Ready-to-Go Fundraisers

Book Description

Ready-Made Fundraising Packages . . . Just Add Youth Group FULLY LOADED All Youth Fundraising Activity Options, Extras, and Side Items Included These ready-made fundraising packages are completely accessorized with everything you need to easily prepare and smoothly execute youth ministry fundraising activities that utilize youth participation. You can spend less time on planning activity details, and more time directly involving your teens. These plans cover every detail for you. Think of the convenience. Think of all the up-front prep time you can save. The unique benefit of the Ready-to-Go series is that these activity materials go beyond merely offering ideas. Ready-to-Go resources, instead, provide fully developed activity and event plans. These allow the youth leader to host youth activities of substance and quality, with a minimal up-front time investment. It’s like offering a baked cake, instead of a cake recipe and ingredients. Or offering a fully-assembled ready-to-use playground set, instead of loose components in a box, with assembly instructions. Ready-to-Go Fundraisers provides youth ministers with a variety of fun and effective fundraising ideas, including - . . . old standards and digital-age alternatives . . . from embarrassingly simple to exhaustingly complex . . . projects that foster fellowship and community to projects that have a global impact This resource includes a chapter on grant-writing, by longtime Abingdon writer Todd Outcalt, and a CD-ROM loaded with spreadsheets, fliers, forms, and other useful resources. Just add youth.

Ready to Go Fundraisers

Book Description

Ready-Made Fundraising Packages . . .Just Add Youth Group FULLY LOADED All Youth Fundraising Activity Options, Extras, and Side Items Included These ready-made fundraising packages are completely accessorized with everything you need to easily prepare and smoothly execute youth ministry fundraising activities that utilize youth participation. You can spend less time on planning activity details, and more time directly involving your teens. These plans cover every detail for you. Think of the convenience. Think of all the up-front prep time you can save. The unique benefit of the Ready-to-Go series is that these activity materials go beyond merely offering ideas.Ready-to-Go resources, instead, provide fully developed activity and event plans. These allow the youth leader to host youth activities of substance and quality, with a minimal up-front time investment. Ite(tm)s like offering a baked cake, instead of a cake recipe and ingredients. Or offering a fully-assembled ready-to-use playground set,instead of loose components in a box, with assembly instructions. Ready-to-Go Fundraisers provides youth ministers with a variety of fun and effective fundraising ideas, including - . . .old standards anddigital-age alternatives . . . from embarrassingly simple to exhaustingly complex . . .projects that foster fellowship and communityto projects that have a global impact This resource includes a chapter on grant-writing, by longtime Abingdon writer Todd Outcalt, and a CD-ROM loaded with spreadsheets, fliers, forms, and other useful resources. Just add youth.

Joan Garry's Guide to Nonprofit Leadership

Book Description

Nonprofit leadership is messy Nonprofits leaders are optimistic by nature. They believe with time, energy, smarts, strategy and sheer will, they can change the world. But as staff or board leader, you know nonprofits present unique challenges. Too many cooks, not enough money, an abundance of passion. It’s enough to make you feel overwhelmed and alone. The people you help need you to be successful. But there are so many obstacles: a micromanaging board that doesn’t understand its true role; insufficient fundraising and donors who make unreasonable demands; unclear and inconsistent messaging and marketing; a leader who’s a star in her sector but a difficult boss… And yet, many nonprofits do thrive. Joan Garry’s Guide to Nonprofit Leadership will show you how to do just that. Funny, honest, intensely actionable, and based on her decades of experience, this is the book Joan Garry wishes she had when she led GLAAD out of a financial crisis in 1997. Joan will teach you how to: Build a powerhouse board Create an impressive and sustainable fundraising program Become seen as a ‘workplace of choice’ Be a compelling public face of your nonprofit This book will renew your passion for your mission and organization, and help you make a bigger difference in the world.

Nonprofit Fundraising Hacks

Book Description

This book will help to level the playing field, so that you can compete with some of the bigger organizations out there in the nonprofit industry. You'll discover science-backed ways to get more funding for your nonprofit. These are breakthrough marketing strategies that are easy to implement and just plain work. They are psychological tricks that you can use to raise more money from your existing donors (or new ones). I have to be honest with you though. Having been an online marketer for eight years, I've come into contact with these principles many times.In fact, I'd go so far as to say that most successful nonprofits and established companies use these tactics. It's because they're proven to work to raise more funds. However, they aren't introduced to the millions of nonprofits throughout the world. You have to operate in the dark and you're left wondering how to make ends meet at the end of the month. That's not fair! Mark my words, some of them will boggle your mind. When you begin to act on the advice, you'll start to see results that not only affect your bottom line, but also give you the power to help more people.At the end of the day, that's all that matters, isn't it? The people you're helping. The way you're impacting the world for the positive. This fundraising guff isn't all that fun or exciting. What's more, you spend so much of your time doing it. That's why I wanted to put together a paint by numbers formula for handling this area of your operations, once and for all. Once you harness this linchpin skill, you won't ever have to worry about how you'll pay next month's bills.Instead of struggling to stay afloat, you'll have a rock-solid fundraising plan in place, and be able to live an empowered life. If you're fed up with seeing the big-boys cash in on fundraising, and annoyed that there isn't better training out there for nonprofit leaders, like you, then this is the book for you. I want to bring some of these effective for-profit marketing techniques to the nonprofit world so that you can impact more people at a fraction of the cost. As you know, that's the name of the game. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to navigate this changing terrain.

