Innovation Networks and Clusters

Book Description

In Economics, networks are increasingly used to describe the many links created between independent companies, as well as between them and other institutions (universities, banks, venture capital, etc.). In the current global and knowledge-based economy, they can be characterised as knowledge factories and knowledge boosters. They feed the internal processes of innovation (collaborative innovation) or the external processes of innovation, created by the propagation effects that come from inter-firm collaboration. The book explains how innovation networks are at the origin of the production of new knowledge that will be transformed and used in common as well as in separated production processes. This characteristic of networks as knowledge factories gives incentives to further investment in the production of knowledge and ensures the cumulativeness of the innovation process. Some of the authors clearly take a territorial point of view and study how clusters (in different parts of the world: Europe, Eastern Asia and North America) propelled by the quality of the innovation networks they enclose, can be characterised as knowledge pools into which the local actors will be able to draw to reinforce their individual and collective competitiveness. This book also includes analyses of the quality of the networks built within clusters, which may help their identification.

The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots and Global Innovation Networks

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Through successive industrial revolutions, the geography of innovation around the globe has changed radically, and with it the geography of wealth creation and prosperity. Since the Third Industrial Revolution, high incomes are increasingly metropolitan, leading to a renewal of inter-regional divergence within countries. These metropolitan areas are also hotbeds of innovation. At the same time, global networks for the production and delivery of goods and services have expanded greatly in recent decades. The globalization of production is mirrored in the globalization of innovation. This paper argues that the emerging geography of innovation can be characterized as a globalized hub-to-hub system, rather than a geography of overall spread of innovation. Although much attention has been given to explaining the rise and growth of innovation clusters, there is as yet no unified framework for the micro-foundations of the agglomeration and dispersion of innovation. In addition, there appear to be strong links between growing geographical inequality of innovation and prosperity, particularly within countries. This is particularly relevant in the context of declining overall research productivity, which could be driving growing geographical concentration. All in all, there is a rich agenda for continuing to investigate the relationship between the geography of innovation, economic development and income distribution.

Production and Innovation Networks, Global

Book Description

The emergence of global corporate networks that integrate dispersed production, engineering, product development and research activities across geographic borders poses new challenges and opportunities for global studies. The challenge is to trace down and decipher the increasingly complex forms of these networks that have expanded well beyond the traditional centers of the global economy in the US, the EU and Japan. Much of the action now is in Asia, especially in China and India.An equally important challenge for global studies is to identify the drivers and impacts of these global networks that are pushing interdependence among national economies to historically unprecedented levels. Global corporations are at the main drivers, as they seek to increase return-on-investment and penetrate high-growth emerging markets. While governments until recently have been only marginal players, the global economic recession has forced them to redefine and increase their involvement.The study of global production and innovation networks (GPN and GIN) also provides a powerful tool for sharpening the research agenda of global studies and for developing new policy responses. As global networks encompass production as well as research and development (R&D), it is no longer sufficient to focus political debates about globalization on offshore outsourcing of manufacturing and services. Offshoring of R&D through GIN gives rise to a new geography of knowledge which however is not a flatter world. While the US, Europe and Japan retain their dominance in science and technology, new, yet very diverse and intensely competing locations for innovation in emerging economies have entered the stage. Compared to the established leaders, the new players have different needs and institutions, business models and capability sets. Hence, they will seek to adjust the rules of the game.Some of them, especially China, are strong enough to challenge the existing rules of the game, requiring changes in the governance of international trade, investment and finance. The study of GPN and GIN helps to guide necessary adjustments in national policies, economic governance and institutions, both in incumbent leaders and in emerging economies.Part one looks at defining characteristics of GPN and how they developed over time. Part two documents the rapid expansion of GIN and their extension into Asia. Part three presents findings on impacts.

