Reflections on African and Global Affairs

Book Description

Vice president of the Nigeria Labour Congress, Issa Aremu, has been writing a column in the Daily Trust, Nigeria for several years and has been an occasional contributor to a number of other Nigerian publications. Covered in this volume: politics in Liberia, salutary effects of elections in Ghana, constitutional manipulations in Niger, canons of Kwame Nkrumah to sobering reflections on Nigeria, what he calls the rise and fall of Nigeria's diplomacy, and the import of Hilary Clinton's assessment of state of governance. In East Africa violent elections in Kenya, the complexities of the Zimbabwe situation, and the person of Robert Mugabe himself. South Africa, from the shocking wave of explosive manifestations of xenophobia to bilateral relations with Nigeria. For the African continent attention is given to a variety of events: developments in the European Union, American foreign policy and the dominance of CNN. Present throughout is a concern for proper governance and development that should encourage critical thinking and thus eliminate the poverty of ideas among the African political and bureaucratic policy makers.

Reflections on the Global Village: Opinion and Analysis

Book Description

Africans need an African voice to tell our African stories and deliver them to the world the way we intended - with our essence, traditions, experiences and thoughts intact. David Monyae is such a voice. A committed anticolonialist and internationalist, Monyae offers insight into the complex and challenging terrain of African international relations. He is acutely aware of the history of the great powers' exploitation of Africa. He is steeped in how states and inter-state organisations and their leaders have struggled for their self-interest and, occasionally, that of the public throughout the continent. Monyae's expertise lies in understanding the ways that realpolitik shapes our world. He recognises the common humanity of our frail and fallible species. He aspires to improve the lot of the voiceless in world affairs by seeking to improve the quality of the policies and strategies of the continent's and the world's most powerful through his commentary. This anthology is a guide through global politics from the unique vantage point of the individuals and communities that those politics affect.

Fifty Years Of U.S. Africa Policy

Book Description

Fifteen men and women have occupied the position of Assistant Secretary for African Affairs. They charted the course of U.S. Africa policy for fifty years that spanned the dawn of African independence to the present era of globalized engagement. In these pages each Assistant Secretary describes his or her stewardship and assesses the state of the U.S – Africa relations during their tenure. Their perspectives are enhanced by the oral histories of six Foreign Service Officers who recall the excitement and challenges of living and working in Africa and associating with such leaders as Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba and Nelson Mandela. The courage and dedication of all these men and women illuminate every page.

Fifty Years of U S African Policy

Book Description

Fifteen men and women have occupied the position of Assistant Secretary for African Affairs. They charted the course of U.S. Africa policy for fifty years that spanned the dawn of African independence to the present era of globalized engagement. In these pages each Assistant Secretary describes his or her stewardship and assesses the state of the U.S Africa relations during their tenure. Their perspectives are enhanced by the oral histories of six Foreign Service Officers who recall the excitement and challenges of living and working in Africa and associating with such leaders as Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba and Nelson Mandela. The courage and dedication of all these men and women illuminate every page.

Reflections on African Cities in Transition

Book Description

This volume describes African cities in transition, and the economic, socio-political, and environmental challenges resulting from rapid post-colonial urbanization. As the African continent continues to transition from urban configurations inherited from colonial influences and history, it faces issues such as urban slum expansion, increased demands for energy and clean water, lack of adequate public transportation, high levels of inequality among different socio-economic population strata, and inadequate urban governance, planning, and policies. African cities in transition need to reconsider current policies and developmental trajectories to facilitate and sustain economic growth and Africa’s strategic repositioning in the world. Written by an international team of scholars and practitioners, this volume uses case studies to focus on key issues and developmental challenges in selected African cities. Topics include but are not limited to, smart cities, changing notions of democracy, the city’s role in attaining the SDGs, local governance, alternative models for governance and management, corruption, urbanisation and future cities.

