SATYA YUGA: Dawn of Golden Age

Book Description

This book is brought out by the will of AMARA known to the world as AMBARISHA VARMA, directed by SAPTA RISHIS, guided by VISHWA MITRA MAHARISHI and AGASTYA MAHARISHI, to inform the people of the world about the changes that are happening and how one may address all the problems of the world to a positive, meaningful conclusion. The Pralaya Kala has begun, Pralaya means Prakruti Laya, which means a great chance for the better, from the present condition to a heavenly condition. This requires every individuals participation. This book speaks of solutions for all the problems which the world is facingSARVE JANA SUKHINO BHAVANTO

Fire from Heaven

Book Description

Return of the Golden Age

Book Description

The truth behind ancient myths and the return of the celestial conditions for a Golden Age of peace and abundance • Reveals the events preserved in myth that launched humanity into 12,000 years of struggle, selfishness, and false beliefs • Explores how we can initiate a new Golden Age through ancient Egyptian teachings on the creative power of our imaginations • Explains how our world system of economics, which benefits a few at the expense of the many, arose as a reaction to global catastrophe in prehistory Since the beginning of recorded history humanity has been in a continuous struggle over land and resources. It continues today despite the abundance we have created through scientific innovation and technology. Why such a struggle for resources exists has never been explained. Neither has the human drive to own, accumulate, and hoard. Edward Malkowski reveals that the answer lies in recognizing the reality behind humanity’s earliest myths. He shows that the opportunity is at hand to transcend these inherited selfish traits and return to a Golden Age of peace and abundance. Malkowski explores the hidden meaning behind stories such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, Plato’s Atlantis, and myths of a new sky and a new sun, of great floods and the death of the gods, and of the preceding Golden Age. He connects these myths to a real extinction event that occurred 12,000 years ago. He explains how the survivors--our ancestors--were catapulted from utopia into a world of scarcity, scarring the collective mind of humanity and initiating the struggle for resources in an attempt to regain our lost paradise. He shows how our world system of economics, focused on ownership and based on the false belief of separateness--benefitting a few at the expense of the many--arose as a reaction to this catastrophe. Drawing on the pre-catastrophe teachings preserved by the ancient Egyptians, Malkowski reveals that we are returning to a celestial configuration parallel to that of the past Golden Age. Through our collective DNA memory and the creative power of our imaginations, we can end our 12,000-year quest to regain paradise lost and launch a new Golden Age of unity, abundance, and equality for all humanity.

Memories and Visions of Paradise

Book Description

Explores the universal myth of Paradise across cultures, uncovering its personal message and social consequences. Companion video.

Grow Rich while Walking into the Golden Aged World (with Meditation Commentaries)

Book Description

Using the practices suggested in this book will help to improve your spiritual, financial and living conditions! This book explains how you can become rich, financially and/or spiritually, and get whatever you want while walking into the Golden Age (via the Holographic Universe). As explanations are given on how to use God and His Knowledge to achieve your aims, the author also explains: 1. about the magical abilities (Siddhis) and specialities which you acquire as you use the practices in this book. 2. why the Law of Attraction works to bring you wealth, happiness, etc. 3. why and how visualisations can get materialised. 4. why being close to the higher dimension, where the Akashic Records exist, will help you to easily realise your dreams. 5. how you can easily play the role of the creator (Brahma) from Brahmaloka in order to achieve what you want. 6. how when you are in the world of Brahma, Ether also plays the role of Brahma and creates what you want. 7. how as you use the energies deeper within the soul, you are the god self or Brahma and so will be able to fulfil your wishes and needs. 8. how stuff are materialised through frequencies, resonance, etc. 9. about reacquiring wealth, prosperity and magical abilities, now. 10. how the quantum energies, World Drama, Nature, etc. serve the people who walk into the Golden Aged world and who are in the Golden Age. 11. how perfect bodies are created for those walking into the Golden Age. 12. how the earth and world is uplifted into the Higher Universe, as you walk into the Golden Aged world. 13. about the universes and worlds/lokas which provide our environment. 14. why it is easier to get what you want when you use the higher lokas. 15. why some people saw sea monsters, e.g. Loch Ness monster and Champ. 16. how the earth sank and, now, gets lifted out of the Garbhodaka Ocean. 17. why our universe is expanding. 18. about Cosmic Consciousness, World-Wide Collective Consciousness and the various kinds of consciousness which we use. 19. about Brahmajyoti, Vaikuntha and the various other lokas. 20. on whether the earth is flat or round. 21. about the ancient Hindu Bhumandala model. 22. about the Holographic Universe, chakras, aura, Kundalini, Causal Ocean (Karana Ocean), Spiritual Sky (Paravyoma), Holographic Bodies etc. 23. the knowledge given during the Brahma Kumaris’ Seven Days Course. The reader is taught on how to use the knowledge of the Brahma Kumaris, which is found in this book, to begin and continue the process of walking into the Golden Aged world. If you are interested in becoming wealthy, in getting what you want, in becoming spiritually powerful and/or in walking into the Golden Aged world, then read this book.