Asia in the Global ICT Innovation Network

Book Description

Production and innovation activities are being re-distributed across the world. The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are proving the major engine of global growth, being less impacted by the financial crisis than developed economies or able to recover more quickly. Asia in the Global ICT Innovation Network takes a close look at the information and communication technologies (ICTs) landscape, not only in two BRICS countries, India and China, but also in South Korea and Taiwan. The book documents the size of the ICT sector for each of the selected countries, and assesses their R&D expenditure and its place in the international innovation network. The selected countries play a major role in shifting patterns of international trade and global value chains. The countries offer different historical profiles, with reforms dating back from the nineties for “Chindia and earlier policies for the “dragons , with later reforms focusing on IT. The book accounts for their specificity, and emphasises the fact that the four countries have achieved impressive results in terms of economic growth. The ICT sector was a major contributor to this growth and led a pioneering role for other sectors.This title consists of three parts: ICT in emerging economies, covering China and India; the return of the dragons, covering South Korea and Taiwan; and Network knowledge and trade, covering regional networks of R&D centres, India as an S&T cooperation partner, Asian countries in the global production network, and Asia in the process of internationalisation of ICT and R&D. Provides a well-supported look at the ICT sector in Asia, an area where extant literature consists mostly in a scattering of articles in various and heterogeneous journals Focuses on innovation Speaks to a growing interest in the role of emerging countries in ICT innovation

Advanced Introduction to Global Production Networks

Book Description

Written by Neil M. Coe, this Advanced Introduction provides a comprehensive guide to the vibrant and expanding global production network (GPN) approach, through deftly exploring its antecedents, theoretical underpinnings, and debates and controversies in the field. The author argues overall that, during a time of profound on-going challenges within the global economic system, the need for a GPN framework has never been more pressing.

Global and Regional Dynamics in Knowledge Flows and Innovation

Book Description

Innovation, which in essence is the generation of knowledge and its subsequent application in the marketplace in the form of novel products and processes, has become the key concept in inquiries concerning the contemporary knowledge based economy. Geography plays a decisive role in the underlying processes that enable and support knowledge formation and diffusion activities. Place specific characteristics are considered especially important in this context, however, more recently investigation into innovative capacity of places has also turned its attention to external knowledge inputs through innovation networks, and increasingly recognize the evolutionary character of the processes that lead to knowledge creation and subsequent application in the marketplace. The chapters that comprise this book are embedded at the intersection of the dynamic processes of knowledge production and creative destruction. The first three contributions all discuss the role of global innovation networks, in the context of territorial and/or sectoral dynamics, while the following two chapters investigate the evolution of regional or metropolitan knowledge economies. The final three contributions adopt a knowledge base approach in order to provide insight into the organisation of innovation networks and spatiality of knowledge flows. This book was published in a special issue of European Planning Studies.

Tied In: The Global Network of Local Innovation

Book Description

In this paper we exploit a unique and rich dataset of patent applications and scientific publications in order to answer several questions concerned with two current phenomena on the way knowledge is produced and shared worldwide: its geographical spread at the international level and its spatial concentration in few worldwide geographical hotspots. We find that the production of patents and scientific publications has spread geographically to several countries, and has not kept within the traditional knowledge producing economies (Western Europe, Japan and the U.S.). We observe that part of this partial geographical spread of knowledge activities is due to the setting up of Global Innovation Networks, first toward more traditional innovative countries, and then towards emerging economies too. Yet, despite the increasing worldwide spread of knowledge production, we do not see the same spreading process within countries, and even we see some increased concentration in some of them. This may have, of course, important distributional consequences within countries. Moreover, these selected areas also concentrate a large and increasing connectivity, within their own country to other hotspots, and across countries through Global Innovation Networks.

Innovation Networks in Industries

Book Description

This informative book provides an extensive study in the fields of industry structure, firm strategy and public policy through the use of network concepts and indicators. It also elucidates many of the complexities and challenges involved. The contributors explore the role of networks in industries, reflecting a belief that some of the most important analytical and policy questions related to networks must fully consider the industry level. This includes examining the very structure of industries, the role of relationships in different sectoral systems of production and innovation, and the delineation of real industry boundaries. Innovation Networks in Industries will be a useful enhancement to the studies of postgraduate students in the fields of innovation, industrial economics and strategy. It will also be an invaluable guidance tool for academic researchers and policy-makers.

Innovation Offshoring

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