Quien Eres?

Book Description

En la novela, Terry sufre un accidente al ser envestido por una ambulancia, en el momento de presenciar el arresto policial de su jefe. Este es acusado injustamente de la compra de un material contaminado, que ocasiona que el hijo del presidente de la Empresa quede en estado de coma, durante diez años. En la historia se describen con detalle las características únicas de liderazgo de German, jefe del protagonista, y de otras autoridades gerenciales que son lo opuesto y ocultan intereses económicos personales, amoríos y la traición de la esposa de Terry con el presidente de la Empresa. Son picarescas y humanas las intervenciones del «otro yo» del protagonista, quien queda en un estado anímico ausente en el mundo exterior, mientras en su interior hace una revisión de su vida, realiza viajes al pasado y tiene diálogos consigo mismo… El fi nal es sorprendente e inesperado… fi nalmente el espíritu de Terry regresa a su cuerpo después de haber descubierto los responsables del delito, las infi delidades y las intrigas que se tramaban en la Empresa. Todo ello gracias a sus viajes al pasado, reuniones mentales con Roy, el presidente, y el apoyo del inusual Padre Juan, quien se convierte en su protector. Así, después de diez años, se descubre toda la verdad y se hace justicia. No obstante, el protagonista extraña profundamente a su otro yo, que no sabía que existía antes del accidente, y a quien reencuentra cuando el hijo del presidente también sale del estado de coma… quien parece tener una voz muy parecida a la de «su otro yo»…

¿Quién soy yo? – Self-Identification and Ana Castillo

Book Description

Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject American Studies - Literature, grade: 1,0, Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald (Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik), course: Chicano/Chicana Culture and Literature in the USA, language: English, abstract: ¿Quién soy yo? or Who am I? One question is expressed in two languages. But there are numerous answers one can give. Some would say their gender and define themselves as being a man or a woman. Others would simply give their names or their religions. One could also reveal the nationality, the origin or the own social strata. There are a lot of possible answers to this question as humans perceive and identify themselves differently. But people cannot say who they are by using just one single criterion. “Of course, all of us have multiple identities. We may identify ourselves simultaneously as, for instance, woman, socialist, ecological farmer, world citizen, mother, daughter, wife, researcher, Finnish, Scandinavian, European, witch, theosopher, lover of music and plants, and so on (Fishman 54).” Having a closer look at the meaning of the word “identity” the Oxford English Dictionary gives a proper definition of the word: “identities are the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that distinguish people from others.” This definition shows that identities are not just formed by the own person. It must rather be seen in relation to other humans. The system of society prescribes certain role models humans are expected to fulfil be it on grounds of their sex, race or their economic class. This is also what the personal identity shapes. What if someone does not really know who he or she? Of course, there are some basic answers one can give like the gender or the name but in some cases it is quite hard for people to be aware of themselves. Some marginal groups do not have that feeling of belonging to either side, for example black or white. They are brown, or simply an “in-between case”. They are a mixture of both colours and still in the process of defining themselves or simply lost in it...

Chicana/o Identity in a Changing U.S. Society

Book Description

What does it mean to be Chicana/o? That question might not be answered the same as it was a generation ago. As the United States witnesses a major shift in its population—from a white majority to a country where no single group predominates—the new mix not only affects relations between ethnic groups but also influences how individuals view themselves. This book addresses the development of individual and social identity within the context of these new demographic and cultural shifts. It identifies the contemporary forces that shape group identity in order to show how Chicana/os' sense of personal identity and social identity develops and how these identities are affected by changes in social relations. The authors, both nationally recognized experts in social psychology, are concerned with the subjective definitions individuals have about the social groups with which they identify, as well as with linguistic, cultural, and social contexts. Their analysis reveals what the majority of Chicanas/os experience, using examples from music, movies, and the arts to illustrate complex concepts. In considering ¿Quién Soy? ("Who Am I?"), they discuss how individuals develop a positive sense of who they are as Chicanas/os, with an emphasis on the influence of family, schools, and community. Regarding ¿Quiénes Somos? ("Who Are We?"), they explore Chicanas/os' different group memberships that define who they are as a people, particularly reviewing the colonization history of the American Southwest to show how Chicanas/os' group identity is influenced by this history. A chapter on "Language, Culture, and Community" looks at how Chicanas/os define their social identities inside and outside their communities, whether in the classroom, neighborhood, or region. In a final chapter, the authors speculate how Chicana/o identity will change as Chicanas/os become a significant proportion of the U.S. population and as such factors as immigration, intermarriage, and improvements in social standing influence the process of identification. At the end of each chapter is an engaging exercise that reinforces its main argument and shows how psychological approaches are applicable to real life. Chicana/o Identity in a Changing U.S. Society is an unprecedented introduction to psychological issues that students can relate to and understand. It complements other titles in the Mexican American Experience series to provide a balanced view of issues that affect Mexican Americans today.

