Rekindle Virginia

Book Description

Rekindle Virginia, The Flames of Revival, a new book compiled by Dorothy "Dot" Dalton is now available. It is a workbook that is easy to read, formatted with bullets, pictures, maps and graphs. For more information go to the web site to order your book copy, (which is also available via Amazon and Barnes-Noble), view a PowerPoint presentation, and see the way for individuals and churches to believe, repent, return, and pray for revival. Virginia has been called: Birth place of our Nation, Cradle of our Nation, Womb of our Nation, Birthplace of the Church of Jesus Christ in our Nation, and Seedbed of America. Virginia per the First Charter of Virginia, April 1606: Purpose: "was "so noble a Work, which may, by Providence of Almighty God, hereafter ten to the Glory of his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and worship of God, and may in time bring Infidels and Savages, living in those Parts, to human Civility, and to settle and quiet Government: ....." It was a business venture to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Natives. Land Area: King James I of England originally granted a charter in 1606 to the Virginia Company which defined two colonies in an area from Bermuda to the West Coast, to today's South Carolina all the way to Maine and parts of Canada. The area, which now encompasses almost all of America, was called Virginia. Virginia is God's "Eastern Gate" for God's Kingdom on earth's Christian plan. Not Plymouth which came 13 years later. Virginia had a Great Spiritual Awaking between 1740-1790, second in America after New England. God did it before, He can rekindle the flames of Revival again.


Book Description

A strange, sad thing has happened in the Universe. It was rumored that evil had left a stain on one small planet. Even the wisest stars in the celestial choirs could not imagine what their Composer-Conductor would do. But in the fulness of time, He told them He would go to the wounded planet Himself. But when He told them He would also bring little Lumen, they marveled. He had a special task for her. Would this very young star be able to live up to her Creator's expectations? "The beautiful story of LUMEN has been a Christmas Eve tradition for our family for many years. With the fireside reading of the Christmas story from the Bible and LUMEN, we usher in the true meaning of Christmas. Yet, LUMEN is more than a Christmas story. It is a precious reminder that our Creator formed each one of us with purpose and knows us by name. I have read this book to adult and children's groups and it never fails to connect and touch their hearts, no matter what the age. I hope LUMEN will become a new annual tradition for you as well, but may the message stay in your hearts all year round. " Heather Stoner, Richmond, Virginia


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