Scenarios and Implications of Land Use and Climate Change on Water Quality in Mesoscale Agricultural Watersheds

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"A comparative study in two mesoscale, agricultural watersheds located in mid-latitude, developed regions (Altmühl River, Germany and in Pike River, Canada) investigated potential future land use change and climate change impacts on surface water quality. The two watersheds provided a unique opportunity to compare potential impacts of change in similar physical and climatological regions, yet under different political settings related to agricultural policies as well as water quality management and protection. The objectives of the research were to develop agricultural land use scenarios to apply to a hydrological model simultaneously with climate change simulations. This modelling framework allowed quantifying these combined impacts on streamflow, sediment loads, nitrate-nitrogen loads and concentrations, as well as total phosphorus loads and concentrations to the 2050 time horizon. The impacts of climate change were evaluated alone and then with land use change. Overall, the quality of surface water simulated in both watersheds will be deteriorated according to environmental standards set by the ministries by 2050 due to higher mean annual nutrient loads transported into the rivers. Climate change impacts were greater than land use change impacts; however land use change can have an important influence on water quality, depending on the magnitude of crop changes taking place. Field-level adaptation strategies in the Pike River were simulated to determine the extent of reducing the combined impacts of land use and climate change. The strategies were able to mitigate the combined impacts, and also to improve the quality of surface water compared to the in-stream nutrient concentrations in the reference simulation.In both watersheds, it was determined that the combined interaction between climate change and land use change in the hydrological model are non-linear. Examining the combined impacts are necessary to determine potential alterations in water quality in a basin since the direction and the magnitude are not predictable from the individual changes alone." --

Modeling Impacts of Climate Change and Agricultural Management on Watershed Outputs in Midwestern USA

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Applications of the SWAT model typically involve delineation of a watershed into subwatersheds/subbasins that are then further subdivided into hydrologic response units (HRUs) which are homogeneous areas of aggregated soil, landuse, and slope and are the smallest modeling units used within the tool. In a standard SWAT application, multiple potential HRUs (farm fields) in a subbasin are usually aggregated into a single HRU feature. In other words, the standard version of the model combines multiple potential HRUs (farm fields) with the same landuse/landcover (LULC), soil, and slope, but located in different places within a subbasin (spatially non-unique), and considers them as one HRU. In this study, ArcGIS pre-processing procedures were developed to spatially define a one-to-one match between farm fields and HRUs (spatially unique HRUs) within a subbasin prior to SWAT simulations to facilitate input processing, input/output mapping, and further analysis at the individual farm field level. Model input data such as LULC, soil, crop rotation and other management data were processed through these HRUs. The SWAT model was then calibrated/validated for the Raccoon River watershed in Iowa for 2002 to 2010 and the Big Creek River watershed in Illinois for 2000 to 2003. SWAT was able to replicate annual, monthly and daily streamflow, as well as sediment, nitrate and mineral phosphorous within recommended accuracy in most cases. The one-to-one match between farm fields and HRUs created and used in this study is a first step in performing LULC change, climate change impact, and other analyses in a more spatially explicit manner. The calibrated and validated SWAT model was then used to assess agricultural scenario and climate change impacts on watershed water quantity, quality, and crop yields. Modeling impacts of agricultural scenarios and climate change on surface water quantity and quality provides useful information for planning effective water, environmental, and land use policies. Despite the significant impacts of agriculture on water quantity and quality, limited literature exists modeling the combined impacts of agricultural scenarios and climate change on crop yields and watershed hydrology. Here, SWAT, was used to model the combined impacts of five agricultural scenarios and three climate scenarios downscaled using eight climate models. These scenarios were implemented in a well calibrated SWAT model for the Raccoon River watershed (RRW), IA. We run the scenarios for the historical baseline, early-century, mid-century, and late-century periods. Results indicate that historical and more corn intensive agricultural scenarios with higher CO2 emissions consistently result in more water in the streams and greater water quality problems, especially late in the 21st century. Planting more switchgrass, on the other hand, results in less water in the streams and water quality improvements relative to the baseline. For all given agricultural landscapes simulated, all flow, sediment and nutrient outputs increase from early-to-late century periods for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 climate scenarios. We also find that corn and switchgrass yields are negatively impacted under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios in the mid and late 21st century. Finally, various agricultural best management practice (BMP) scenarios were evaluated for their efficiency in alleviating watershed water quality problems. The vast majority of the literature on efficiency assessment of BMPs in alleviating water quality problems base their scenarios analysis on identifying subbasin level simulation results. In the this study, we used spatially explicit HRUs, defined using ArcGIS-based pre-processing methodology, to identify Nitrate (NO3) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) hotspots at the HRU/field level, and evaluate the efficiency of selected BMPs in a large watershed, RRW, using the SWAT model. Accordingly, analysis of fourteen management scenarios were performed based on systematic combinations of five agricultural BMPs (fertilizer/manure management, changing cropland to perennial grass, vegetative filter strips, cover crops and shallower tile drainage systems) aimed to reduce NO3 and TSS yields from targeted hotspot areas in the watershed at field level. Moreover, implications of climate change on management practices, and impacts of management practices on water availability and crop yield and total production were assessed. Results indicated that either implementation of multiple BMPs or conversion of an extensive area into perennial grass may be required to sufficiently reduce nitrate loads to meet the drinking water standard. Moreover, climate change may undermine the effectiveness of management practices, especially late in the 21 st century. The targeted approach used in this study resulted in slight decreases in watershed average crop yields, hence the reduction in total crop production is mainly due to conversion of croplands to perennial grass.

Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities on Watersheds in a Changing Climate

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The immediate goal of this Special Issue was the characterization of land uses and occupations (LULC) in watersheds and the assessment of impacts caused by anthropogenic activities. The goal was immediate because the ultimate purpose was to help bring disturbed watersheds to a better condition or a utopian sustainable status. The steps followed to attain this objective included publishing studies on the understanding of factors and variables that control hydrology and water quality changes in response to human activities. Following this first step, the Special Issue selected work that described adaption measures capable of improving the watershed condition (water availability and quality), namely LULC conversions (e.g., monocultures into agro-forestry systems). Concerning the LULC measures, however, efficacy was questioned unless supported by public programs that force consumers to participate in concomitant costs, because conversions may be viewed as an environmental service.

Water and Land Security in Drylands

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This book presents recent lessons learned in the context of research and development for various dryland ecosystems, focusing on water resources management, land and vegetation cover degradation and remediation, and socioeconomic aspects, as well as integrated approaches to ensuring water and land security in view of the current and predicted climate change. As water and land are the essential bases of food production, the management of these natural resources is becoming a cornerstone for the development of dryland populations. The book gathers the peer-reviewed, revised versions of the most outstanding papers on these topics presented at the ILDAC2015 Conference in Djerba, Tunisia.

Climate Change and Land Use/Cover Change Impacts on Watershed Hydrology, Nutrient Dynamics -- a Case Study in Missisquoi River Watershed

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Watershed regulation of water, carbon and nutrient dynamics support food, drinking water and human development. Projected climate changes and land use/cover change (LUCC) have been identified as drivers of watershed nutrient and hydrological processes and are likely to happen jointly in the future decades. Studying climate change and LUCC impacts on watersheds' streamflow and nutrients dynamics is therefore essential for future watershed management. This research aimed to unveil how climate change and LUCC affect water and nutrient dynamics in the Missisquoi River watershed, Vermont. We used 12 scenarios of future climate data (2021 - 2050) generated by three GCMs (ccsm4, mri-cgcm3, and gfdl-esm2m) under four Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). For LUCC, we used three different scenarios generated by the Interactive Land Use Transition Agent-Based Model (ILUTABM). The three LUCC scenarios were Business As Usual (BAU), Prefer Forest (proForest), and Prefer Agriculture (proAg). New land use maps were generated every 10 years for the period of 2021 - 2050. Combining each climate change and LUCC scenario resulted in 36 scenarios that were used to drive Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System (RHESSys) ecohydrological model. In chapter 3, we used RHESSys to study streamflow. We found climate was the main driver for streamflow because climate change directly controlled the system water input. For streamflow, climate change scenarios had larger impacts than LUCC, different LUCCs under the same climate change scenario had similar annual flow patterns. In chapter 4, we used RHESSys to study streamflow NO3-N and NH4-N load. Because fertilizer application is the major source for nitrogen export, LUCC had larger impacts; watersheds with more agricultural land had larger nitrogen loads. In chapter 5, we developed RHESSys-P by coupling the DayCent phosphorus module with RHESSys to study climate change and LUCC impacts on Dissolved Phosphorus (DP) load. RHESSys-P was calibrated with observed DP data for 2002 - 2004 and validated with data for 2009 - 2010. In both calibration and validation periods, simulated DP basically captured patterns of observed DP. In the validation period, the R2 of simulated vs observed DP was 0.788. Future projection results indicated BAU and proForest annual loads were around 4.0 x 104 kg under all climate change scenarios; proAg annual loads increased from around 4.0 x 104 kg in 2021 to 1.6 x 105 kg in 2050 under all climate change scenarios. The results showed LUCC was the dominant factor for dissolved phosphorus loading. Overall, our results suggest that, while climate drives streamflow, N and P fluxes are largely driven by land use and management decisions. To balance human development and environmental quality, BAU is a feasible future development strategy.