Researching Peacebuilding in Africa

Book Description

This book examines the multifaceted nature of conflict and the importance of the socio-economic and political contexts of conflict and violence and shows how to support ongoing initiatives and programs to build sustainable peace on the African continent. Drawing on a range of conceptual framings in the study of peace and conflict, from gender perspectives to institutionalist to decolonial perspectives, the contributors show how peacebuilding research covers a whole range of questions that go beyond concerns for post-conflict reconstruction strategies. Chapters focus on the methodological, theoretical and practical aspects of peacebuilding and provide a toolbox of perspectives for conceptualizing and doing peacebuilding research in Africa. Anchored in African-centered perspectives, the book encourages and promotes high-quality interdisciplinary research that is conflict-sensitive, historically informed, theoretically grounded and analytically sound. This book will be of benefit to scholars, policy makers and research institutions engaged in peacebuilding in Africa.

Africa and the World

Book Description

Africa and the World: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics is one of the first books to analyse the global geopolitical landscape from an African perspective, with a view to the opportunities and challenges facing the African continent. Authors in this edited volume argue for the need to re-imagine Africa’s role in the world. As a cradle of humanity, a historical fountain of profound scientific knowledge, an object of colonial conquest and, today, a collective of countries seeking to pool their sovereignties in order to improve the human condition, Africa has a unique opportunity to advance its own interests. Authors reflect on all these issues; they outline how developments in the global political economy impact on the continent and, inversely, how Africa can develop a strategic perspective that takes into account the dynamics playing out in a fraught global terrain. Central to this evaluation is the notion of ‘island Africa’: a vast island – with resources that extend into the oceans around it – that is a strategic centre by virtue of its geographic location, its endowments and its long-term potential. Authors assert that the positioning of ‘island Africa’ presents unique political, security and geo-economic benefi ts. Yet they also acknowledge that, as has happened historically, these very advantages can serve as a basis for new forms of domination and exploitation. In addition, this volume takes into account the socio-psychological factors that influence how nations of the world receive and interpret the present, and assess prospects for the future. The authors go beyond analysis of what is, to venture concrete proposals on what can be, with Africa exercising its agency. This requires the strengthening of continental integration and cohesion in pursuit of ideals that the African Union has enshrined in Agenda 2063. In this way, Africa would be able to engage – in a systemic and disciplined manner – with external powers to assert the continent’s own interests which, in their framing, are also the interests of humanity. A continent united in both purpose and action can be an active agent in shaping the evolving global order. This volume makes a strong case for precisely such a perspective and contributes to what should be an ongoing effort to analyse geopolitics with Africa as a critical frame of reference.

Personal Reflections of a Ghanaian Foreign Service Officer - Whither Ghanaian Diplomacy?

Book Description

Dr. William G. M. Brandful, born on December 04, 1952 in Cape Coast, Ghana, will turn sixty years old on December 04, 2012, when he will launch his book Personal Reflections of a Ghanaian Foreign Service Officer - Whither Ghanaian Diplomacy? The book chronicles Dr. Brandful¿s experiences as a Foreign Service Officer in a way that those experiences serve to mirror the diplomacy of Ghana which then gets examined to see how it may have excelled in the past; how it is being confronted currently with challenges to the point of sometimes blunting its efficacy; and how it could be ¿re-engineered¿ towards greater future achievement. The attempt may be ambitious, but it is motivated by a passionate sincerity, only equaled by the other commitment to also contribute through the book to the creation of institutional memory for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana. Currently the Ambassador of Ghana to Japan with concurrent accreditation to Singapore as non-Resident High Commissioner, the author served previously at the Ghanaian Missions in Zambia, Mali, Germany, and Benin. Between the date of joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration in May 1977, and the specified diplomatic assignments, Ambassador Brandful worked at various positions at the Ministry in Ghana, including Chief of Protocol and later as Supervising Director, Policy Planning, Research and Monitoring. Dr. Brandful had his Secondary education in Ghana at Mfantsipim School from 1964 to 1971 and pursued his initial university studies at the University of Ghana (1971-75, including one year abroad 73/74 at the University of Dakar, Senegal), followed by post-graduate studies successively at the Polytechnic of Central London; University of Nairobi, Kenya; International Institute for Public Administration in Paris (I.I.A.P); The Hague Academy of International Law; and the University of Paris XI, Sceaux Faculty, France, from where he obtained a ¿Doctorat de Troisieme Cycle¿ in International Relations in January, 1986. Dr. Brandful is married to Dinah Brandful (née Coleman); has four daughters and three grandchildren. He speaks French. As hobbies, Ambassador Brandful plays squash, tennis, piano and golf.