You Are Enough

Book Description

"Through engaging rhyme and bright, cheerful illustrations, this book reminds young readers of their true belonging in the world. The message in You are Enough is the most precious gift a child can be given!"-Tara Brach, author of Radical Compassion"To be happy with oneself is a great blessing of any life.You Are Enough inspires each person -children and adults-to appreciate and celebrate their own great value with no need to prove oneself or apologize for oneself.To realize for oneself the message of this book is a foundation for appreciating and loving others for who they are." Gil Fronsdal

Ask Without Fear!®

Book Description

Are your board members beating down your door with new donors that are ready to make a gift? If that's not your reality yet, international fundraising trainer Marc A. Pitman's "Ask Without Fear!" is for you! In this fun, easy-to-read book, he: Explains in a step-by-step, easy to remember process how to build authentic relationships with your donors -- and help them connect with your cause in the way that matters most to them! Identifies time-tested research tools to help you plan your fundraising campaign! Exposes the 7 most common fundraising mistakes -- and how to avoid them! Shows how to become skilled at identifying a person's personality traits and tailoring your message to fit their personality -- even on the fly! Perfect for nonprofit employees and board members, Ask Without Fear! helps you move your fundraising from a static, one-way, organization-centered monologue to a dynamic, donor-centered, two-way dialogue. This book gives you the tools to raise serious money for your favorite cause!

A Blueprint for Fundraising

Book Description

Do you need help raising money for your charity? Not sure where to start? A Blueprint for Fundraising is going to help. In these pages, it will focus fundraiser’s attention on the detailed steps needed for success in raising money for any charity. The book draws together thirty-five years of practical experience in how to make fundraising work and work hard, based on campaigns that date back from 1985 to last week. It is an up to date, genuine blueprint that any user or team can apply in step-by-step implementation. Getting the best from digital, social, online and offline channels are all detailed, as well as many other aspects such as: How to build a donor base of loyal followers who actually respond to appeals How to attract large, lump sum donations from wealthy benefactors you are yet to meet How to build powerful In Memoriam giving programmes How to achieve definite, valuable returns from Gifts in Wills And how to gain success in Grant applications and requests for support from companies. Turning willing volunteers into powerful advocates, A Blueprint for Fundraising delivers tools and resources that will boost any fundraiser’s skills and will help charity leadership to “stop running just to stand still”.

Get, Set, GO! Fundraising

Book Description

Get Set GO! Fundraising is aimed at early years settings and Children's Centres that are new to the world of fundraising. The book offers a wide range of ideas to support you as you venture into the financial world of fundraising. Set out in an easy-to-read style, you can dip into the book at any point, with each page set out in a range of helpful headings to get you going as soon as possible.

Fundraiser A

Book Description

Most people will recognize the name Robert Blagojevich as the brother of ill-fated Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. But many don't know why Robert came to work for his brother or how he came to be named as a defendant in the criminal trial accusing Rod of attempting to sell Barack Obama's former Senate seat to the highest bidder after the presidential election of 2008. Now, Robert offers a brutally honest inside look at what it is like to face the full force and power of the federal government and maintain innocence in a high-profile criminal case. By the time United States of America vs. Rod Blagojevich and Robert Blagojevich was over, one of the most renowned prosecutors in America, Patrick Fitzgerald, had brought down a governor of Illinois for the second time in five years. An investigation that would unseat one of the unindicted "co-conspirators" in the case, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., had begun. And the integrity of President Obama, US Senator Roland Burris, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel had been called into question. For the last four months of 2008, Robert was, at his brother's request, the head of Rod's fundraising operation, Friends of Blagojevich. Rod and Robert had taken very different career paths and had drifted apart by middle age. But when Rod asked Robert to help him fundraise—because he couldn't trust anyone else in the role—Robert agreed, honoring his parents' wish that the brothers help one another when needed. In the rough-and-tumble world of Chicago-style politics, operating on an ethical level was not easy, as this telling memoir demonstrates. Robert often had to tell potential donors that there was no quid pro quo for a contribution: giving money did not result in state contracts and certainly didn't result in an appointment to fill a vacant Senate seat. Fundraiser A is a criminal defendant's gripping account of how he rose to the biggest challenge of his life and beat the odds of a 96 percent Department of Justice conviction rate to walk away with his freedom. It offers not only a previously untold story of a fascinating trial with well-known, colorful characters that captured the attention of the nation, but also a look at a universal relationship—brothers—as well as the theme of a David ordinary citizen facing the Goliath federal government. Those who enjoy legal thrillers, political dramas, family sagas, and all things Chicago will be especially interested in this memoir.

Effective Frontline Fundraising

Book Description

Today, nearly every charitable nonprofit, advocacy group, professional group, and politician relies on the philanthropy of others. Whether it's a private college, a hospital or museum, a lobbying group, or a local, low-budget food shelf, operational and marketing costs and capital investments are often largely underwritten through the generous support of donors. Nonprofits need some people to write $25 checks on a regular basis, and they need others to make six-figure pledges. The bad news: Since the economic collapse of 2008, getting people to part with precious dollars has become ever more difficult. The good news is that people are still inclined to be generous to organizations, causes, and candidates they believe in. Effective Frontline Fundraising provides the information you'll need to set up and manage an effective development team capable of consistently raising gifts, both large and small. Effective Frontline Fundraising will not only teach those skills for getting the gift you want in the short run, but it will also show how to build a meaningful, long-lasting relationship between your organization and your donor base. This book: Shows how to keep that organizational lifeblood—cash—running through your vital operations Explains how to create a firm foundation from which to solicit funds Provides examples of successful and unsuccessful fundraising messages and plans Teaches you how to ask confidently for gifts from $25 to $1,000,000 ... or more!