A Profile of Mathematical Logic

Book Description

This introduction to mathematical logic explores philosophical issues and Gödel's Theorem. Its widespread influence extends to the author of Gödel, Escher, Bach, whose Pulitzer Prize–winning book was inspired by this work.

Popular Lectures on Mathematical Logic

Book Description

Noted logician discusses both theoretical underpinnings and practical applications, exploring set theory, model theory, recursion theory and constructivism, proof theory, logic's relation to computer science, and other subjects. 1981 edition, reissued by Dover in 1993 with a new Postscript by the author.

Mathematical Logic

Book Description

This introduction to first-order logic clearly works out the role of first-order logic in the foundations of mathematics, particularly the two basic questions of the range of the axiomatic method and of theorem-proving by machines. It covers several advanced topics not commonly treated in introductory texts, such as Fraïssé's characterization of elementary equivalence, Lindström's theorem on the maximality of first-order logic, and the fundamentals of logic programming.

What Is Mathematical Logic?

Book Description

A serious introductory treatment geared toward non-logicians, this survey traces the development of mathematical logic from ancient to modern times and discusses the work of Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Pauli, Heisenberg, Dirac, and others. 1972 edition.

Introduction to Mathematical Logic

Book Description

This is a compact mtroduction to some of the pnncipal tOpICS of mathematical logic . In the belief that beginners should be exposed to the most natural and easiest proofs, I have used free-swinging set-theoretic methods. The significance of a demand for constructive proofs can be evaluated only after a certain amount of experience with mathematical logic has been obtained. If we are to be expelled from "Cantor's paradise" (as nonconstructive set theory was called by Hilbert), at least we should know what we are missing. The major changes in this new edition are the following. (1) In Chapter 5, Effective Computability, Turing-computabIlity IS now the central notion, and diagrams (flow-charts) are used to construct Turing machines. There are also treatments of Markov algorithms, Herbrand-Godel-computability, register machines, and random access machines. Recursion theory is gone into a little more deeply, including the s-m-n theorem, the recursion theorem, and Rice's Theorem. (2) The proofs of the Incompleteness Theorems are now based upon the Diagonalization Lemma. Lob's Theorem and its connection with Godel's Second Theorem are also studied. (3) In Chapter 2, Quantification Theory, Henkin's proof of the completeness theorem has been postponed until the reader has gained more experience in proof techniques. The exposition of the proof itself has been improved by breaking it down into smaller pieces and using the notion of a scapegoat theory. There is also an entirely new section on semantic trees.

Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics

Book Description

Ideal for students intending to specialize in the topic. Part I discusses traditional and symbolic logic. Part II explores the foundations of mathematics. Part III focuses on the philosophy of mathematics.

Reports on Mathematical Logic No. 46

Book Description

Reports on Mathematical Logic is a journal aimed at publishing quality research papers on mathematical logic and foundations of mathematicsâ€TM.

An Introduction to Mathematical Logic

Book Description

This comprehensive overview ofmathematical logic is designedprimarily for advanced undergraduatesand graduate studentsof mathematics. The treatmentalso contains much of interest toadvanced students in computerscience and philosophy. Topics include propositional logic;first-order languages and logic; incompleteness, undecidability,and indefinability; recursive functions; computability;and Hilbert’s Tenth Problem.Reprint of the PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1995edition.