Impacts of Landscape Change on Water Resources

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Changes in land use and land cover can have many drivers, including population growth, urbanization, agriculture, demand for food, evolution of socio-economic structure, policy regulations, and climate variability. The impacts of these changes on water resources range from changes in water availability (due to changes in losses of water to evapotranspiration and recharge) to degradation of water quality (increased erosion, salinity, chemical loadings, and pathogens). The impacts are manifested through complex hydro-bio-geo-climate characteristics, which underscore the need for integrated scientific approaches to understand the impacts of landscape change on water resources. Several techniques, such as field studies, long-term monitoring, remote sensing technologies, and advanced modeling studies, have contributed to better understanding the modes and mechanisms by which landscape changes impact water resources. Such research studies can help unlock the complex interconnected influences of landscape on water resources in terms of quantity and quality at multiple spatial and temporal scales. In this Special Issue, we published a set of eight peer-reviewed articles elaborating on some of the specific topics of landscape changes and associated impacts on water resources.

Employing Land-use Schemes as a Mitigation Strategy for the Water Quality Impacts of Global Climate Change

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Currently, relatively little information is known about the use of land management options as a tool to adapt to the water quality impacts of global climate change. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the combined impacts of land-use and climate changes on water quality in the Little Miami River (LMR) watershed. This project uses current and future land-use development plans from the counties comprising the LMR watershed to form a future land-use scenario for the watershed. Climate change is simulated using results from two prominent Global Circulation Models to develop four hypothetical climate scenarios. These scenarios simulate "worst-case" scenarios which depict the warm-dry and warm-wet events which can affect the hydrological cycle. The hydrological impacts of these climate scenarios, along with those of the future land-use changes, are modeled using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Through this methodology, individual and combined impacts of the land-use and climate changes on water quality can be examined. This results indicate that the changes in runoff, nutrient, and sediment loads under future climate changes are large enough to require a significant planning response. In addition, low-density residential developments can result in higher water quality than agricultural land, when both soil type and land-use type are taken into consideration. Modeling results indicate that the nutrient enrichment problem in the watershed is due to an overabundance of phosphorus; sedimentation is also a problem. When land-use changes are implemented in light of the impending climate change, both phosphorus loads and sediment loads can be drastically decreased. Therefore, the use of land management schemes can be a powerful, flexible, and adaptive tool to mitigate the adverse water quality impacts of global climate change.

Evaluation of Impacts of Conservation Practices on Surface Water and Groundwater at Watershed Scale

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For an agricultural watershed, best management practice (BMP) is a conservational way to prevent non-point source pollution, soil and water loss and mitigate groundwater declination. In this dissertation, several BMPs of tail water recovery system, conservation tillage system and crop rotation were selected and evaluated in order to demonstrate the impacts of those activities on stream water quality and quantity. Besides, a land use change scenario was also evaluated. In order to evaluate the scenarios comprehensively, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Annualized Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution (AnnAGNPS) were applied to simulate surface hydrology scenarios, and Modular flow (MODFLOW) models was used to simulate groundwater level change. This dissertation contains several novel methods regarding to model simulation including (i) using satellite imagery data to detect possible tail water recovery ponds, (ii) simulating surface and groundwater connected, (iii) selecting land use change area based on local trend and spatial relationship, (iv) comparing scenarios between two models. The outcomes from this dissertation included scenarios comparison on surface water quantity and quality, groundwater level change for long term simulation, and comparison between surface water models.

