Roman Pottery in the Low Countries

Book Description

This edited volume was written on the occasion of the 33rd Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Fautores (, which was held in September 2024 in Leiden, and offers a status quaestionis of Roman pottery studies in the Netherlands and adjacent regions. A concise history introducing the discipline is followed by ten contributions - centered around four concepts - which are written by experts in their respective fields who discuss key aspects of Roman pottery studies. Many of the contributions are characterized by a diachronic viewpoint, and range from addressing the social and cultural significance of individual ceramic categories, to formative historical developments and regional syntheses. The book concludes by highlighting prospects for future research. The book is packed with detailed information on Roman pottery and focuses on fellow specialists, and rather is not an introduction on the study of Roman pottery. However, readers interested in learning how the study of pottery contributes to our understanding of Roman ways of life and the Roman presence in the Netherlands and surrounding regions can certainly find aspects to their linking.

Roman and Medieval Exeter and their Hinterlands

Book Description

This first volume, presenting research carried out through the Exeter: A Place in Time project, provides a synthesis of the development of Exeter within its local, regional, national and international hinterlands. Exeter began life in c. AD 55 as one of the most important legionary bases within early Roman Britain, and for two brief periods in the early and late 60s AD, Exeter was a critical centre of Roman power within the new province. When the legion moved to Wales the fortress was converted into the civitas capital for the Dumnonii. Its development as a town was, however, relatively slow, reflecting the gradual pace at which the region as a whole adapted to being part of the Roman world. The only evidence we have for occupation within Exeter between the 5th and 8th centuries is for a church in what was later to become the Cathedral Close. In the late 9th century, however, Exeter became a defended burh, and this was followed by the revival of urban life. Exeter’s wealth was in part derived from its central role in the south-west’s tin industry, and by the late 10th century Exeter was the fifth most productive mint in England. Exeter’s importance continued to grow as it became an episcopal and royal centre, and excavations within Exeter have revealed important material culture assemblages that reflect its role as an international port.

The Low Countries: A History

Book Description

Here, from British historian and New Yorker senior writer Anthony Bailey is the dramatic story of the Low Countries - Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg - from the early days of nomads and barbarian invaders to the birth of towns and cities to the rise and decline of world prominence and finally to the dark and tragic days of World War II.

Studies in the Roman and Medieval Archaeology of Exeter

Book Description

This second volume presenting the research carried out through the Exeter: A Place in Time project presents a series of specialist contributions that underpin the general overview published in the first volume. Chapter 2 provides summaries of the excavations carried out within the city of Exeter between 1812 and 2019, while Chapter 3 draws together the evidence for the plan of the legionary fortress and the streets and buildings of the Roman town. Chapter 4 presents the medieval documentary evidence relating to the excavations at three sites in central Exeter (High Street, Trichay Street and Goldsmith Street), with the excavation reports being in Chapter 5-7. Chapter 8 reports on the excavations and documentary research at Rack Street in the south-east quarter of the city. There follows a series of papers covering recent research into the archaeometallurgical debris, dendrochronology, Roman pottery, Roman ceramic building material, Roman querns and millstones, Claudian coins, an overview of the Roman coins from Exeter and Devon, medieval pottery, and the human remains found in a series of medieval cemeteries.

A History of the Low Countries

Book Description

This introductory overview of the Low Countries' history traces their development since Roman times, providing equal weighting to the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Paul Arblaster looks at political, cultural and social history, including the rise of the merchant classes, the Renaissance and Golden Age, and the two world wars of the 20th century. The final chapter has been expanded and revised to take into account developments since 2011. This third edition is thoroughly updated and revised throughout and benefits from our recently refreshed series design. This timely and engaging narrative provides an invaluable starting-point for students of History focusing on the Low Countries, European Studies and Dutch studies. New to this Edition: - More detail on the EU, particularly current in light of Brexit and Euroscepticism - More environmental and global history - Coverage of the latest political developments - More maps, to bridge the gap between the 15th century and the present day - An updated bibliography

Roman Pottery

Book Description

A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln

Book Description

This is the first major analysis of the Roman pottery from excavations in Lincoln (comprising more than 150,000 sherds). The pottery is presented in seven major ware groups. Fine wares include a modest range of imports and are dominated by Nene Valley products. Oxidised wares are mostly local products with a few imports as are the shell- and calcite-tempered wares and reduced wares. The final three are the standard specialised wares: mortaria, mostly of German and Mancetter-Hartshill manufacture; amphorae (80% Spanish Dressel 20) and samian, mostly from Les Martres/Lezoux and 75% undecorated! The discussion explores the chronological range of the entire ceramic assemblage across the three discrete parts of the Roman fortress and later colonia.