Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Design

Book Description

Koffman and Wolfgang introduce data structures in the context of C++ programming. They embed the design and implementation of data structures into the practice of sound software design principles that are introduced early and reinforced by 20 case studies. Data structures are introduced in the C++ STL format whenever possible. Each new data structure is introduced by describing its interface in the STL. Next, one or two simpler applications are discussed then the data structure is implemented following the interface previously introduced. Finally, additional advanced applications are covered in the case studies, and the cases use the STL. In the implementation of each data structure, the authors encourage students to perform a thorough analysis of the design approach and expected performance before actually undertaking detailed design and implementation. Students gain an understanding of why different data structures are needed, the applications they are suited for, and the advantages and disadvantages of their possible implementations. Case studies follow a five-step process (problem specification, analysis, design, implementation, and testing) that has been adapted to object-oriented programming. Students are encouraged to think critically about the five-step process and use it in their problem solutions. Several problems have extensive discussions of testing and include methods that automate the testing process. Some cases are revisited in later chapters and new solutions are provided that use different data structures. The text assumes a first course in programming and is designed for Data Structures or the second course in programming, especially those courses that include coverage of OO design and algorithms. A C++ primer is provided for students who have taken a course in another programming language or for those who need a review in C++. Finally, more advanced coverage of C++ is found in an appendix. Course Hierarchy: Course is the second course in the CS curriculum Required of CS majors Course names include Data Structures and Data Structures & Algorithms

Problem Solving, Abstraction and Design Using C++, Visual C++. NET Edition

Book Description

This package includes one of the leading textbooks for CS1 in C++ course, Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design in C++, 4e, and a brand new manual, Addison-Wesley's Beginner's Guide to C++ .NET. This new supplement contains over 40 pages describing how to install and set-up Microsoft's C++ compiler, and also includes a several CD-ROMs of C++.NET. Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++ presents and then reinforces the basic principles of software engineering and object-oriented programming while introducing the C++ programming language. The hallmarks of this book are the focus on problem solving and program design. This book carefully presents object-oriented programming by balancing it with procedural programming so the reader does not overlook the fundamentals of algorithm organization and design.

Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++

Book Description

Using C++, this book presents introductory programming material. Only the features of C++ that are appropriate to introductory concepts are introduced. Object-oriented concepts are presented. Abstraction is stressed throughout the book and pointers are presented in a gradual and gentle fashion for easier learning.

Invitation to Computer Science

Book Description

This new edition of Invitation to Computer Science follows the breadth-first guidelines recommended by CC2001 to teach computer science topics from the ground up. The authors begin by showing that computer science is the study of algorithms, the central theme of the book, then move up the next five levels of the hierarchy: hardware, virtual machine, software, applications, and ethics. Utilizing rich pedagogy and a consistently engaging writing style, Schneider and Gersting provide students with a solid grounding in theoretical concepts, as well as important applications of computing and information technology. A laboratory manual and accompanying software is available as an optional bundle with this text.

Numerical Simulations and Case Studies Using Visual C++.Net

Book Description

Master the numerical simulation process required to design, test and support mobile and parallel computing systems. An accompanying ftp site contains all the Visual C++ based programs discussed in the text to help readers create their own programs. With its focus on problems and solutions, this is an excellent text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, and a must-have reference for researchers and professionals in the field of simulations. More information about Visual C++ based programs can be found at: ftp: //ftp.wiley.com/public/sci_tech_med/numerical_simulations/

