Working with Adolescent Violence and Abuse Towards Parents

Book Description

Adolescent violence and abuse towards parents is increasingly recognised as a global problem. Inverting how we normally understand power to operate in abusive relationships, it involves actors who cannot easily be categorised as victims or perpetrators, and often impacts families who are experiencing multiple stressors and hardships and may be experiencing other forms of family abuse. This unique book draws on an international selection of contributors to identify, present and explore what we know about what works when supporting these families. Exploring conceptual and theoretical challenges produced by this emerging social problem: Part 1 discusses some well-established intervention approaches and programmes, looking at their theoretical base and relevant assessment, delivery and evaluation issues. It provides readers with a theoretical framework and toolkit for use in their own intervention work. Part 2 presents examples of innovative practice, with an emphasis on diverse institutional settings, geographical locations and other important contexts that shape practice. It provides readers with an understanding of some of the complexities involved in this kind of intervention work, offering tools and strategies to be applied in their own work. This interdisciplinary guide provides an essential resource for students and practitioners with an interest in domestic and family violence, youth studies, child protection, drug and alcohol work, and youth justice from a wide range of professional backgrounds.

La violencia filio-parental

Book Description

La emergencia de la violencia, en cualquiera de sus formas, no responde a una única causa, sino que conforma un fenómeno complejo y multifacético que sólo resulta comprensible desde un modelo ecológico que considere las variables relacionales, las intrapersonales, culturales, macrosociales, etc. La violencia filio-parental ha existido siempre. No obstante, es en este siglo cuando la sociedad comienza a prestarle mayor atención, debido, fundamentalmente, al incremento de los casos, evidenciado por un espectacular aumento de las denuncias judiciales que provocan un gran impacto en los medios de comunicación. Se trata, sin duda, de un problema de importante relevancia e impacto social. ¿A qué se debe el incremento de este tipo de violencia intrafamiliar? La generalización del fenómeno (que afecta por entero a la sociedad occidental) nos habla de cambios socioculturales que atañen a la educación y a la manera de entender el mundo, especialmente las relaciones familiares: cambios en la familia, en su composición, estructura, ciclo vital y en el tipo de relación establecido entre progenitores e hijos. Este libro se dirige tanto a personas interesadas en esta actual temática y a profesionales de numerosas disciplinas con interés en la violencia filio-parental. Esto incluye a profesionales de la psicología, la psiquiatría, el trabajo social, la educación social, la enfermería, policía y ámbito judicial, entre otros. Además, la obra es de interés en el ámbito académico a todos los niveles.

Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Abuse

Book Description

This book seeks to break new ground in the way in which adolescent-to-parent violence and abuse is understood. Incorporating knowledge from an original research project undertaken in the UK and international literature, this book provides insight into the prevalence of this form of domestic violence which can include psychological, physical, and economic abuse. Young person and family characteristics are explored, and links are made between sibling aggression and school bullying behaviours. A key theme is how the data can be used to develop statistical models which can screen for young people behaving abusively towards their parents. It discusses how the research can be applied to inform theoretical frameworks, policy development, and professional practice, with a focus on prevention and early intervention that uses positive youth justice and restorative approaches.

Child to Parent Aggression and Violence

Book Description

Parent-directed aggression and violence by children is a complex issue and may not be explained by focusing upon a single factor. The affected parents tend to delay seeking help from professionals due to not knowing where to seek help or even an inability to identify their experiences as a problem. This book provides parents and professionals with the much-needed information to tackle this incidence. In this book, Hue San Kuay and Graham Towl draw upon the evidence from past studies and case examples to describe the occurrence of child to parent aggression and violence, and highlight the roles by individuals and communities in intervening and preventing agression and violence. The nature-versus-nurture debate is included and callous-unemotional traits are explained as a predictor of aggression. The effect of parent-directed aggression is discussed, and prevention and intervention methods are presented. Delaying help-seeking could lead to serious consequences and make it harder to effectively intervene. Child to Parent Aggression and Violence is an essential read for practitioners and researchers working with parents, and most importantly, for parents themselves. This book includes suggestions for interventions, self-assessment on parent-directed aggression by children, and points of contact as reference to ease the process for both parents and practitioners. The authors will donate their royalties in full to Family Lives, UK. This organisation was registered as a charity in 1999. Previously known as Parentline, they provide support for families through a helpline and also offer drop-in sessions. They give tailored parental support within the community and schools, and offer support on issues such as bullying, special educational needs, and support for specific groups.

Child Maltreatment: An Introduction

Book Description

Child Maltreatment, Third Edition, by Cindy Miller-Perrin and Robin Perrin, is a thoroughly updated new edition of the first textbook for undergraduate students and beginning graduate students in this field. The text is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to child maltreatment by disseminating current knowledge about the various types of violence against children. By helping students understand more fully the etiology, prevalence, treatment, policy issues, and prevention of child maltreatment, the authors hope to further our understanding of how to treat child maltreatment victims and how to prevent future child maltreatment.

