Roads to Maturity/Vers La Maturité

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the second Canadian Conference on Children which was held in Montreal in the autumn of 1965. It includes four papers given by Dr. Alva Myrdal, Dr. Alan Ross, Dr. M.S. Rabinovitch and Dr. C.E. Hendry, all well known for their attention to the problems of children growing up in the present world and concerned here to draw attention to those they see in Canada and elsewhere. A running commentary is supplied by Dr. Alan Thomas on the less formal side of the conference—the discussions that took place in groups after the speeches. The four papers and the commentary are printed in both English and French. Reverend Roger Guindon O.M.I. of the University of Ottawa provides the closing address, presented in a style which can be seen as an interesting new approach to the Canadian problem of bilingualism.

On the Road to Maturity

Book Description

There are many sources for lifes directives. The sooner we understand this,the sooner we will be able to appreciate the significance of successful operating systems around us. By the use of terminology associated with the successful operating systems of traffic this book has advanced philosophical ideas that are consistent with creating a successful way of life.

Roads to maturity

Book Description

On the Road to Maturity

Book Description

There are many sources for life's directives. The sooner we understand this,the sooner we will be able to appreciate the significance of successful operating systems around us. By the use of terminology associated with the successful operating systems of traffic this book has advanced philosophical ideas that are consistent with creating a successful way of life.

Roads to Maturity

Book Description

The Road to Maturity

Book Description