The Geology of Central Europe

Book Description

Volume 1 focuses on the evolution of Central Europe from the Precambrian to the Permian, a dynamic period which traces the formation of Central Europe from a series of microcontinents that separated from Gondwana through to the creation of Pangaea. Separate summary chapters on the Cadomian, Caledonian and Variscan orogenic events as well as on Palaeozoic magmatism provide an overview of the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the region. These descriptions sometimes extend beyond the borders of Central Europe to take in the Scottish and Irish Caledonides as well as the Palaeozoic successions in the Baltic region.

Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Book Description

This book is intended as a practical handbook for those engaged in the task of analyzing the paleogeographic evolution of ancient sedimentary basins. The science of stratigraphy and sedimentology is central to such endeavors, but although several excellent textbooks on sedimentology have appeared in recent years little has been written about modern stratigraphic methods. Sedimentology textbooks tend to take a theoretical approach, building from physical and chemical theory and studies of mod ern environments. It is commonly difficult to apply this information to practical problems in ancient rocks, and very little guidance is given on methods of observation, mapping and interpretation. In this book theory is downplayed and the emphasis is on what a geologist can actually see in outcrops, well records, and cores, and what can be ob tained using geophysical techniques. A new approach is taken to stratigraphy, which attempts to explain the genesis of lithostratigraphic units and to de-emphasize the importance of formal description and nam ing. There are also sections explaining principles of facies analysis, basin mapping methods, depositional systems, and the study of basin thermal history, so important to the genesis of fuels and minerals. Lastly, an at tempt is made to tie everything together by considering basins in the con text of plate tectonics and eustatic sea level changes.

Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Book Description

Over the past five years there have been many advances in the field of basin analysis. Developments such as the publication of new stratigraphic codes; new research in fission-track dating; evolution of thought regarding the importance of tectonic versus eustatic controls of regional and global cycles; and refinements of geophysically-based, basin-subsidence models have necessitated the publication of a second edition of Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis. Like the first edition, this book emphasizes the stratigraphic evidence which geologists can actually see in outcrops, well records, and core samples and can gather using geophysical techniques. Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis is both an excellent text for students and a practical handbook for professional geologists.

Sedimentary Facies Analysis

Book Description

This book celebrates the professional career of Harold Reading, who has played a leading role in the development of the IAS, and has been at the roots of the development of 'facies sedimentology' as an art in itself and as a major tool in the broader field of geology. This special collection of original research papers from Harold Reading's students covers the wide range of his research interests and reflects the power of facies sedimentology today. State-of-the-art research papers in the important field of facies sedimentology * a festschrift to one of the great names in sedimentology.

Tectonic Controls and Signatures in Sedimentary Successions

Book Description

Stratigraphers and sedimentologists who are presently describing and interpreting the infill of sedimentary basins are generally agreed that it is difficult to disentangle the signatures of tectonic processes from those of climate and eustatic sea level change in the resultant rock succession. Until better criteria are developed to distinguish between the roles played by the major variables, it is still most useful to document and interpret basin-fill architectures where we know, from independent evidence, that one of the main controls is likely to have been a major contributor. This book contains a collection of papers describing situations where the tectonic setting is fairly well established, and it can be assumed that at least the tectonic factor has contributed to the resultant signatures.

The Geology of England and Wales

Book Description

This second edition of 'The Geology of England and Wales' is considerably expanded from its predecessor, reflecting the increase in our knowledge of the region, and particularly of the offshore areas. Forty specialists have contributed to 18 chapters, which cover a time range from 700 million years ago to 200 million years into the future. A new format places all the chapters in approximately temporal order. Both offshore and economic geology now form an integral part of appropriate chapters.

Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Associations

Book Description

In recent years there has been a virtual explosion of stratigraphic studies utilizing the principles of sequence stratigraphy. Although the concept of time stratigraphy is not new, the packaging of depositional units into systems tracts and sequences is. This new approach has led to the reassessment of areas that in some cases have been the subject of intense geological scrutiny for decades. The fundamental principles upon which sequence stratigraphy is based are applicable at a broad range of temporal and physical scales. This volume arises from several sessions on sequence stratigraphy held at the Thirteenth International Sedimentological Congress, with emphasis on facies associations within a sequence stratigraphic framework.

Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis

Book Description

Review of the second edition "For geologists and geophysicists studying sedimentary fill of basins, this volume is a valuable addition to their shelves. The book is packed with informationincludes numerous lists of references, and is up-to-date. As a source volume, this book is second to none. It is clear and well organized." GEOPHYSICS

British Upper Carboniferous Stratigraphy

Book Description

This volume summarizes the results of a survey of British Upper Carboniferous sites, undertaken between 1978 and 1990 as part of the Geological Conservation Review (GCR). The GCR was the first attempt to assess the scientific significance of all Britain's geological sites and has proved a landmark in the development of a coherent geological conservation strategy in this country. To ensure that the assessments were based on a firm logical and scientific foundation, the range of scientific interest was divided into ninety-seven discrete subject 'blocks', reflecting the natural divisions of stratigraphy, palaeogeography and geological process; Westphalian stratigraphy and Namurian stratigraphy were two of these blocks. The first stage in the survey was a review of the literature, to establish a compre hensive database of sites. From this, a provisional list of potentially significant sites was made and this was circulated to all relevant specialists in this country and abroad. At the same time, the sites were visited to assess their physical condition and whether the interest was still extant. In some cases, excavation (so-called 'site-cleaning') was carried out to see if the interest of a site could be resurrected or enhanced. The com ments made by the specialists and the field observations were then used to produce a second site list, which again was circulated for comment.