The Cell Biology of Stem Cells

Book Description

Stem cells have been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. Their unique potential to self-renew and differentiate has turned them into an attractive model for the study of basic biological questions such as cell division, replication, transcription, cell fate decisions, and more. With embryonic stem (ES) cells that can generate each cell type in the mammalian body and adult stem cells that are able to give rise to the cells within a given lineage, basic questions at different developmental stages can be addressed. Importantly, both adult and embryonic stem cells provide an excellent tool for cell therapy, making stem cell research ever more pertinent to regenerative medicine. As the title The Cell Biology of Stem Cells suggests, our book deals with multiple aspects of stem cell biology, ranging from their basic molecular characteristics to the in vivo stem cell trafficking of adult stem cells and the adult stem-cell niche, and ends with a visit to regeneration and cell fate reprogramming. In the first chapter, “Early embryonic cell fate decisions in the mouse”, Amy Ralson and Yojiro Yamanaka describe the mechanisms that support early developmental decisions in the mouse pre-implantation embryo and the current understanding of the source of the most immature stem cell types, which includes ES cells, trophoblast stem (TS) cells and extraembryonic endoderm stem (XEN) cells.

Regulatory Networks in Stem Cells

Book Description

Stem cells appear to be fundamental cellular units associated with the origin of multicellular organisms and have evolved to function in safeguarding the cellular homeostasis in organ t- sues. The characteristics of stem cells that distinguish them from other cells have been the fascinating subjects of stem cell research. The important properties of stem cells, such as ma- tenance of quiescence, self-renewal capacity, and differentiation potential, have propelled this exciting ?eld and presently form a common theme of research in developmental biology and medicine. The derivation of pluripotent embryonic stem cells, the prospective identi?cation of multipotent adult stem cells, and, more recently, the induced pluripotent stem cells (popularly called iPS) are important milestones in the arena of stem cell biology. Complex networks of transcription factors, different signaling molecules, and the interaction of genetic and epi- netic events constantly modulate stem cell behavior to evoke programming and reprogramming processes in normal tissue homeostasis during development. In any given cellular scenario, the regulatory networks can pose considerable complexity and yet exert an orderly control of stem cell differentiation during normal development. An aberration in these ?nely tuned processes during development usually results in a spectrum of diseases such as cancers and neurological disorders. Thisunderscorestheimminentneedforamorecompleteunderstandingofmolecular mechanisms underlying the regulatory circuitries required for stem cell maintenance. Overthepast3–5years,adiversegroupofbenchandphysicianscientistshaveprospectively enhanced our knowledge of stem cell biology. These studies are unveiling many unrecognized or previously unknown fundamentals of developmental biology.

Stem Cell Bioengineering

Book Description

In stem cell research there are several key methods that, once mastered, can be extremely powerful. These methods enable you to rigorously test hypotheses, compare results to "gold standards," and may even spur improvements to existing protocols. This book describes numerous methods to derive, manipulate, target, and prepare stem cells for clinical use. The methods described here help you derive and test human embryonic stem cells, analyze bone marrow stem cell function in vitro and in vivo, image a stem cell transplant, cryopreserve stem cells and differentiate stem cells using microscale tec.

The Science and Applications of Synthetic and Systems Biology

Book Description

Many potential applications of synthetic and systems biology are relevant to the challenges associated with the detection, surveillance, and responses to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. On March 14 and 15, 2011, the Institute of Medicine's (IOM's) Forum on Microbial Threats convened a public workshop in Washington, DC, to explore the current state of the science of synthetic biology, including its dependency on systems biology; discussed the different approaches that scientists are taking to engineer, or reengineer, biological systems; and discussed how the tools and approaches of synthetic and systems biology were being applied to mitigate the risks associated with emerging infectious diseases. The Science and Applications of Synthetic and Systems Biology is organized into sections as a topic-by-topic distillation of the presentations and discussions that took place at the workshop. Its purpose is to present information from relevant experience, to delineate a range of pivotal issues and their respective challenges, and to offer differing perspectives on the topic as discussed and described by the workshop participants. This report also includes a collection of individually authored papers and commentary.

Mapping the Core Regulatory Circuitry of Embryonic Stem Cells

Book Description

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are of tremendous biological interest because they have the capacity, termed pluripotency, to generate any cell type of the adult organism. Our lab is interested in understanding the genetic circuitry that governs pluripotency. For my thesis work I have contributed to a team effort to deduce the transcriptional regulatory circuitry of ES cells. This collaborative effort first sought to define the genes that are regulated by the key pluripotency regulators, Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog. We then determined the genes targeted by the Polycomb Repressive Complex in ES cells. These datasets allowed us to define the core transcriptional regulatory circuitry for these cells and demonstrated that pluripotency is mediated through the repression of developmental regulators. Finally, an effort to understand how Wnt signaling modifies this circuitry led to the discovery that the Wnt signaling component Tcf3 is a core component of the transcriptional regulatory circuitry and serves to repress the pluripotency regulators, contributing to the balance between pluripotency and differentiation.

Regulation of Gene Expression and Cell State in Embryonic Stem Cells

Book Description

Cell state is established and maintained through the combined action of transcription factors, chromatin regulators and signaling pathways, which all contribute to a transcriptional regulatory circuitry. Embryonic stem (ES) cells are capable of self-renewal and can give rise to nearly all differentiated cell-types, making them an ideal system in which to address the challenges of understanding gene expression and cell state. Valuable insights into the control of cell state have been revealed by recent studies of the ES cell transcriptional regulatory circuitry. Here I present work contributing to the understanding of transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that control ES cell state, specifically signaling pathways and proteins that affect chromatin structure.

Genomic Control Process

Book Description

Genomic Control Process explores the biological phenomena around genomic regulatory systems that control and shape animal development processes, and which determine the nature of evolutionary processes that affect body plan. Unifying and simplifying the descriptions of development and evolution by focusing on the causality in these processes, it provides a comprehensive method of considering genomic control across diverse biological processes. This book is essential for graduate researchers in genomics, systems biology and molecular biology seeking to understand deep biological processes which regulate the structure of animals during development. Covers a vast area of current biological research to produce a genome oriented regulatory bioscience of animal life Places gene regulation, embryonic and postembryonic development, and evolution of the body plan in a unified conceptual framework Provides the conceptual keys to interpret a broad developmental and evolutionary landscape with precise experimental illustrations drawn from contemporary literature Includes a range of material, from developmental phenomenology to quantitative and logic models, from phylogenetics to the molecular biology of gene regulation, from animal models of all kinds to evidence of every relevant type Demonstrates the causal power of system-level understanding of genomic control process Conceptually organizes a constellation of complex and diverse biological phenomena Investigates fundamental developmental control system logic in diverse circumstances and expresses these in conceptual models Explores mechanistic evolutionary processes, illuminating the evolutionary consequences of developmental control systems as they are encoded in the genome

Transcription Factor Regulatory Networks

Book Description

Transcription Factor Regulatory Methods details various techniques ranging from cutting-edge to general techniques use to study transcription factor regulatory networks. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Transcription Factor Regulatory Methods aids scientists in the further study into post-genomic or the personal genomic era.

Computational Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells

Book Description

"Computational biology in combination with large-scale biology has played a critical role in exploring the great potentials of embryonic stem cells, resulting in significant discoveries. This e-book brings together reviews and essays from different aspects"