Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings

Book Description

The text provides guidance to the building science community of architects and engineers, to reduce physical damage to buildings, related infrastructure, and people caused by terrorist assaults. It presents incremental approaches that can be implemented over time to decrease the vulnerability of buildings to terrorist threats. Many of the recommendations can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively. The manual contains many how-to aspects based upon current information contained in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, General Services Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and other publications. It describes a threat assessment methodology and presents a Building Vulnerability Assessment Checklist to support the assessment process. It also discusses architectural and engineering design considerations, standoff distances, explosive blast, and chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) information. The appendices includes a glossary of CBR definitions as well as general definitions of key terminologies used in the building science security area. The appendices also describe design considerations for electronic security systems and provide a listing of associations and organizations currently working in the building science security area.

Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings

Book Description

Provides guidance to the building science community of architects & engineers, to reduce physical damage to buildings, related infrastructure, & people caused by terrorist assaults. The comprehensive approach to understanding how to improve security in high occupancy buildings will better protect the nation from potential threats by identifying key actions & design criteria to strengthen our buildings from the forces that might be anticipated in a terrorist assault. Many of the methodologies in this publication have been adapted from other gov't. sources & modified to meet the mission of the DHS, allowing for the effective transfer of decades of Federal & DoD research & experience to the broader building science community. Illus.

Buildings and Infrastructure Protection Series: Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA-426 / BIPS-06 / October 2011 / Edition 2)

Book Description

This manual, part of the new Building Infrastructure Protection Series published by the United States (U.S.) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Management Division (IDD), serves to advance high performance and integrated design for buildings and infrastructure. This manual was prepared as a component of the S&T program for infrastructure protection and disaster management; the overall goal of this program is to enhance the blast and chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) resistance of our Nation's buildings and infrastructure to meet specific performance requirements at the highest possible level. One of the objectives of this manual is to provide the tools and guidance to reduce physical damage to structural and nonstructural components of buildings and related infrastructure and to reduce resulting casualties caused by conventional bomb attacks and attacks using CBR agents. Although the material and the risk assessment methodology in this manual can be applied to most building types, it is intended to assist with the design and management of facilities in eight designated sectors outlined in the DHS 2009 National Infrastructure Protection Plan (the NIPP): Banking and Finance, Commercial Facilities, Communications, Critical Manufacturing, Government Facilities, Healthcare and Public Health, Information Technology, and Postal and Shipping. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to designers and decision makers in these sectors, to building professionals working for public and private institutions, and to first responder communities. It presents tools to help assess the performance of buildings and infrastructure against terrorist threats and to rank recommended protective measures. A primary objective of this manual is the establishment of a common framework of terminology to facilitate the transfer of this information. For example, a basis for design is established by identifying the threat or hazard to which a building may be vulnerable. Within the military, intelligence, and law enforcement communities, the term “threat” is typically used to describe the potential threat elements (personnel) and their tactics for creating terrorism or manmade disasters. Within FEMA and other civil agencies, the term “hazard” is used in several different contexts. “Natural” hazard typically refers to a natural event, such as a flood, wind, or seismic event. “Human-caused” (or manmade) hazards are “technological” hazards and “terrorism.” These are distinct from natural hazards, primarily, in that they originate from human activity. Furthermore, “technological” hazards are generally assumed to be accidental, in that their consequences are unintended. For the sake of simplicity, this manual uses the terms “threat” to describe terrorism or intentional attacks and “hazard” to describe accidental manmade or technological hazards. Another objective of this manual is the transfer of design concepts that have been in use by DHS [these include concepts of the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) Standards and Best Practices, the General Services Administration (GSA), the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the U.S. Department of State (DOS), U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC), and the military services] to commercial practice. Several valuable risk assessment methodologies are used by both the public and private sectors; however, this manual focuses on the methodology described in FEMA 452, Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks (2005), which has been used extensively by Federal agencies, along with State and local governments and the private sector. This manual presents techniques that can be implemented incrementally over time to increase resiliency as well as decrease the vulnerability of a building to hazards and terrorist threats.

Risk Management Series: Incremental Protection for Existing Commercial Buildings from Terrorist Attack