The Dawn of the New Cycle

Book Description

In considering a group that identified with Victorian American culture and its anxieties while adhering to an occult worldview that most of their contemporaries found strange, if not dangerous, the book explains why these middle-class Americans found Theosophy so persuasive and why they left family and friends behind to take up residence at this California settlement."--BOOK JACKET.

Wine in Ancient India

Book Description

The Goddess Discovered

Book Description

Your Complete Guide to Hundreds of Goddesses Around the World Meet the many incarnations of the divine feminine, past and present, with this comprehensive reference guide by bestselling author Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD. Featuring more than five hundred goddesses, over forty exercises and journal prompts, and guided journeys for understanding yourself at the soul level, this book connects you with ancestral energy and can bring peace and balance to your life. Shelley first introduces you to goddesses of the ancient world, exploring Egyptian, Celtic, Greek, Norse, and Mesoamerican pantheons. She then shares the living goddesses of modern world religions—African, East Asian, Hindu, and Indigenous peoples. Each goddess entry features her keywords, categories, history, and lore. In discovering these deities, you can enliven goddess energy within you and even uncover past lives.

The Yugas

Book Description

Millions are wondering what the future holds for mankind, and if we are soon due for a world-changing global shift. Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi) and his teacher, Sri Yukteswar, offered key insights into this subject. They presented a fascinating explanation of the rising and falling eras that our planet cycles through every 24,000 years. According to their teachings, we have recently passed through the low ebb in that cycle and are moving to a higher age—an Energy Age that will revolutionize the world. Over one hundred years ago Yukteswar predicted that we would live in a time of extraordinary change, and that much that we believe to be fixed and true—our entire way of looking at the world — would be transformed and uplifted. In The Yugas, authors Joseph Selbie and David Steinmetz present substantial and intriguing evidence from the findings of historians and scientists that demonstrate the truth of Yukteswar’s and Yogananda’s revelations.


Book Description

Almost every ancient culture believed that human civilization and consciousness has progressively declined since an erstwhile Golden Age till the current age of greed and lies, discord and strife, called the Kali Yuga. But when does the Kali Yuga end? And what happens after that? In this extensively researched book, Bibhu Dev Misra has delineated the common threads that run through the Yuga Cycle doctrines of ancient cultures, taking the aid of scientific discoveries wherever available. His reconstruction of the original Yuga Cycle framework indicates that the end of the Kali Yuga is just around the corner - in 2025! Within a span of just 15 years, by the year 2040, the Kali Yuga civilization is likely to collapse due to a combination of global wars, environmental catastrophes and comet impacts. The survivors will inherit a renewed earth, bathed in the divine light of the Central Sun. Is there any scientific evidence in support of the Yuga Cycle? What drives the sinusoidal fluctuation in our physical size and consciousness in course of the Yuga Cycle? Why do cataclysmic obliteration of civilizations occur after every Yuga? What do we make of the end-time prophecies which tell of a Savior or Avatar returning at the end of the Kali Yuga? These are some of the key questions addressed in this book. This riveting and thought-provoking work contains one of the most important messages of our time.