Redeeming Your Bloodline

Book Description

Does the enemy have a claim on you? Do you feel like your life is stuck in a vicious cycle? Have you been fervently praying for healing that has not manifested? Are you bound to an addiction that you cant overcome? Are you, or members of your family, caught in a generational pattern of sin and suffering? On the cross, Jesus set us free to live a life full of peace, joy, and strength! However, in the courtrooms of the spiritual realm, the accuser brings legal claims against Gods people. These charges can prevent us from securing the breakthroughs that Jesus has already purchased on our behalf. When you pray bloodline prayers, you actively apply the power of Jesus blood to your life! Through bloodline prayers we can dissolve ancient spiritual covenants and claims that affect our daily lives. Praying over your bloodline will release you into truly living the life you are called to live. Discover how to: Pray prayers that break the legal claims of curses off of your life and family. Step into the freedom and authority that the gospel makes available. Stop cyclical patterns of dysfunction in your family. Emerge into new areas of freedom and authority. This revelatory teaching includes prayers to spiritually cleanse your bloodline. Get ready to see cycles powerfully reversed, and experience the full manifestation of Jesus victory in your life!

Breaking the Strongholds of Iniquity

Book Description

Break Free of Generational Curses! Though Jesus sacrifice grants you entry to Heaven, its still possible to live a life on Earth in bondage. If you are a believer who is experiencing oppression, it may be caused by spiritual legalities granting demonic access to your life through iniquity in your bloodline! Bill Dennington is a respected Bible teacher, with a special emphasis on the New Covenant blessings available through the finished work of Jesus. In this groundbreaking book, Dennington reveals how it is possible for New Covenant believers to have open doors to the enemy through generational sin. In Breaking the Strongholds of Iniquity, you will learn how to: Recognize the mystery of iniquity operating in your life. Overcome generational curses that try to hijack Gods purposes for you. Remove the spiritual roots of iniquity in your generational bloodline. Find freedom and deliverance by approaching Jesus as the Righteous Judge. Stop accepting delay to answered prayer and experience accelerated breakthrough. Jesus work on the cross purchased total freedom from sin and iniquity. Discover how to apply the full redemptive power of Jesus to your bloodline, and experience the supernatural freedom Hes made available to you!

Breaking Generational Curses & Pulling Down Strongholds

Book Description

Learn to use the mighty weapons of spiritual warfare that God has provided--weapons that have divine power to demolish strongholds!

10 Levels of Glory

Book Description

You can have a tangible encounter with glory! Have you been longing for an encounter with Gods glory, an experience where Heaven and earth collide, and your limited perspective is blown apart by the sheer awesomeness of God? Hrvoje Sirovina believes that you were made for these kinds of glory experiences, and that every encounter with Gods glory propels you to live an increasingly extraordinary life in an ordinary world. In 10 Levels of Glory, Hrvoje guides you through ten powerful encounters with Gods tangible presence. Witness His glory in each of the ten levels Creation Signs and Wonders Experiencing God Knowing God Seeing God The Fear of the Lord Walking with God The Face of God Unity with God The Unapproachable Light With each encounter, you will be filled with a fresh hunger, inspired toward deeper worship, and overcome by a greater awe of the Lord. God is calling you to a new experience of His glory! Will you say yes?

Unlocking Destinies From the Courts of Heaven

Book Description

No More Delay! God is passionate about you fulfilling your purpose! In fact, there are books in Heaven that record your destiny and purpose. Their pages describe the very reason you were placed on the Earth. And yet, there is a war against your destiny being fulfilled. Your archenemy, the devil, knows that as you occupy your divine assignment, by default, the powers of darkness are demolished. Heaven comes to Earth as Gods people fulfill their Kingdom callings! In Unlocking Destinies from the Courts of Heaven, Robert Henderson offers a prophetic prayer strategy that shows you how to dissolve the delays and hindrances to your destiny being fulfilled. What does the enemy use most often to delay destinies from being fulfilled? Curses. By using the Courts of Heaven strategy, you will: Recognize the signs of curses operating in your life. Identify the origins of curses that war against your destiny. Revoke the rights of demonic principalities from operating in your life. Learn the secrets to cleansing your bloodline from generational curses. Discover how to legally unlock divine destiny over your life and even, your nation. Bring your appeals before the Courtroom of Heaven!

