Classification Plan and Salary Schedule

Book Description

A Wage and Salary Program Based on Position Evaluations for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel

Book Description

Each step involved in developing an objective salary schedule for school administrators and supervisors is explained in this booklet. The schedule is based on job analysis (division of each administrative job into its component parts) and job evaluation (assignment of numerical points to indicate the relative importance of each position). The system establishes the relative value or importance of one administrative or supervisory position versus another within the same school district. Completed job evaluations are used to establish salary ranges based on the numerical value of each job. The job evaluation process begins with five steps: (1) write job descriptions or review existing descriptions; (2) select evaluative factors, such as education required, experience necessary, complexity of duties, latitude, and impact of errors; (3) determine different levels of each evaluative factor; (4) develop a numerical point system for each level; and (5) evaluate and assign a point score for each position. Once the system has been developed, each administrative position within the district must be evaluated. Finally, point scores are compared with current salaries by use of a scattergram and a final salary schedule drawn up. Included are a sample evaluation form, a salary scatter diagram, and a salary structure. (Author/JM)

Salary Schedule

Book Description

General Salary Schedule

Book Description