Book Description

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) developed FEMA 459, Incremental Protection for Existing Commercial Buildings from Terrorist Attack, to provide guidance to owners of existing commercial buildings and their architects and engineers on security and operational enhancements to address vulnerabilities to explosive blasts and chemical, biological, and radiological hazards. It also addresses how to integrate these enhancements into the ongoing building maintenance and capital improvement programs. These enhancements are intended to mitigate or eliminate long-term risk to people and property. FEMA's Risk Management Series publications addressing security risks are based on two core documents: FEMA 426, Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against buildings, and FEMA 452, Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings. FEMA 426 provides guidance to the building science community of architects and engineers on reducing physical damage caused by terrorist assaults to buildings, related infrastructure, and people. FEMA 452 outlines methods for identifying the critical assets and functions within buildings, determining the potential threats to those assets, and assessing the building's vulnerabilities to those threats. This assessment of risks facilitates hazard mitigation decision-making. Specifically, the document addresses methods for reducing physical damage to structural and nonstructural components of buildings and related infrastructure and reducing resultant casualties during conventional bomb attacks, as well as attacks involving chemical, biological, and radiological agents. FEMA 459 can be used in conjunction with FEMA 452. This manual presents an integrated, incremental rehabilitation approach to implementing the outcomes of a risk assessment completed in accordance with FEMA 452, Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Building. This approach is intended to minimize disruption to building operations and control costs for existing commercial buildings. The integrated incremental approach to risk reduction in buildings was initially developed in relation to seismic risk and was first articulated in FEMA's Risk Management Series in the widely disseminated FEMA 395, Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of School Buildings (K-12), published in June 2003. In 2004 and 2005, FEMA also published Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation manuals (FEMA 396-400) for hospitals, office buildings, multifamily apartments, retail buildings, and hotels and motels. This manual outlines an approach to incremental security enhancement in four types of existing commercial buildings: office buildings, retail buildings, multifamily apartment buildings, and hotel and motel buildings. It addresses both physical and operational enhancements that reduce building vulnerabilities to blasts and chemical, biological, and radiological attacks, within the constraints of the existing site conditions and building configurations.

Site and Urban Design for Security: Guidance Against Potential Terrorist Attacks

Book Description

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has developed this publication, Site and Urban Design for Security: Guidance against Potential Terrorist Attacks, to provide information and design concepts for the protection of buildings and occupants, from site perimeters to the faces of buildings. The intended audience includes the design community of architects, landscape architects, engineers and other consultants working for private institutions, building owners and managers and state and local government officials concerned with site planning and design. This publication, FEMA 430, is one of a series that addresses security issues in high-population private-sector buildings. It is a companion to the Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA 426), which provides an understanding of the assessment of threats, hazards, vulnerability, and risk, and the design methods needed to improve protection of new and existing buildings and the people occupying them. Chapter 2 of FEMA 426 provides guidance on site layout and design and discusses architectural and engineering design considerations for risk mitigation, starting at the property line, including the orientation and placement of buildings on the site. This publication represents an expansion of Chapter 2 and focuses in more detail on information useful to the site security design team. In addition, this publication expands on Instruction Unit IX, "Site and Layout Design Guidance," in the Building Design for Homeland Security Training Course (FEMA E155) and also summarizes some of the concepts in Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA 452). Some of the technical information on design against blast contained in the Primer for Design of Commercial Buildings to Mitigate Terrorist Attacks (FEMA 427) is also summarized. These publications are part of the FEMA Risk Management Series (RMS).

Risk Management Series: Handbook for Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings to Evaluate Terrorism Risks (FEMA 455 / March 2009)

Book Description

This rapid visual screening procedure has been developed for use in assessing risk of terrorist attack on standard commercial buildings in urban or semi-urban areas, but it is also intended to be applicable nationwide for all conventional building types. It can be used to identify the level of risk for a single building, or the relative risk among buildings in a portfolio, community, or region as a prioritization tool for further risk management activities. The information gathered as part of this screening procedure can also be used to support and facilitate higher level assessments by expert investigators performing building-specific evaluations of threat, consequences, and vulnerability. Implementation of FEMA 452, Risk Assessment, A How-to Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings, has demonstrated the need for a preliminary procedure to assess the risk of terrorist attack that is quick and simple to use. It has also shown that such a procedure needs to be usable by screeners who are knowledgeable about building systems, but not necessarily experts in anti-terrorism or structural design. This will reserve the use of experts for higher risk buildings requiring more detailed assessment when resources are limited. In this document, the concepts for rapid visual screening are combined with a risk-based procedure for manmade threats defined in FEMA 426, Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings, and FEMA 452, Risk Assessment, A How-to Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings, from the FEMA Risk Management Series of publications. This handbook outlines a rapid visual screening procedure that quantifies the risk to a building due to a terrorist attack that is capable of causing catastrophic losses in terms of fatalities, injuries, damage, or business interruption. The primary purpose of this screening procedure is to prioritize the relative risk among a group of buildings in a portfolio or community but it can also be used to develop building-specific risk information. It is intended to be the first step in a tiered assessment process that includes successively more refined analyses when more detailed information is needed. Three generic types of terrorist threat are considered in this procedure. These include intrusion into the building, a vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), and a chemical, biological or radiological (CBR) release. Quantification of relative risk is based on the methodology outlined in FEMA 426, in which risk is characterized as the product of three factors: consequences, threat, and vulnerability. In this rapid visual screening procedure, these three factors are evaluated using a Data Collection Form based on checklists and worksheets contained in FEMA 426 and FEMA 452. To make the screening procedure rapid, the assessment is limited to the most dominant features governing the overall risk to a building given a terrorist attack. In this procedure there is an emphasis on the vulnerability factor, due in part to the relatively significant level of control that the owner has with respect to this factor for a given building compared with the other two factors: threat and consequences.