Sons of the Soil

Book Description

The Life of Sir Ellis Clarke of Trinidad and Tobago: A Biographical Reader

Book Description

In The Life of Sir Ellis Clarke: A Biographical Reader, Dr. Seigler masterfully details the tremendous legal and cultural contributions Sir Ellis Clarke has made to Trinidad and Tobago and other places throughout the world as well as offers an insightful perspective on the historical context of his life's journey. --Catina Cain JD, MSA, MBA Dr. Timothy John Seigler is an associate professor at North Carolina Central University, where he teaches courses in education law, cultural leadership, social justice, and professional ethics. He is a certified public school teacher and school administrator as well as a certified Superior Court mediator whose mediation practice specialized in education law and church dispute resolution.

Royal Son of the Soil

Book Description

Simbhoonath Capildeo

Book Description

The book is a deconstruction of the political discourse of Simbhoonath Capildeo the progenitor of Hindu nationalist discourse in Trinidad and Tobago. Capildeo's Hindu nationalism is premised upon a rootedness in Trinidad and Tobago, a fervent praxis premised on bhakti (devotion) towards creating a discourse of Sanatan Dharma that was relevant to life in the west as a Hindu that was sustainable, and finally a political praxis that was demonstrably anti- racist and egalitarian in the tradition of democratic socialism.

The Soil Underfoot

Book Description

The largest part of the world's food comes from its soils, either directly from plants, or via animals fed on pastures and crops. Thus, it is necessary to maintain, and if possible, improve the quality-and hence good health-of soils, while enabling them to support the growing world population. The Soil Underfoot: Infinite Possibilities for a Finite

Soil Survey

Book Description

Sir Ellis Clarke

Book Description

Dr. Seigler has done a highly commendable job in producing a detailed biography on the life of Sir Ellis Clarke. His work, Sir Ellis Clarke: A Royal Son of the Soil is insightful, thought-provoking, and written in a reader-friendly style." Dr. Lawrence Rossow, Former Dean, University of Houston-Victoria. "Sir Ellis Clarke: A Royal Son of the Soil is an eloquent biography that introduces Americans to the life of Sir Ellis Clarke, a modern-day Founding Father of Trinidad and Tobago. Readers in the United States and around the world will be the likely beneficiaries of Dr. Seigler's insight into how Sir Ellis' struggle to devise a workable constitution for his own nation, might illuminate the constitutional jurisprudence of the United States." Dr. Harvey Hinton, Former Assistant professor of Social Studies at North Carolina Central University

The Sons of the Soil

Book Description

A Son of the Soil

Book Description