Rock Mechanical Properties of Indonesian Organic-rich Shales and Geomechanical Analysis of a Shale Resource Pilot Hole in North Sumatra Basin

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Geomechanical analysis plays an important role in developing and producing oil and gas from organic-rich shales through horizontal drilling and multistage hydraulic fracturing. This study aims to conduct a geomechanical analysis of Indonesian shale potentials. Laboratory analyses on Indonesian shale samples have been performed using lacustrine outcrop samples in the Central Sumatra Basin (CSB) and subsurface samples of marine deposits from the North Sumatra Basin (NSB). Indonesian shales can be classified into two different groups based on their mechanical properties. These differences can be seen as a progression of diagenesis, where the U.S. shale can be regarded as mechanically mature and Indonesian shales are relatively early-mature to immature, mechanically, due to its younger age. In-situ stress analysis of the studied wells has been carried out on a regional and borehole scale. On the regional scale, the earthquake focal mechanisms analysis and surface geological features suggest a reverse faulting (RF) environment with the direction of maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) in the northeast-southwest (NE-SW) direction. In the borehole scale, the analysis shows a near isotropic stress condition due to overpressure in the Baong Formation, suggesting a RF/Strike-slip (SS) faulting regime. In contrast, the Belumai and Bampo Formation show an anisotropic stress state in the normal fault (NF)/SS faulting regime. Two stress profiling methods, i.e., Extended Eaton (EE) and Viscous-Relaxation (VR), were carried out and compared to assess the difference in stress states at each depth. In general, both methods suggest reverse faulting (RF) regime in the upper section and Strike-Slip (SS) regime in the lower section. Having a RF environment, hydraulic fracturing in Baong Formation will result in no clear fracture barrier in preventing hydraulic fracture growth into adjacent formations. Meanwhile, for injection into the SS/NF regime in the Belumai Formation, the fracture will open against the Shmin axis and propagate to the vertical direction until it reaches a fracture barrier. As a closing remark, our study suggests that the Indonesian shale potential in NSB, where the formation is in overpressured condition and the prevailing faulting regime is RF, is not favorable for hydraulic fracturing operations.

Unconventional Resources of Shale Hydrocarbon in Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

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Sumatra Basin is the largest hydrocarbon producer in Indonesia, which was produced from North Sumatra, Central Sumatra and South Sumatra Basins. Looking at the large accumulation of hydrocarbons that have been produced from Sumatra Basin, it opens the possibility of hydrocarbon potential, which is trapped in shale source rock. The integrated study, which includes geochemical, geomechanical, petrophysical and geophysical analysis, was performed to assess shale reservoir in Sumatra Basin. The geochemical assessment of the Baong formation of North Sumatra Basin show that the total organic content (TOC) ranges from 2 to 3.5 wt.% and is categorized into fair to very good. The geophysical and geomechanical assessment shows the shale layer is indicated by an acoustic impedance, which is higher than 2490 ft/s*g/cc, with rock strength of 3000 Psi and the brittleness index of 0.48. In Central Sumatra Basin, we assessed Brownshale of Pematang formation. The geochemical analysis shows that the Brownshale has TOC ranges from 0.15 to 2.71 wt.%, which can be categorized into poor to very good. In South Sumatra Basin, we focused on Talang Akar formation (TAF). The geochemical result shows that the TOC ranged from 0.35 to 3.66 wt.% and is categorized into poor to very good.

Mechanical Properties of Shale Gas Reservoir Rocks, and Its Relation to the In-situ Stress Variation Observed in Shale Gas Reservoirs

