European Integration Revisited

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In this fresh and timely account, Michael Calingaert explores the successes and failures of European economic and political integration, analyzes the factors that will determine its future course, and outlines the directions the European Union is moving in as it approaches the 21st century. Assessing U.S. interests affected by European integration, Calingaert recommends policies for the United States to consider in the face of an increasingly consolidated Europe. With its broad coverage and readable synthesis of a wealth of detailed information, this book will be of interest to students, scholars, and policymakers alike.

Progress Towards European Union

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Europe in 12 Lessons

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EU Enlargement and the Failure of Conditionality

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Among the criteria for accession to the European Union are democracy and the Rule of Law. In the insightful analysis offered by the author of this book, these concepts - while admirable and even necessary criteria in principle - are almost impossible to measure, and any judgement grounded in them will always be difficult to justify. In his words, 'by including analysis of democracy and the Rule of Law within the field of the EU enlargement law, the Union entered an unstable terrain of vague causal connections and blurred definitions.' Dr Kochenov addresses this problem by proceeding as follows: 1. Outlining EU enlargement law in general, including the principle of conditionality and the role played by the analysis of democracy and the Rule of Law in enlargement preparation; 2. Focusing on the role actually played by the monitoring of democracy and the Rule of Law in ten candidate countries, scrutinizing the way the EU used the legal tools and competences outlined in its enlargement law. The book adopts the EU's own understanding of democracy and the Rule of Law, as derived directly from the substance of the numerous legal and political instruments issued by the Community Institutions and especially the Commission in the course of the pre-accession process. In this way it demonstrates the actual - as opposed to the officially announced - role played by the assessment of democracy and the Rule of Law in the candidate countries in the regulation of enlargement. Many formidable inconsistencies in the application of the conditionality principle are thus laid bare. This leads the author to a series of recommendations on policy and procedure that he demonstrates could be profitably applied to the regulation of current and future accessions, using the Commission's own structure of monitoring pre-accession reforms in the three areas of the legislature, executive, and judiciary in candidate countries. The probity and soundness of these recommendations, firmly grounded as they are in the actual pre-accession monitoring and its consequences for the pre-accession progress of ten Eastern European countries admitted to the EU in 2004 and 2007, will greatly interest policymakers and scholars concerned with the future of European integration.

Enlargement Strategy Paper

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Steps to European Unity

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The European Fund for Strategic Investments: The Legacy

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The inside story of the European Fund for Strategic Investments from 2015 to 2020 told through interviews with the Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director, members of the Investment Committee and final beneficiaries across Europe. The architects of this €500 billion-plus programme, the head of the EU bank and the president of the European Commission, describe the genesis of this financial pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe. Then the people who ran one of the biggest economic stimulus programmes in history detail how they did it—and what the lessons are for policymakers responding to new crises, including the economic shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The European Fund for Strategic Investments has been one of the good news stories to emerge in a decade of economic uncertainty. It has gone well beyond its highly ambitious target of €500 billion in mobilised investments. The Juncker Plan has made a strong contribution to the 14 million jobs created in the EU between 2015 and 2020. It has become a success in co-financing projects that otherwise might not have been carried through. It has also charted the path towards new ways of financing. This is not only the case in relatively conventional areas, such as infrastructure, but also in sectors like research and innovation or the contribution to climate change mitigation. This is exactly what makes EFSI so ground-breaking: responding to the needs of the market through continuous financial innovation. The principle of the European Fund for Strategic Investments is here to stay. It has paved the way for its successor, the InvestEU programme, which is to be deployed under the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework. This publication details why the programme was such a success.

Europe in Progress

Book Description

Introduction Europe in Progress, Model and Facts is the second volume in the series Europe's Economic Future launched in 1994. It is in keeping with the will expressed by the University Robert Schuman and implemented by CESAG, the research centre of IECS Strasburg, to observe and to analyse European reality; not through idealized models or abstract diagrams but out in the real world, close to the lives and actions of Europe's citizens and companies. This research, undertaken by leading academic figures of different countries, offers a wide spectrum of reality in evolution and Europe's characteristic diversity. This diversity appears to be both a blessing and a handicap because the adaptation process linked to European integration and the definition of global competitive strategies demands unequal efforts. It is therefore understandable that uncertainties arise, that tensions appear amongst partners who, in some areas of social economic or financial life, stand together but refuse a constraining solidarity in other areas. However one thing is certain: Europe's construction progresses step by step. This deep-seated reality is enhanced by cross-border investments, by the setting up of common rules and standards, by the creation of collective, common instruments, by factor mobility, by intensified exchanges of goods and services, by improved understanding of behaviours and cultures and by learning from others. Europe, with twelve members or more, has a socio-economic life "per se" which, with the adjustment of varying difficulties, is on the road to improvement