Book Description
This report presents the first comprehensive summaries of Quaternary geology and landscape evolution for the Melville Peninsula, glaciated by the Wisconsin Laurentide Ice. After an introduction on the bedrock geology and physiography of the study area, sections of the report describe the area's surficial materials and landforms, including till, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits and landforms, marine deposits and landforms; dispersal trains and ice dynamics; glaciation and ice flow in the study area; deglaciation of the various parts of the peninsula; glacial and postglacial sea-level changes, and their interpretation; the regional context of glaciation and sea-level change; the economic and environmental geology of Quaternary materials such as permafrost and patterned ground forms; postglacial faulting and neotectonics; and till geochemistry, with reference to drift prospecting models.