Transportation Enhancements

Book Description

At least 10% of the 24 billion dollars, 6-year authorization in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) that created the surface transportation program was required to be set aside exclusively for 10 categories of "transportation enhancements", or projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, or environmental aspects of transportation or to encourage greater use of nonmotorized transportation. In examining this set-aside, the General Accounting Office (GAO) addressed the following questions: (1) How do the obligation rates for transportation enhancement funds for fiscal years 1992-95 compare with the obligation rates for other major highway programs? (2) How do the obligation rates for transportation enhancement funds vary by state, and what factors have affected the states' use of these funds? (3) What types of projects are being funded with transportation enhancement funds? and (4) What are stakeholders' views on reauthorizing the transportation enhancement set-aside?