Program EAGLE User's Manual. Volume 1. Introduction and Grid Applications

Book Description

This report documents the theory and useage of Program EAGLE; a three dimensional, multiblock grid generation code and flow solver for arbitrarily shaped, advanced weapon airframe configurations.

Program EAGLE User's Manual. Volume 2. Surface Generation Code

Book Description

This report provides both a user's manual and a detailed description of a general surface code for the construction of boundary surface input to a grid generation code. This code generates various forms of curved surfaces and performs the manipulation of such surfaces necessary for assembly into a composite structure for boundaries of general three-dimensional regions.

Program EAGLE User's Manual. Volume 4. Multiblock Implicit, Steady-State Euler Code

Book Description

This report documents the theory and usage of the Program EAGLE- Flow Solver; a multiblock implicit, steady-state Euler algorithm used for the aerodynamic analysis of advanced arbitrarily shaped airframe configurations in freestream and interference flowfields.

Program EAGLE User's Manual. Volume 3. Grid Generation Code

Book Description

This report provides both a user's manual and a detailed description for a general three-dimensional grid generation code for the construction of composite grids in arbitrary regions. The code can operate either as an algebraic generation system or as an elliptic generation system. Provision is made for orthogonality at boundaries and complete continuity at block interfaces. The code can operate in two or three dimensions, or on a curved surface. The input is structured to be user-oriented, and arbitrary block configurations can be treated.

Program EAGLE Numerical Grid Generation System User's Manual. Volume 1. Executive and Plotting Routines

Book Description

This report documents the theory and usage of Program EAGLE- Numerical Grid Generation System; a three-dimensional, multi-block grid generation code for arbitrarily-shaped, advanced weapon airframe configurations. This code acts as a front-end grid generator for the Program EAGLE - Flow solver.

Program EAGLE Plotting System User's Manual

Book Description

This User's Manual was designed to display the grids and flow solutions generated by the Program EAGLE Elliptic Grid Generator and Flow Solver. EAGLE Plotting System (EPS) is an interactive three-dimensional color graphics system that runs on the Tektronix 4128/4129 terminals. Many plotting operations are available, including grid plots, surface plots, six types of contours, and velocity vectors. A full description of inputs is given along with examples.

Program EAGLE Numerical Grid Generation System User's Manual. Volume 2. Surface Generation Systems

Book Description

This report provides both a user's manual and a detailed description of a general surface general code for the construction of boundary surface input to a grid generation code. This code generates various forms of curved surfaces and performs the manipulation, of such surfaces necessary for assembly into a composite structure for boundaries of general three-dimensional regions.