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Book Description

The free book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" is a comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#. It starts with the first steps in programming and software development like variables, data types, conditional statements, loops and arrays and continues with other basic topics like methods, numeral systems, strings and string processing, exceptions, classes and objects. After the basics this fundamental programming book enters into more advanced programming topics like recursion, data structures (lists, trees, hash-tables and graphs), high-quality code, unit testing and refactoring, object-oriented principles (inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism) and their implementation the C# language. It also covers fundamental topics that each good developer should know like algorithm design, complexity of algorithms and problem solving. The book uses C# language and Visual Studio to illustrate the programming concepts and explains some C# / .NET specific technologies like lambda expressions, extension methods and LINQ. The book is written by a team of developers lead by Svetlin Nakov who has 20+ years practical software development experience. It teaches the major programming concepts and way of thinking needed to become a good software engineer and the C# language in the meantime. It is a great start for anyone who wants to become a skillful software engineer. The books does not teach technologies like databases, mobile and web development, but shows the true way to master the basics of programming regardless of the languages, technologies and tools. It is good for beginners and intermediate developers who want to put a solid base for a successful career in the software engineering industry. The book is accompanied by free video lessons, presentation slides and mind maps, as well as hundreds of exercises and live examples. Download the free C# programming book, videos, presentations and other resources from http://introprogramming.info. Title: Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# (The Bulgarian C# Programming Book) ISBN: 9789544007737 ISBN-13: 978-954-400-773-7 (9789544007737) ISBN-10: 954-400-773-3 (9544007733) Author: Svetlin Nakov & Co. Pages: 1132 Language: English Published: Sofia, 2013 Publisher: Faber Publishing, Bulgaria Web site: http://www.introprogramming.info License: CC-Attribution-Share-Alike Tags: free, programming, book, computer programming, programming fundamentals, ebook, book programming, C#, CSharp, C# book, tutorial, C# tutorial; programming concepts, programming fundamentals, compiler, Visual Studio, .NET, .NET Framework, data types, variables, expressions, statements, console, conditional statements, control-flow logic, loops, arrays, numeral systems, methods, strings, text processing, StringBuilder, exceptions, exception handling, stack trace, streams, files, text files, linear data structures, list, linked list, stack, queue, tree, balanced tree, graph, depth-first search, DFS, breadth-first search, BFS, dictionaries, hash tables, associative arrays, sets, algorithms, sorting algorithm, searching algorithms, recursion, combinatorial algorithms, algorithm complexity, OOP, object-oriented programming, classes, objects, constructors, fields, properties, static members, abstraction, interfaces, encapsulation, inheritance, virtual methods, polymorphism, cohesion, coupling, enumerations, generics, namespaces, UML, design patterns, extension methods, anonymous types, lambda expressions, LINQ, code quality, high-quality code, high-quality classes, high-quality methods, code formatting, self-documenting code, code refactoring, problem solving, problem solving methodology, 9789544007737, 9544007733

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++

Book Description

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ provides a practical introduction to data structures and algorithms from the viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving, as well as the use of C++. It is a complete revision of Weiss' successful CS2 book Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++. The most unique aspect of this text is the clear separation of the interface and implementation. C++ allows the programmer to write the interface and implementation separately, to place them in separate files and compile separately, and to hide the implementation details. This book goes a step further: the interface and implementation are discussed in separate parts of the book. Part I (Objects and C++), Part II (Algorithms and Building Blocks), and Part III (Applications) lay the groundwork by discussing basic concepts and tools and providing some practical examples, but implementation of data structures is not shown until Part IV (Implementations). This separation of interface and implementation promotes abstract thinking.Class interfaces are written and used before the implementation is known, forcing the reader to think about the functionality and potential efficiency of the various data structures (e.g., hash tables are written well before the hash table is implemented). Throughout the book, Weiss has included the latest features of the C++ programming language, including a more prevalent use of the Standard Template Library (STL).

ASP.NET Website Programming

Book Description

What is this book about? ASP.NET Website Programming shows you how to build an interactive website from design to deployment. Packed with solutions to website programming problems, this book will have you building well-engineered, extendable ASP.NET websites quickly and easily. What does this book cover? In this book, you will learn how to Establish a solid, scalable website foundation Provide flexible user accounts integrating with ASP.NET's built-in security Create message forums that enable formatted messages but defend against cross-site scripting Generate revenue from advertising Build a web interface for uploading, downloading, editing, and managing the files on your site Add opinion polls, email newsletters, and news management Deploy the finished site on a live server Build websites using good, n-tier coding techniques The site we build is modular. You can slot the modules into your own website, modify them, or use them as examples of particular ASP.NET techniques. Who is this book for? This book is for developers who Use ASP.NET and C# Use Visual Studio .NET Professional or above, or Visual C# .NET Standard Want to build content-based websites

Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns

Book Description

Applying Domain-Driven Design And Patterns Is The First Complete, Practical Guide To Leveraging Patterns, Domain-Driven Design, And Test-Driven Development In .Net Environments. Drawing On Seminal Work By Martin Fowler And Eric Evans, Jimmy Nilsson Shows How To Customize Real-World Architectures For Any .Net Application. You Ll Learn How To Prepare Domain Models For Application Infrastructure; Support Business Rules; Provide Persistence Support; Plan For The Presentation Layer And Ui Testing; And Design For Service Orientation Or Aspect Orientation. Nilsson Illuminates Each Principle With Clear, Well-Annotated Code Examples Based On C# 2.0, .Net 2.0, And Sql Server 2005. His Examples Will Be Valuable Both To C# Developers And Those Working With Other .Net Languages And Databases -- Or Even With Other Platforms, Such As J2Ee.

Programming and Problem Solving with Visual Basic .NET

Book Description

This book continues to reflect our experience that topics once considered too advanced can be taught in the first course. The text addresses metalanguages explicitly as the formal means of specifying programming language syntax.