Tell Me Who I Am

Book Description

A journalist receives a proposal to investigate the eventful life of his great-grandmother, about whom all that is known is that she fled Spain, abandoning her husband and child, shortly before the Civil War broke out. The memoir of an entire century, this novel adds a new, original chapter to Julia Navarro's best-selling career. Tell Me Who I Am surprises and enchants with a captivating and heartrending story. This is a novel about memory and identity with an exceptionallywell-drawn and unforgettable literary character: a woman who throughout her extraordinary life was able to achieve the highly difficult feat of knowing herself. A victim of her mistakes, aware of her guilt, frightened by her traumas, she is above all an anti-heroine, a flesh-and-blood woman who always acts according to her principles, facing up to every challenge and making errors for which she will never fully pay. A woman who decided that she couldn't be neutral in this life. Navarro's most personal novel surprises for its melodrama and the raw emotions transmitted by many of its stories. It is filled with pure adventure, introspection and political chronicle. From the tumultuous years of the Second Spanish Republic to the fall of the Berlin Wall, including World War II and the Cold War, these pages are packed with intrigue, emotion, politics, espionage, love, betrayal and settings like Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Moscow, London, Berlin and Warsaw with brief stopovers in The Basque Country, Cairo, Athens, Lisbon and New York.

Language and the Comedia

Book Description

This study illustrates how a focus on language, which is manifest in so much of contemporary literary theory, can help to open some of the canonical texts of Spanish Golden Age theater to new readings.

Perfect Wives, Other Women

Book Description

DIVClose readings of canonical Spanish “Golden Age” and Latin American “colonial” texts, drawing heavily on the findings and strategies of psychoanalytic criticism, gender studies and Marxism, and offering an understanding of a repres/div

The Sounds of His Voice

Book Description

This book is a collection of 92 poems and songs that I was used as a vessel to write, and includes 13 Contemporary Christian Music Translations from English to Spanish, and 1 song translation from Spanish to English. This collection was all written, edited, produced and then published by Nestor Gonzalez during the period of March 18, 2009 to March 2010. Prior to the time period noted, I have never, in my life, xwritten a poem or song. The vast majority of the poems were Godly inspired. With the exception of 2 somewhat explicit life stories, that should serve as counsel to young people; it is my hope that these poems and songs, serve to draw every reader to a closer and more intimate relationship with God. I pray that you all read these poems aloud and that you too hear The Sounds of His Voice.

¿Quién Soy Yo? - Self-Identification and Ana Castillo

Book Description

Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject American Studies - Literature, grade: 1,0, Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald (Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik), course: Chicano/Chicana Culture and Literature in the USA, language: English, abstract: ¿Quién soy yo? or Who am I? One question is expressed in two languages. But there are numerous answers one can give. Some would say their gender and define themselves as being a man or a woman. Others would simply give their names or their religions. One could also reveal the nationality, the origin or the own social strata. There are a lot of possible answers to this question as humans perceive and identify themselves differently. But people cannot say who they are by using just one single criterion. "Of course, all of us have multiple identities. We may identify ourselves simultaneously as, for instance, woman, socialist, ecological farmer, world citizen, mother, daughter, wife, researcher, Finnish, Scandinavian, European, witch, theosopher, lover of music and plants, and so on (Fishman 54)." Having a closer look at the meaning of the word "identity" the Oxford English Dictionary gives a proper definition of the word: "identities are the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that distinguish people from others." This definition shows that identities are not just formed by the own person. It must rather be seen in relation to other humans. The system of society prescribes certain role models humans are expected to fulfil be it on grounds of their sex, race or their economic class. This is also what the personal identity shapes. What if someone does not really know who he or she? Of course, there are some basic answers one can give like the gender or the name but in some cases it is quite hard for people to be aware of themselves. Some marginal groups do not have that feeling of belonging to either side, for example black or white. They are brown, or simply an "in-between case". They are a mixture of both col