Combined Effects of Land Use Change and Climate Change on Soil Loss and Water Bablance Variables

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Changes in water balance variables such as runoff and evapotranspiration (ET) are essential in planning and management of land and water resources. Two major factors affecting these variables are climate and land use change. There is a need to investigate the combined effects of land use and climate change at local scales. Towards that end, the hydrological processes were modeled using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to investigate the impacts of climate and land use change in Southeast US (Makhtoumi, Li, Ibeanusi, and Chen, 2020). We integrated land use based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) with future climate data (CMIP5) to study the combined effects on hydrological response of Upper Choctawhatchee Watershed (UCW.) Future rainfall and air temperature, for two time periods (2040-2069 and 2070-2099), were obtained using Global Climate Models to provide SWAT with the climatic forcing in order to project water balance variables. The simulation was carried out under two radiative forcing pathways of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP6.0.) Our results indicate that increased imperviousness resulted from urbanization has more impact on runoff than that of projected changes in climate. Impacts on water balance variables (runoff, ET, discharge) differed seasonally. Results showed peak surface runoff experienced changes under both emission scenarios in June up to five times increase. Among the water balance variables, ET as the least dominant pathways for water loss, showed the modest changes with the largest decrease during fall and summer. Projections indicated more frequent extreme behavior regarding precipitation, peak surface runoff, water yield (WY) and ET, during midcentury. Discharge was estimated to increase through the year and the highest changes were expected during summer and fall with 186.3% increase in November under RCP6.0. Relying on rainfall for farming along with reduced agricultural land use (11.8%) and increased urban area (47%) and population growth, would likely make the water use efficiency critical. In our second study, we focused on the combined impact of land use and climate change on soil erosion at local scales. Topsoil loss is a widespread environmental concern causing adverse impacts on natural and human systems. Severe weather accompanied with human activities can exacerbate this issue degrading soil health and consequently accelerating global and regional food insecurity and injustice. Erosion impairs soil physical and chemical properties such as infiltration rate, water holding capacity, loss of nutrients including soil carbon and nitrogen. Although, temporal properties of a rainfall event have meaningful implications for soil erosion, spatial heterogeneity of a rainfall contributes substantially and cannot be overlooked. Therefore, in the third chapter we investigated soil loss using SWAT in Northern Mississippi. First, we built a hydrological model and calibrated it for both flow and sediment discharge. Then we developed land use and climate scenarios. The land use scenarios include farming (soybean and corn) and grazing practices. The climate scenarios comprise of four different precipitation time series, S0 which no concentration is forced, while S1, S2, and S3 have 3%, 6%, and 9% concentration in top four rainy days, respectively. We coupled the land use and climate scenarios and evaluated a small watershed (Hickahala Creek Watershed) in response. We classified the subbasins into different classes of soil loss severity and then determined the hotspots for soil loss at subbasin scale. Our result suggests that the resolution of rainfall data is crucial in studying the soil loss. We found that pasture management by itself can manifold soil loss, and if accompanied with extreme rainfalls, soil loss accelerates impacting different subbasins each time. We found that spatial heterogeneity of extreme rainfalls (ERs) can be more substantial than land use in individual extreme rainfalls; however, over a year, soil moisture and type of the management practices (grazing and farming) could contribute more to soil loss. Soil loss can go as high as 350 (ton/ha/yr) under the ERs. Adding only the management practices can increase erosion 3600%. Under S1 parts of watershed yield more than 150 ton/ha/yr (extremely severe). Under S2 and S3 more soil loss hotspots emerge yielding approximately 200 ton/ha/yr. We found that in the hotspots, up to 10% increase in CI can increase annual soil loss up to 75%. Single ER can generate up to 35% of annual soil loss. Under one ER event hotspot subbasins can lose up to 160 ton/ha/day (subbasin 15). The results reveal that adding grazing and farming (S0) under one ER event can increase soil loss by 95%. 32% and 80% increase in rainfall amount in one ER event can increase soil loss by 94% and 285% respectively. Our results suggested the importance of site-specific managements to mitigate soil loss and all the consequences. It is essential to consider the varying sensitivity of subbasins for the sustainability of agricultural landscapes.