Rate Equations in Semiconductor Electronics

Book Description

This book presents a novel approach to the teaching of dynamic aspects of the operation of semiconductor and opto-electronic devices. Such dynamic aspects often determine the steady state conditions. Also, the dynamical operation of such devices is of increasing importance as modern methods of communicating data and information require electronic devices that switch electrical or optical signals at ever faster rates. The author discusses the rates at which electrons and holes can reach equilibrium, the rates at which transistors and diodes can switch, and the rates at which electrons and holes can interact with photons, and with protons. He also applies the rate equations in a unified way to models of light-emitting diodes, injection lasers and photodiodes. Finally, the author discusses more-advanced topics on the photon statistics of injection lasers, mode-locking and the application of rate equations and Maxwell's equations to opto-electronic devices.

The Stationary Semiconductor Device Equations

Book Description

In the last two decades semiconductor device simulation has become a research area, which thrives on a cooperation of physicists, electrical engineers and mathe maticians. In this book the static semiconductor device problem is presented and analysed from an applied mathematician's point of view. I shall derive the device equations - as obtained for the first time by Van Roosbroeck in 1950 - from physical principles, present a mathematical analysis, discuss their numerical solu tion by discretisation techniques and report on selected device simulation runs. To me personally the most fascinating aspect of mathematical device analysis is that an interplay of abstract mathematics, perturbation theory, numerical analysis and device physics is prompting the design and development of new technology. I very much hope to convey to the reader the importance of applied mathematics for technological progress. Each chapter of this book is designed to be as selfcontained as possible, however, the mathematical analysis of the device problem requires tools which cannot be presented completely here. Those readers who are not interested in the mathemati cal methodology and rigor can extract the desired information by simply ignoring details and proofs of theorems. Also, at the beginning of each chapter I refer to textbooks which introduce the interested reader to the required mathematical concepts.

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Book Description

Physics of Semiconductor Devices covers both basic classic topics such as energy band theory and the gradual-channel model of the MOSFET as well as advanced concepts and devices such as MOSFET short-channel effects, low-dimensional devices and single-electron transistors. Concepts are introduced to the reader in a simple way, often using comparisons to everyday-life experiences such as simple fluid mechanics. They are then explained in depth and mathematical developments are fully described. Physics of Semiconductor Devices contains a list of problems that can be used as homework assignments or can be solved in class to exemplify the theory. Many of these problems make use of Matlab and are aimed at illustrating theoretical concepts in a graphical manner.

The Physics of Submicron Semiconductor Devices

Book Description

The papers contained in the volume represent lectures delivered as a 1983 NATO ASI, held at Urbino, Italy. The lecture series was designed to identify the key submicron and ultrasubmicron device physics, transport, materials and contact issues. Nonequilibrium transport, quantum transport, interfacial and size constraints issues were also highlighted. The ASI was supported by NATO and the European Research Office. H. L. Grubin D. K. Ferry C. Jacoboni v CONTENTS MODELLING OF SUB-MICRON DEVICES.................. .......... 1 E. Constant BOLTZMANN TRANSPORT EQUATION... ... ...... .................... 33 K. Hess TRANSPORT AND MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR SUBMICRON DEVICES. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .... ... .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 45 H. L. Grubin EPITAXIAL GROWTH FOR SUB MICRON STRUCTURES.................. 179 C. E. C. Wood INSULATOR/SEMICONDUCTOR INTERFACES.......................... 195 C. W. Wilms en THEORY OF THE ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF SEMICONDUCTOR SURFACES AND INTERFACES......................................... 223 C. Calandra DEEP LEVELS AT COMPOUND-SEMICONDUCTOR INTERFACES........... 253 W. Monch ENSEMBLE MONTE CARLO TECHNIqUES............................. 289 C. Jacoboni NOISE AND DIFFUSION IN SUBMICRON STRUCTURES................. 323 L. Reggiani SUPERLATTICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 . . . . . . . . . . . . K. Hess SUBMICRON LITHOGRAPHY 373 C. D. W. Wilkinson and S. P. Beaumont QUANTUM EFFECTS IN DEVICE STRUCTURES DUE TO SUBMICRON CONFINEMENT IN ONE DIMENSION.... ....................... 401 B. D. McCombe vii viii CONTENTS PHYSICS OF HETEROSTRUCTURES AND HETEROSTRUCTURE DEVICES..... 445 P. J. Price CORRELATION EFFECTS IN SHORT TIME, NONS TAT I ONARY TRANSPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 . . . . . . . . . . . . J. J. Niez DEVICE-DEVICE INTERACTIONS............ ...................... 503 D. K. Ferry QUANTUM TRANSPORT AND THE WIGNER FUNCTION................... 521 G. J. Iafrate FAR INFRARED MEASUREMENTS OF VELOCITY OVERSHOOT AND HOT ELECTRON DYNAMICS IN SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES............. 577 S. J. Allen, Jr.

