goals with a minimum of prerequisites. Few algebraic prerequisites are presumed beyond a basic course in linear algebra.

Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

An introduction to abstract algebraic geometry, with the only prerequisites being results from commutative algebra, which are stated as needed, and some elementary topology. More than 400 exercises distributed throughout the book offer specific examples as well as more specialised topics not treated in the main text, while three appendices present brief accounts of some areas of current research. This book can thus be used as textbook for an introductory course in algebraic geometry following a basic graduate course in algebra. Robin Hartshorne studied algebraic geometry with Oscar Zariski and David Mumford at Harvard, and with J.-P. Serre and A. Grothendieck in Paris. He is the author of "Residues and Duality", "Foundations of Projective Geometry", "Ample Subvarieties of Algebraic Varieties", and numerous research titles.

Principles of Geometry

Book Description

Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces

Book Description

In this book, Miranda takes the approach that algebraic curves are best encountered for the first time over the complex numbers, where the reader's classical intuition about surfaces, integration, and other concepts can be brought into play. Therefore, many examples of algebraic curves are presented in the first chapters. In this way, the book begins as a primer on Riemann surfaces, with complex charts and meromorphic functions taking centre stage. But the main examples come fromprojective curves, and slowly but surely the text moves toward the algebraic category. Proofs of the Riemann-Roch and Serre Dualtiy Theorems are presented in an algebraic manner, via an adaptation of the adelic proof, expressed completely in terms of solving a Mittag-Leffler problem. Sheaves andcohomology are introduced as a unifying device in the later chapters, so that their utility and naturalness are immediately obvious. Requiring a background of one term of complex variable theory and a year of abstract algebra, this is an excellent graduate textbook for a second-term course in complex variables or a year-long course in algebraic geometry.