Los Hijos de Dios

Book Description

Roberto entra al consumo de las drogas de la forma en que TODOS lo hacen; "Gradualmente", no se trata de una narración de hechos externos solamente, Roberto narra sus experiencias psíquicas, emocionales y sobre todo espirituales, en un drama de prostitución, homicidio, narcotráfico, corrupción, alcoholismo, drogadicción y espiritualidad. El alimento a sus apetitos perversos son satisfechos a su antojo pero, el espíritu también reclama su alimento que lo encuentra al alcance de su respiración, solo que al inhalarlo lo exhala rápidamente, los fantasmas de su mente nacieron en su infancia traumatizada por el abuso sexual, el alcoholismo de su padre y la drogadicción de sus hermanos mayores. La miseria interna es mezclada con la divinidad de su espíritu llevando en sus poros la lucha eterna del amor y el odio, la paz y la guerra, la muerte y la vida, la condena y la emancipación. La novela es narrada con lenguaje cotidiano e intencionalmente prosaico tocando la vulgaridad para remontar en la belleza de la descripción subjetiva y refinada para el disfrute de la lectura. En ningún momento es tediosa o predecible, contrario a esto va de un drama catastrófico familiar hasta llegar al culmen de la perversión individual en un intenso desarrollo existencial. Su vida se desarrolla en la ciudad de México encontrando su desenlace en un país tan lleno de paradojas sin sentido y que irónicamente es ahí donde el final se desarrolla. Los hijos de Dios... no es una novela religiosa, tampoco es una novela de superación personal, es una novela de realidad subjetiva vista desde un mexicano Drogadicto. A pesar de ello no deja de ser una historia ficticia mezclada con elementos reales, aunque los escépticos pueden muy bien leerla tendrán que responder a muchas preguntas que surgirán en su mente en el transcurso de la lectura. Por lo tanto la novela no busca dar solución a problemas existenciales, plasma los problemas existenciales más comunes para provocar empatía y analizar las alternativas de clarificación so pretexto de las adicciones. La motivación surgió después de muchos años de escuchar historias de adictos y, que a pesar de la diversidad de experiencias y que muchas de ellas son sorprendentes, todos ellos tienen algo en común: "El adicto usa droga por que busca algo", los adictos son buscadores y muchos de ellos se pierden en esa búsqueda. Su búsqueda no se centra en cosas tangibles, como posesiones económicas o materiales a pesar de las apariencias, su deseo de encontrar va mas allá de lo físico, por eso la mayoría de los drogos son metafísicos, su atención se detiene en lo misterioso, en la subjetividad y sobre todo en lo espiritual. Lo más curioso es que cada adicto encuentra su propio camino de búsqueda, los expertos opinan que la puerta de entrada al universo de las drogas inicia casualmente con el uso de una droga legal para terminar con las ilegales, sin embargo; se observa que hay un comportamiento previo a esto, conducta dirigida a la obtención del placer proporcionado por los instintos en el cuál el mas destacable es el sexual, cosa que no es de sorprenderse porque el efecto de cualquier droga es orgiástica...y es así querido lector que esta obra esta impregnada de erotismo pero descrita desde el interior del protagonista sin acudir a la descripción literal.

The Best Masterpiece is your Life

Book Description

If you have any question about: What is the sense of your life?, What are you doing here?, Who are you?, What are the main goals of your life?, What can i do to feel better daily?, Am i doing the best i can in my life?, What about God is helping me, or not?, Can i ask for help to anyone to pass a complicated situation?, What is the spirit?, Are we alone in this universe?, Where is God?, Am i following the correct path or am i lost?, Why am i so sad?, What can i do to be happy?, Why am i experimenting difficult situations in my life?, Exists any technique to improve your self confidence?, Can i restore from my diseases?, Can i help others with their diseases?, Am i feeling that i don't find my place in this world?, What can i do to attract jobs, money, or someone to my life?, Do i deserve to enjoy the life? How can i eliminate my own borders? Am i strong enough to overcome from any situation?, Am i worrying about others instead of myself? This book will be your answer. Thanks for reading, and remember to share it if you like it.