Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific 2022 Strengthening Tax Revenues in Developing Asia

Book Description

This annual publication compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, People’s Republic of China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nauru, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Tokelau, Vanuatu and Viet Nam. It also provides information on non-tax revenues for selected economies.

Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: Comparative Tables (Edition 2022)

Book Description

This dataset contains tax revenue collected by countries in Asia. It provides detailed tax revenues by sector (Federal or Central Government, State or Regional Government, Local Government, and Social Security Funds) and by specific tax category, such as profits and income, property, social security contributions, sales, etc.

A Comparative Analysis of Tax Administration in Asia and the Pacific

Book Description

This report is the 5th edition of ADB’s A Comparative Analysis of Tax Administration in Asia and the Pacific. It provides internationally comparative data on aspects of tax systems and their administration in 38 economies and detailed analysis of the comparative results across the region, aiming to assist the revenue bodies to improve their performance by providing opportunities to benchmark their administration against similar economies in the region. The comparable data and analysis are based largely on the 2020 round of the International Survey on Revenue Administration, for the 2018 and 2019 fiscal years.

Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: Singapore (Edition 2022)

Book Description

This dataset contains tax revenue collected by Singapore. It provides detailed tax revenues by sector (Supranational, Federal or Central Government, State or Lander Government, Local Government, and Social Security Funds) and by specific tax, such as capital gains, profits and income, property, sales, etc.

Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: China (Edition 2022)

Book Description

This dataset contains tax revenue collected by China (People's Republic of). It provides detailed tax revenues by sector (Supranational, Federal or Central Government, State or Lander Government, Local Government, and Social Security Funds) and by specific tax, such as capital gains, profits and income, property, sales, etc.

Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: Malaysia (Edition 2022)

Book Description

This dataset contains tax revenue collected by Malaysia. It provides detailed tax revenues by sector (Supranational, Federal or Central Government, State or Lander Government, Local Government, and Social Security Funds) and by specific tax, such as capital gains, profits and income, property, sales, etc.

Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: Nauru (Edition 2022)

Book Description

This dataset contains tax revenue collected by Nauru. It provides detailed tax revenues by sector (Supranational, Federal or Central Government, State or Lander Government, Local Government, and Social Security Funds) and by specific tax, such as capital gains, profits and income, property, sales, etc.

Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: Tokelau (Edition 2022)

Book Description

This dataset contains tax revenue collected by Tokelau. It provides a unique set of detailed and internationally comparable tax and non-tax revenue data including taxes on: income, profits and capital gains; social security contributions; property; goods and services. Tax revenue data is available by level of government in national currency values.