Project Design Essentials for MicroStrategy Architect

Book Description

The MicroStrategy Architect: Project Design Essentials course covers how to create a MicroStrategy project in MicroStrategy Architect™. First, students will learn how to design a logical data model and physical schema for the data warehouse. Next, students will learn about the project creation process, including how to use Architect graphical interface to work with tables, facts, attributes, and user hierarchies to create a fully-functioning project.

Dynamic Dashboards for MicroStrategy Report Services

Book Description

The MicroStrategy Report Services: Dynamic Dashboards course provides an overview of Dynamic Enterprise Dashboards™ built in MicroStrategy Report Services™ in MicroStrategy Web™. The course covers Flash-specific features, such as widgets, transitions, and Flash-specific formatting options, as well as implementation of OLAP services features within your dashboard. Students also learn how to design and use dynamic enterprise dashboard features, such as panel stacks, selectors, and dashboard templates. Finally, the course covers how to add datasets, various objects such as grids, graphs, text boxes, images and more to dashboards and documents.

Implementing MicroStrategy

Book Description

The Implementing MicroStrategy: Development and Deployment course provides an overview of the stages involved in developing, implementing, and maintaining a business intelligence project. You will first get an intensive, yet high-level overview of the project design and report creation processes, followed by the document and dashboard creation basics. The course also covers deployment to MicroStrategy Web™ and MicroStrategy Mobile™, as well as administration and maintenance of MicroStrategy environment.

Documents and Dashboards for MicroStrategy Report Services

Book Description

The MicroStrategy Report Services: Documents and Dashboards course provides an overview of Dynamic Enterprise Dashboards™ built in MicroStrategy Report Services™ in MicroStrategy Web™. The course introduces the many features that enable you to create sophisticated, boardroom-quality documents and the various types of documents. In this course, you will learn about panel stacks, selectors, dashboard templates, and analyses. Additionally, you will learn about graph formatting features, best uses for certain graph types, and best practices in dashboard design. The course also covers Flash-specific features, as well as document performance topics. You will be introduced to Visual Insight™ features and capabilities.

Advanced Project Design for MicroStrategy Architect

Book Description

The MicroStrategy Architect: Advanced Project Design course covers advanced features involved in the creation and maintenance of a MicroStrategy project. In this course, students will learn how to manage project data sources, create tables using data marts, and configure projects to access heterogeneous data sources using MicroStrategy MultiSource Option™. Students will also learn about fact level extensions, transformations, and partition mappings.

Mobile for App Developers

Book Description

The MicroStrategy Mobile for App Developers course teaches you how to interact with business intelligence data using MicroStrategy Mobile apps. You will learn how to configure connectivity, build reports and documents for mobile devices, and design process-specific MicroStrategy Mobile™ apps. You should be familiar with MicroStrategy Web™ and MicroStrategy Report Services™ before taking this course.