Child to Parent Violence and Abuse

Book Description

Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA), where a child or young person uses verbal, physical, psychological or financial means to gain power or control over a parent or carer, is a much misunderstood problem that affects the lives of millions of families around the world. Despite this, and the lasting damage it can cause, CPVA is an underreported issue, and one that presents a serious challenge to practitioners and support services -- not least because it inverts our normal understanding of abuse within the family. In this book Helen Bonnick shares the knowledge that she has built up over many years specialising in CPVA as a social worker, practice educator and researcher. Following an introductory chapter, the book is divided into five sections that develop an understanding of key issues before moving on to a more structured approach to supporting families. Illustrated throughout with real-life anecdotes, testimony and advice from those who have faced CPVA, Child to Parent Violence and Abuse brings this complex issue out of the shadows and provides much needed guidance to practitioners. - Presents a broad understanding of the key issues involved in CPVA for all those working with troubled families, as well as students currently undergoing training - Explores an issue of threatening and/or violent behaviour in the home that affects millions of parents, yet remains poorly understood by practitioners in the field - Proceeds from definitions, prevalence and impact to specific suggestions for responses and proven models for intervention (e.g. 'Step-Up', 'Who's in Charge') - Each chapter is illustrated with real life anecdotes and testimony of families who have given permission for their voices to be included

Handbook of Aggressive Behavior Research

Book Description

Aggression is a complex social behaviour with multiple causes. In psychology, as well as other social and behavioural sciences, aggression refers to behaviour between members of the same species that is intended to cause pain or harm. Aggression takes a variety of forms among humans and can be physical, mental, or verbal. Aggression should not be confused with assertiveness however, although the terms are often used interchangeably. There are two broad categories of aggression. These include hostile, affective, or retaliatory aggression and instrumental, predatory, or goal-oriented aggression. Empirical research indicates that there is a critical difference between the two, both psychologically and physiologically. Some research indicates that people with tendencies toward affective aggression have lower IQs than those with tendencies toward predatory aggression. If only considering physical aggression, males tend to be more aggressive than females. This new book gathers the latest research from around the world in this field.

Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Book Description

How do biological and environmental factors influence the development of childhood and adolescent disorders? There has been a substantial increase of interest in research into child and adolescent psychopathology. In this book, Cecilia Essau brings together contributions from the UK, the US and Canada to provide a comprehensive summary of the information available on the subject. Beginning with an introduction to general issues related to child and adolescent psychopathology, including theoretical models of normal and abnormal development, each chapter goes on to address the issues associated with specific disorders, such as: oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder eating disorders substance use disorders somatoform disorders. The contributors present a thorough overview of each disorder, including discussion of definition and classification, epidemiology, risk factors, comorbidity, course, outcome and prevention. Child & Adolescent Psychopathology will be welcomed by all mental health professionals seeking a reliable source of scientifically and clinically relevant information on the nature and treatment of child and adolescent disorders.

Explorando el tsunami relacional de la violencia filioparental

Book Description

El presente estudio es fruto del trabajo, el aprendizaje y la investigación llevados a cabo a lo largo de cinco años atendiendo a la infancia, la adolescencia y la familia en el programa Espacio Ariadna de la Fundación para la Atención Integral del Menor (FAIM), fundación en la que trabajo desde 2012. El programa Espacio Ariadna se inició a mediados de 2014 con el propósito de ofrecer un espacio de atención a familias que transitan por conflictos filioparentales de mayor o menor intensidad, pero que tienen un denominador común: las dificultades a la hora de atravesar determinados momentos de su ciclo vital como familia y el sufrimiento de uno o varios de sus miembros. Esta investigación nace con el ánimo de evidenciar el trabajo que realizamos el equipo de profesionales y voluntarios de Espacio Ariadna (del campo de la medicina, la psicología, la educación social y disciplinas afines a ciencias de la salud y sociales), así como de la necesidad de desarrollar modelos de intervención especializada que atienda no solamente la violencia, sino también la compleja realidad que deben afrontar los diversos miembros que conforman cada unidad familiar, lo cual guarda relación con la necesidad de elaborar propuestas basadas en la evidencia. Confío en que el presente texto estimule al lector, además de a explorar el estudio y la investigación, a reflexionar sobre lo que puede subyacer a la violencia y a adoptar una perspectiva relacional que acoja al conjunto familiar, de tal modo que sensibilice miradas e invite a pensar en los modos de atender el malestar relacional de algunas familias.

Who's In Charge?

Book Description

Who's in Charge?, written by Eddie Gallagher, is a book aimed at helping parents unravel the mysteries of violent and abusive children. For those who don't have difficult teenage children, this book will come as something of a thunderbolt as the misery that some parents and families endure is not well-documented or discussed. For those whose children are reasonably normal and average, this will come as something of a relief! Never again will you complain about sour faces, bad moods and bombsite bedrooms. Eddie Gallagher's main objective is to explore the facts and expose the taboo that surrounds the concept of children perpetrating violent acts upon their parents. However, Who's in Charge? contains a mine of information about family relationships, about emotions in general and stacks of advice about good parenting, so this is a book that every parent would benefit from reading. It will also be of interest to professionals and academics as there has been little written on this topic, and nothing with such scope. Candid, non-judgmental, certainly not sanctimonious and full of humour, Eddie Gallagher is able to take this difficult and largely hidden topic and expose it. Other topics are covered which would be of interest to any parent - the effect of social media and the internet, an increasing lack of respect towards authority in society - and the author also touches on the issue of violent abuse between adults within relationships plus the input of healthcare professionals and the moral minefield they face, all in all a veritable mine of information. Accessible, relevant and easy to read, every part of this book will impact someone somewhere, whether they have children or not.