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The main focus of this thesis is to study the basic rock mechanical properties of shale gas reservoir rocks, the in-situ state of stress in shale gas reservoirs, and their inter-relation. Laboratory studies on the elastic and deformational mechanical properties of gas shales show that these rocks exhibit wide range of mechanical properties and significant anisotropy reflecting their wide range of material composition and fabric anisotropy. The elastic properties of these shale rocks are successfully described by tracking the relative amount soft components (clay and solid organic materials) in the rock and also acknowledging the anisotropic distribution of the soft components. Gas shales were also found to possess relatively stronger degree of anisotropy compared to other organic-rich shales studied in the literature, possibly due to the fact that these rocks come from peak-maturity source rocks. The deformational properties studied by observing the ductile creep behavior and brittle strengths were also found to be influenced by the amount of soft components in the rock and exhibited mechanical anisotropy. A strong correlation between the elastic properties and the deformational properties was also found through comparison of laboratory data. The relation between the elastic modulus and magnitude of ductile creep is investigated through differential effective medium (DEM) modeling of the shale elastic properties. The partitioning of the far-field stress between the stiff and soft components was calculated in the DEM modeling to forward model the ductile creep behavior of the shales. Results showed that the correlation between the elastic properties and magnitude of ductile creep arises because they are both influenced by the stress partitioning in the rocks. Examination of a FMI image log from a vertical well in Barnett shale showed that the in-situ state of stress fluctuates rapidly within the reservoir in terms of the orientation and magnitude of the principal stress. The appearance and disappearance of drilling-induced tensile fractures roughly correlated with the variation in the clay and organic content in the formation, suggesting that there is a fluctuation in the magnitude of the horizontal stress difference, on the order of 10 MPa, that may be controlled by the mechanical heterogeneity of the formations. In order to explain the linkage between the observed stress variation and formation heterogeneity, we focused on the variation of ductile creep behavior exhibited by the gas shale rocks observed in the laboratory. The laboratory creep data was analyzed under the framework of viscoelastic theory to quantify its behavior and allow the calculation of the stress carrying capacity of the rocks. The viscoelastic behavior of the gas shales were found to be best approximated by a power-law function of time and the accumulation of differential stress over geological time in these rocks were calculated according to this constitutive description. Stress analysis assuming a simple constant strain rate tectonic loading history over 150 Ma shows that the horizontal stress difference on the order of 10 MPa observed in the Barnett shale can be explained by the variation in viscoelastic properties within the Barnett shale. Our results highlight the importance of acknowledging viscous deformation of shale gas reservoir rocks to understand the current in-situ state of stress in these reservoirs. A study of frictional properties of a saponite-rich fault gouge from a serpentinite-bearing fault in central Japan is also presented in this thesis. Field characterization of the internal structure of a fault juxtaposing serpentinites and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks show that hydrothermal metasomatic reactions took place at the fault interface which produced peculiar mineral assemblages along the fault plane. The saponite-rich fault gouge resulting from the metasomatic reaction exhibits extremely low coefficient of friction, ~0.1, at wet conditions and strong velocity-strengthening characteristics. The study highlights the importance of geochemical reactions along fault planes which may ultimately control the overall mechanical behavior of major fault zones.

Characterization of Petrophysical Properties of Organic-rich Shales by Experiments, Lab Measurements and Machine Learning Analysis

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The increasing significance of shale plays leads to the need for deeper understanding of shale behavior. Laboratory characterization of petrophysical properties is an important part of shale resource evaluation. The characterization, however, remains challenging due to the complicated nature of shale. This work aims at better characterization of shale using experiments, lab measurements, and machine leaning analysis. During hydraulic fracturing, besides tensile failure, the adjacent shale matrix is subjected to massive shear deformation. The interaction of shale pore system and shear deformation, and impacts on production remains unknown. This work investigates the response of shale nanoscale pore system to shear deformation using gas sorption and scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging. Shale samples are deformed by confined compressive strength tests. After failure, fractures in nanoscale are observed to follow coarser grain boundaries and laminae of OM and matrix materials. Most samples display increases in pore structural parameters. Results suggest that the hydrocarbon mobility may be enhanced by the interaction of the OM laminae and the shear fracturing. Past studied show that the evolution of pore structure of shale is associated with thermal maturation. However, the evolution of shale transport propreties related to thermal maturation is unclear due to the difficulty of conducting permeability measurement for shale.This work studies evolution of permeability and pore structure measurements using heat treatment. Samples are heated from 110°C to 650°C. Gas sorption and GRI (Gas Research Institute) permeability measurements are performed. Results show that those petrophysical parameters, especially permeability, are sensitive to drying temperature. Multiscale pore network features of shale are also revealed in this study. Characterizing fluids in shale using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) T1-T2 maps is often done manually, which is difficult and subjected to human decisions. This work proposes a new approach based on Gaussian mixture model (GMM) clustering analysis. Six clustering algorithms are performed on T11-T2 maps. To select the optimal cluster number and best algorithm, two cluster validity indices are proposed. Results validate the two indices, and GMM is found to be the best algorithm. A general fluid partition pattern is obtained by GMM, which is less sensitive to rock lithology. In addition, the clustering performance can be enhanced by drying the sample

Sedimentation and Reservoirs of Marine Shale in South China

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This book systematically investigates the depositional process and reservoir characteristics of organic-rich shales, including (1) The types and development mechanisms of organic-rich shales under ancient ocean and climatic backgrounds. Schematic models are proposed to understand the organic matter enrichment and depletion in shale systems. (2) Microstructure and petrophysical properties. The general lithofacies are recognized and linked to the depositional setting and petrophysical properties. Full-scale pores and fractures are characterized using FE-SEM, gas adsorption, nano-CT and micro-CT scanning. (3) Brittle-ductile characteristics. Rock mechanical properties and in-situ stress are determined. The brittle-ductile transformation of shales is discussed. (4) Shale gas occurrence state and differential enrichment. Gas content and dynamic dissipation over geological time are evaluated using sorption experiments and numerical simulation. Shale gas enrichment model is developed to understand the gas differential accumulation in organic-rich shales. This book can be used for reference by researchers engaged in shale oil and gas geology in both academics and industry.