Heteroepitaxial Semiconductors for Electronic Devices

Book Description

Some years ago it was not uncommon for materials scientists, even within the electronics industry, to work relatively independently of device engi neers. Neither group had a means to determine whether or not the materials had been optimized for application in specific device structures. This mode of operation is no longer desirable or possible. The introduction of a new material, or a new form of a well known material, now requires a close collaborative effort between individuals who represent the disciplines of materials preparation, materials characterization, device design and pro cessing, and the analysis of the device operation to establish relationships between device performance and the materials properties. The develop ment of devices in heteroepitaxial thin films has advanced to the present state specifically through the unusually close and active interchange among individuals with the appropriate backgrounds. We find no book available which brings together a description of these diverse disciplines needed for the development of such a materials-device technology. Therefore, the authors of this book, who have worked in close collaboration for a number of years, were motivated to collect their experiences in this volume. Over the years there has been a logical flow of activity beginning with heteroepi taxial silicon and progressing through the III-V and II-VI compounds. For each material the early emphasis on material preparation and characteriza tion later shifted to an emphasis on the analysis of the device characteristics specific to the materials involved.

Basic Semiconductor Physics

Book Description

A detailed description of the basic physics of semiconductors. All the important equations describing the properties of these materials are derived without the help of other textbooks. The reader is assumed to have only a basic command of mathematics and some elementary semiconductor physics. The text covers a wide range of important semiconductor phenomena, from the simple to the advanced.

Basic Properties of Semiconductors

Book Description

Since Volume 1 was published in 1982, the centres of interest in the basic physics of semiconductors have shifted. Volume 1 was called Band Theory and Transport Properties in the first edition, but the subject has broadened to such an extent that Basic Properties is now a more suitable title. Seven chapters have been rewritten by the original authors. However, twelve chapters are essentially new, with the bulk of this work being devoted to important current topics which give this volume an almost encyclopaedic form. The first three chapters discuss various aspects of modern band theory and the next two analyze impurities in semiconductors. Then follow chapters on semiconductor statistics and on surfaces, interfaces and band offsets as they occur in heterojunctions. Chapters 8 to 19 report on newer topics (though a survey of transport properties of carriers is also included). Among these are transport of hot electrons, and thermoelectric effects including here and elsewhere properties of low-dimensional and mesoscopic structures. The electron-hole liquid, the quantum Hall effect, localisation, ballistic transport, coherence in superlattices, current ideas on tunnelling and on quantum confinement and scattering processes are also covered.

Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices, GaN-based Optical and Electronic Devices

Book Description

The three volumes of this handbook treat the fundamentals, technology and nanotechnology of nitride semiconductors with an extraordinary clarity and depth. They present all the necessary basics of semiconductor and device physics and engineering together with an extensive reference section. Volume 3 deals with nitride semiconductor devices and device technology. Among the application areas that feature prominently here are LEDs, lasers, FETs and HBTs, detectors and unique issues surrounding solar blind detection.

Introduction to Semiconductor Physics and Devices

Book Description

This classroom-tested textbook provides a self-contained one-semester course in semiconductor physics and devices that is ideal preparation for students to enter burgeoning quantum industries. Unlike other textbooks on semiconductor device physics, it provides a brief but comprehensive introduction to quantum physics and statistical physics, with derivations and explanations of the key facts that are suitable for second-year undergraduates, rather than simply postulating the main results. The book is structured into three parts, each of which can be covered in around ten lectures. The first part covers fundamental background material such as quantum and statistical physics, and elements of crystallography and band theory of solids. Since this provides a vital foundation for the rest of the text, concepts are explained and derived in more detail than in comparable texts. For example, the concepts of measurement and collapse of the wave function, which are typically omitted, are presented in this text in language accessible to second-year students. The second part covers semiconductors in and out of equilibrium, and gives details which are not commonly presented, such as a derivation of the density of states using dimensional analysis, and calculation of the concentration of ionized impurities from the grand canonical distribution. Special attention is paid to the solution of Poisson’s equation, a topic that is feared by many undergraduates but is brought back down to earth by techniques and analogies from first-year physics. Finally, in the third part, the material in parts 2 and 3 is applied to describe simple semiconductor devices, including the MOSFET, the Schottky and PN-junction diodes, and optoelectronic devices. With a wide range of exercises, this textbook is readily adoptable for an undergraduate course on semiconductor physics devices, and with its emphasis on consolidating and applying knowledge of fundamental physics, it will leave students in engineering and the physical sciences well prepared for a future where quantum industries proliferate.