Curse Breaking

Book Description

Get free and stay free! Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God (Deut. 11:26-28) Blessings or Curses? You have a role to play and a choice to make. In this book, Bob Larson shows you how to break every curse over your life and pass on a heritage of blessing to future generations. Have you ever wondered: Are curses real? Can Christians inherit generational curses? Is there a link between sin and bondage? Jesus Christ came to break the power of sin in your life—this includes the power of curses! Curse-Breaking empowers you to: Identify and break curses in your life, family, and over your children Walk in consistent victory over the devil’s strategies Use the weapons of Scripture and prayer to conquer curses effecting your emotions, finances, health, and relationship with God Through dynamic personal stories, uncompromised Bible teaching, and powerful prayers, you will learn the keys to breaking curses and walking in spiritual freedom.

Breaking Generational Curses

Book Description

Get Set Free from What Holds You Back! Do you or a family member...Exhibit anger issues?Suffer mental illness?Have a history of abuse or chronic illness?Face failure after failure? A generational curse from your family line may be the root cause of these issues. Don’t let past sins from your family tree continue to wreak...

The Age of Ascension

Book Description

The year 2012 birthed a new ageThe Age of Ascension. Human consciousness continues to expand at an accelerated rate fueling an evolutionary leap that promotes freedom. The Age of Ascension, Spiritual Tools to Be There Now is an exploration, a manual, and it provides an infusion of light that encourages and enhances personal development. Perception of truth is a choice that when made leads to joyful living. Learn what you can do to help yourself during this pivotal time as the new earth comes into focus. Determine your gift of service in contribution to the golden age of light and with guidance from Those Who Teach in the form of stories, insights, spiritual tools, and practices. A peaceful journey awaits anyone who chooses to reside within the ascended frequency and thus experience life within the paradise of the new earth. The Age of Ascension illuminates the way.

Receiving Healing from the Courts of Heaven

Book Description

What To Do When Prayers for Healing Go Unanswered The Bible is clear: Gods will is to heal! And yet, believers often pray for healing and do not receive it. Why? The answer can be found in the Courts of Heaven. Robert Henderson is internationally recognized for teaching the Courts of Heaven prayer strategy, which has brought breakthrough, answered prayers, and miraculous transformation to countless lives. Now, Henderson presents a powerful new teaching that answers the question: What can I do if my prayers for healing go unanswered? Satan is the adversary to Gods will and Gods people. In the Courtrooms of Heaven, he brings charges against believers to prevent their healing. In this book, Henderson teaches you to align your prayers with the legal process of Heaven to defeat the devils arguments. You will learn how to: Identify hindering spirits, barriers, and legal rights that prevent healing. Break curses and strongholds that give satan destructive access to your health. Pray in a breakthrough dimension according to Gods purposes. Release the healing verdict of atonement from the Courts of Heaven. Discover how to legally unlock divine destiny over your life, and even your nation. Bring your appeals before the Courtroom of Heaven!

Breaking Evil Yokes

Book Description

No matter how it may sound, no evil yoke is good for anything. Satan has bound billions of people in yokes of different types and degrees. The yoke that the devil lays on humanity is what is called an evil yoke. I have only looked out five of those yokes in details. Ranging from yoke of transgression to yoke of the Jaw, the devil is busy, killing, stealing and destroying. Other types of yokes include: yoke of the youth, yoke of bondage, the yoke of unbelief and the yoke of the wood. These yokes as Jesus describes them are heavy and burdensome. No one under any evil yoke can prosper or live a victorious Christian life on earth. In my several decades in ministry, I have seen and witnessed several evil yokes that Satan has laid on people. But there is good news: Jesus breaks yokes! No matter the type of yoke you have been struggling with, Jesus, the yoke-breaker will take it off from you and grant you rest. I urge you to read this book prayerfully. More so, give your life to Christ if you have not done so; and rededicate your life to Him if you have backslidden. There are prayers on diverse types of yokes that if you pray, God will deliver you. I recommend that you add fasting to those prayers as well as pray at midnight. As you read, may the Lord break every yoke in your life, no matter how strong, how long or how small in Jesus name. Amen!