Sailing Home

Book Description

Sailing Home

Book Description

Homer’s Odyssey holds a timeless allure. It is an ancient story for every generation: the struggle of a man on a long and difficult voyage longing to return to love and family. Odysseus’s strivings to overcome both divine and earthly obstacles and to control his own impulsive nature hold valuable lessons for us as we confront the challenges of daily life. Sailing Home breathes fresh air into a classic we thought we knew, revealing its profound guidance for the modern seeker. Dividing the book into three parts—“Setting Forth,” “Disaster,” and “Return”—Fischer charts the course of Odysseus’s familiar wanderings. Readers come to see this ancient hero as a flawed human being who shares their own struggles and temptations, such as yielding to desire or fear or greed, and making peace with family. Featuring thoughtful meditations, illuminating anecdotes from Fischer’s and his students’ lives, and stories from many wisdom traditions including Buddhist, Judaic, and Christian, Sailing Home shows the way to greater purpose in our own lives. The book’s literary dimension expands its appeal beyond the Buddhist market to a wider spiritual audience and to anyone interested in the teachings of myth and story.

Sailing Home

Book Description

"My name is Eli Pruparrow, and I'm sailing down the Chesapeake Bay with my friend, Micha Kovnik. In case you don't know, the Chesapeake Bay is one of the biggest bays in the world, and lies smack between Virginia and Maryland. It's full of small fishing villages, islands, and big rivers like the Potomac, James, and Rappahannock. It's really beautiful, but a sailor in the bay has to be careful, there are lots of hazards here and storms come up quick. I might as well tell you how we got here, since it's pretty hard to believe how we ended up in a small boat in the middle of the Chesapeake. We're escapees from one of the worst foster homes ever. I can say this because I'm kind of an expert on foster homes. I've been in a dozen so far."

Sailing Home

Book Description

Captain Madsen's four children fondly recall their exciting experiences sailing with their father and mother on the bark John Ena at the turn of the twentieth century.

Sailing Home

Book Description


Book Description

Sailing Home

Book Description

Fully aware that his mythical home-place might have vanished forever into memory (or at least into sad disrepair), Gary Geddes set out to discover his roots in a 31-foot British sailing sloop, christened the Groais. Those tangled roots wound their way up British Columbia's famed Inside Passage, an ancient sea route of nearly one thousand miles, an often turbulent waterscape where Geddes discovers a vibrant history, livelihoods come and gone, dramatic scenery, and ghosts of the past. The result of that search is Sailing Home, a wonderful meditative literary journey that is both a poignant personal memoir and a crow's nest view of the west coast's rich 10,000-year cultural, social and economic heritage. Despite his seafaring background -- Geddes' grandfather was a fisherman who drowned mysteriously off Point Atkinson and his father was a deep sea diver, shipbuilder and salmon fisherman -- he knows he is navigationally challenged with nautical experience anchored by raw fear, mechanical ineptness and bouts of seasickness. Setting out with the latest in technology (along with indecipherable charts, an adventure library, and the writings of George Vancouver and Charles Darwin), he soon finds himself at the mercy of a willful boat and an even more headstrong sea. But as he sails through unexpected storms and cotton wool fogs, he discovers that his own past is becoming a strong current in the shifting tides of coastal history. Lyrical and evocative, this is a book for all those embarking on their own personal journeys, whether they be by water, land or the flight paths of the imagination.

Learn Sailing Right!

Book Description

Learn Sailing Right Intermediate Sailing is the next logical step in the progression of skills. Learn Sailing Right! Intermediate Sailing is about sailing faster and smarter with greater confidence. As an intermediate sailor, you no longer need to think about how to tack, return to the dock or rig your boat. These maneuvers are now as natural as breathing. Where sailing is simplified for beginners as they learn fundamental skills and concepts, intermediate sailors are ready for deeper explanations and some of the details behind how a sailboat works.

Sailing Into Oblivion

Book Description

Large Print Edition of the true account of the 2017-2018 solo non-stop circumnavigation by Jerome Rand aboard the Westsail 32 "Mighty Sparrow". A testament to endurance and adventure, this memoir recounts what life is like aboard a small sailboat during a 271 day voyage around the globe, alone and without stopping. One of the greatest challenges of both body and mind, the author will take you onboard during the good times and the bad. As one of only a handful of people to have ever succeed in such a small boat, this story is truly the adventure of a lifetime.