TPM en industrias de proceso

Book Description

El mejor libro sobre TPM que hemos editado hasta la fecha! El enfoque TPM resulta en mejoras dramaticas en calidad, costo de producci?n y entrega de productos. En este libro, nueve autores le ensenan todos los detalles que usted necesita para implementar el TPM, y ejemplos de industrias textiles, quimicas, de alimentos, entre otras. Una de las grandes ventajas de este libro es que le ayuda a conocer la implementacion del TPM a traves de la perspectiva de consultores especializados y reconocidos.Contenido:Vision general del TPM en las industrias de proceso Maximizacion de la eficacia de la producci?n Mejora orientada Mantenimiento Autonomo Mantenimiento planificado Gestion temprana Mantenimiento de calidad Promocion de tecnicas de operacion y mantenimiento TPM en los departamentos administrativos y de apoyo Creacion de un entorno grato y seguro Actividades de pequenos grupos TPM Medicion de la eficacia del TPM

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Books In Print 2004-2005

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Glosario Del Banco Mundial

Book Description

This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.

Cali, expanded city-region

Book Description

Is the outcome of interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaborative research carried out by the Alliance of Universities for Regional Urban Development with Equity, constituted by the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Universidad ICESI, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Cali, Universidad de San Buenaventura-Cali, and Universidad del Valle. The Ford Foundation endorsed this alliance between the universities of the region to provide scientific and technical support to social inclusion projects aimed at generating equity. The financial resources provided by the Ford Foundation and the time allocated by the professors and researchers of the Universidad Autónoma, Universidad ICESI, Universidad de San Buenaventura-Cali and Universidad del Valle made this research and its publication in a book possible. This book discusses different theoretical guidelines used in the definition of a region, considered useful as analytical references for the empirical proposal in this book about the 28 municipalities in northern Cauca and southern Valle. Its six chapters describe the patterns of territory occupation, the socio-demographic characterization of the municipalities of the extended city-region, the region's economic structure components, the labor market imbalances, the analysis of the political-electoral heterogeneity of the urban agglomeration of Cali, and some conclusions and policy recommendations. Hence, based on a conceptual and methodological model, the empirical analysis furthered in this book indicates that Cali, as the main urban center, should include in its development plans and territorial planning more effective measures to know, assess, and plan—together with the neighboring municipalities, not only those of the department of Valle itself but those of the urban-rural periphery or hinterland of the southwest, which includes the municipalities of southern Valle and northern Cauca—, albeit through less asymmetrical relations and more shared associations to face a set of common problems that affect the entire region whose epicenter is Cali.

Enhancing Synergies in a Collaborative Environment

Book Description

This volume contains a selection of the best papers presented at the 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, XX International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, and International IIE Conference 2014, hosted by ADINGOR, ABEPRO and the IIE, whose mission is to promote links between researchers and practitioners from different branches, to enhance an interdisciplinary perspective of industrial engineering and management. The conference topics covered: operations research, modelling and simulation, computer and information systems, operations research, scheduling and sequencing, logistics, production and information systems, supply chain and logistics, transportation, lean management, production planning and control, production system design, reliability and maintenance, quality management, sustainability and eco-efficiency, marketing and consumer behavior, business administration and strategic management, economic and financial management, technological and organizational innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship, economics engineering, enterprise engineering, global operations and cultural factors, operations strategy and performance, management social responsibility, environment and sustainability. This book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners working in any of the fields mentioned above.

The Maintenance Management Framework

Book Description

“The Maintenance Management Framework” describes and reviews the concept, process and framework of modern maintenance management of complex systems; concentrating specifically on modern modelling tools (deterministic and empirical) for maintenance planning and scheduling. It will be bought by engineers and professionals involved in maintenance management, maintenance engineering, operations management, quality, etc. as well as graduate students and researchers in this field.